Chapter 16- I have a Daughter...

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Chapter 16

Taehyung's POV

I couldn't believe that she kept this from me for six whole years! I had a daughter that knew nothing about me or did she? I knew nothing about her, I missed out on so many milestones already. Her first word her first steps her first everything, I missed it all and for what?

"Hey how'd it go?"

I look up and see the members sitting around watching a movie. I feel my knuckles starting to hurt from clenching my fists so tight, I had never been this angry or upset in my life.

"Did you guys know? Did any of you know?"

"Whoa what's wrong Taehyung-Ah, know what?" Hoseok says getting up from his seat and placing his arm on my back.

The moment her starts to rub my back trying to give me comfort I break. I just start to sob, I can't control what is coming out of me. My knees buckle and I start to shake, I hear the worried murmurs from my members as a few more hands wrap around me in comfort.

"I have a daughter"


After what felt like hours I had no more tears left, my eyes were puffy and swollen and I'm sure my face was all red and blotchy. Jimin played with my hair as I laid there in silence, I had told them everything that y/n had said to me. They stayed silent at first just listening to me and trying to comfort me in any way they could.

"I know you're upset Taehyung-Ah but try to think about it from y/n's point of view."

I glare over at Yoongi but he continues

"You know she wouldn't do anything to hurt you Taehyung-Ah, she loves you and she was probably scared. You guys were really young"

"Yoongi-Hyung is right, plus I'm sure having a sit down with the company alone didn't help either. She was probably terrified"

Namjoon adds, I sigh not wanting to hear their voice of reason but I knew deep down they were right. Y/n would never do anything to intentionally hurt me it just wasn't in her nature. She was a people pleaser.

"I just can't help but be pissed off at her, I've missed so much of my daughters life already...I don't even know her name or what she looks like"

"She didn't tell you?" Jimin asks looking down at me, I look away and frown "No I left before she could say anything else" I hear a tsk from the other side of the room and I glance over at Jin.

"You're going to have to grow up here Taehyung-ah, you have a daughter to think about now so whatever feelings you have towards y/n. You have to set aside so you can get to know your daughter, you and y/n don't matter no more, the only thing that matters is that little girl"

The room stays silent as I get scolded from my Hyung, I know he was right but I just needed time to short things out in my head at least a night to just go through the motions. Instead of fighting against him I bite my tongue, I needed to be alone with my thoughts for a while longer.

"You're right Hyung, I'll talk to her tomorrow. I'm going to go to bed for now"

They nodded and each gave me a hug and a few encouraging words before I went to my room and drowned in my own self pity.


The next day I had texted y/n and asked if she would meet me again at a nearby restaurant. I hadn't slept at all last night but I knew I needed to sort this out, the sooner the better so I can see my daughter.

I didn't want to waste anymore time in getting to know her or wonder what she even looked like. I just wanted to meet her and get to know everything about her.

I called ahead and reserved a private room so we wouldn't have any interruptions. I waited patiently tapping my fingers on the table, I wondered if she looked like me or maybe more like y/n. I hope she did, y/n although she was an asshole right now she was still very beautiful so to have our daughter look anything like her would be a blessing.

"Good Morning"

I looked up and sighed, y/n looked about as shitty as I did. I doubt she slept last night, her eyes looked just as puffy as mine even with make up I can tell she has been crying again.

I hated myself for wanting to comfort her.

"I'm sorry I stormed off yesterday" I said once she was settled

"Don't be Taehyung, I deserve everything and then some. I should have never ran off like that. You were so right, it wasn't only my choice to make it was yours as well...I'm so sorry"

Her voice broke a few times and I felt myself wanting to reach out and hold her, let her know it was okay and we would work through it but I held back.

The anger inside me still strong as I sat here and looked at the woman I loved and trusted with my whole heart...she betrayed me in the worse way.

"What's her name?"

My voice came out soft and vulnerable, y/n smiled and pulled out something from her purse

"Taerin, she's the most incredible little girl. I know you'll love her Tae, she already adores you"

My heart starts to race when she hands me the photos, I smile widely when I see the beauty before me.

"I've met her"

I whisper thinking about the painting she gave me, it inspired a new song I was working on.

"Taerin" I mumble smiling down at the picture, she was beautiful just like her mother.

I feel my tears start to fall down my face thinking about the little girl I had wished was my daughter at one point.

"You want to meet her? She's not far"

I look up and meet y/n's soft gaze, suddenly I don't care about how pissed I am at her. I just want to meet and see this little girl again, my little girl...Taerin



A/n I'm going away this
Weekend on a short trip
So I might update again
Later or before I leave

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