Chapter 3- Tickets

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Chapter 3

Namjoon's POV

"How was the museum?"

I quickly swallowed my food before opening my mouth "Great, I think you'll like it Taehyung. It's your style" Hoseok nodded.

"Yeah reminded me a lot of your work. We can go back with you if you want" he smiled and nodded before stuff his cheeks and smacking his pouty lips. I never understood why he ate like that but it was cute.

(I had to he's too cute when he eats)

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(I had to he's too cute when he eats)

I looked over and met Hoseok's gaze, he nodded and I took a breath.

"You'll never guess who we ran into at the museum"

A few eyes looked at me curious as a few focused on their food or drink "Who Hyung?" Jungkook asked waving his hand over his mouth, he never learns always shoving food in his mouth and burning his tongue.


Now all eyes were on me as well as Hoseok, we both watched him carefully. He was frozen.

"How was she? Why didn't you invite her to dinner?" Seokjin asked his eyes flickering from me to Hoseok to him.

"We did but she was busy, I think she's with someone. We heard her on the phone when we were saying goodbye"

I glared at Hoseok and he shrugged taking another bite of his food. "She's not married though, I didn't see a ring" I added.

I watched as well as the other's, his shoulders relaxed a bit and then he took a deep breath. His gaze finally meeting mine.

" did she look? Is she okay? Is she doing well for herself?"

I gave him a soft smile and nodded "Yeah she seemed like she was doing good."

It amazed me that after all this time and all the pain they had gone through they still cared about one another or at least he did. I can't even count the amount of times I caught him staring at old photos of them or watching old videos on his phone, smiling like a fool.

I wonder how it would be if they met up again...we all know that they belong to each other. But what if she was seeing someone? I didn't get that vibe really but maybe I over looked it.

"Beautiful as ever to"

Hoseok added with a smile. He nodded and continued to eat, I can tell his mind was working overtime but who could blame him? We all were curious about what really happened between them and why she left.


Your POV

Two days later

"How many can I get?"

Spoiled little thing, she knew it was hard for me to say no when she looked up at me with those eyes...his eyes.

"How many were you thinking?"

I ask knowing she will say all, she smiles cutely up at me and tilts her head to the side letting her hair fall over her shoulder "Hmm maybe all of them?" I laugh and nod my head knowing her all too well.

"We'll take them all I guess"

I teasingly smile down at her before collecting the plushies and walking over to the counter. The little bub convinced me to take her to this bt21 pop up shop because she just needed the new plushies.

As much as it scared me to have her love and know so much about these men it also made me feel warm somehow. Knowing that in a different reality these men, that she looked up to so much would play a huge role in her life and be like uncles to her.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you"

Taerin cheered as we made our way back to the car. I smiled and kissed her face up "Your very welcome my love" she jumped into her seat and took out one of her plushies and hugged it tight. I shook my head as I buckled her up and got in the drivers seat.

"Eomma my birthday is in two weeks!"

I glanced back at her and smiled "I'm aware, what is it you want to do for your birthday?" I ask.

It's always just been the two of us, she's never really had a big birthday because we didn't really have anyone to celebrate with us until Jae came along. But still every year on her birthday I take the day off and we do anything and everything she wants and then have ice cream for dinner. She's never been a huge fan of cake but ice cream was her weakness.

"Eomma you know what I really really want..."

I Hmm in response as I close in on our next destination.

"To see BTS! Please Eomma please! I'll be so so good and I won't ask for anything for like a whole week" I laugh as I park the car.

I was really going to have to take her huh? I sigh coming to the realization that she wasn't going to let this go...

"Bub you do understand that they are huge right? Like everyone will be at that concert and it's been sold out for a long time now"

Her eyes glaze over and her lip starts to pout breaking my heart in the process "Oh" is all she mumbles. I sigh and get out of the car and go to her side, I poke her cheeks but she still pouts as her tears brim her eyes.

"You really really wanna go?"

I ask and she nods still not looking up at me. She was stubborn and when she was upset it was next to impossible to get her back to the good side.

I sigh and unbuckle her from her seat before taking hold of her chubby cheeks.

"Okay bub, If I work some magic and get us tickets you have to promise me that you'll be good and eat all your veggies and-"

Before I can list anymore demands she cuts me off with a squeal and a death gripping hug around my neck. I laugh and hug her back

"I haven't gotten the tickets yet though bub" she loosened her grip just enough to pull back and kiss my cheeks all while giggling.

"That's okay, I know Eomma will get them somehow"

I smile and kiss attack her face. How can I not move mountains to please her? She was too cute for her own good.

Now to get those fucking tickets.


A\N: Lucky girl lol
Also makes me sad that so many of you don't care for this story, I know it's different for me and a little slow but it gets so much better I promise 🥺

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