Chapter 1- BTS 🙄

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Chapter 1

"You can't stop me loving myself"

I roll my eyes and turn off the music earning a gasp and glare from the little girl who just so happened to be dancing on the coffee table.

"Down now, we're going to be late"

She sticks out her lower lip and crosses her arms over her chest, I do my best to hide my smile. She looked so cute and she looked just like her father...I sigh

"Eomma whats the plan for today? Who is picking me up? Are you working late?"

I laugh as I snatch the way too smart for her age, dumpling up and kiss her chubby cheeks

"Uncle will be picking you up and yes I might be a little late tonight but hey it's our Friday that means I'm all yours tomorrow okay?"

I smile as her big doe eyes light up, she was just too cute for words sometimes. "Eomma, can we go to see bts" I groan wishing she had no clue who they were but unfortunately they were everywhere and she was obsessed.

"Taerin I thought we talked about this"

I glance over at her seeing the wheels turning in her head as we get to my car. "But I've been so so good" I laugh a little and actually consider it but a huge part of me knows just how risky her request is.

It scares me to think what he would do if I ever seen him again...not to mention if he sees her.

"I'll think about it baby, but it's very expensive you know"

she pouts again and looks out the window sighing. She can be so dramatic sometimes "You always say that" she huffs.

I shake my head and smile as I start to drive, she was a spitting image of her father and it drove me insane sometimes. Even their mannerisms were often similar. It was a blessing and a curse for me, although most the time I enjoyed it. It felt like I always had him with me still.


Considering I had taerin young and practically alone I did okay for myself. My art really seemed to take off two years after I had taerin, housing two museums and giving lectures every now and then at a few of the local colleges I did okay.

We had more than enough and now I was venturing out in a few other businesses. Having little to no family only made me work that much harder to be successful and give my baby girl everything she needed in life.

"Ah y/n must you always look this good in the morning?"

I rolled my eyes tossing a bag of baked goods at my assistant "What do you want this time?" He laughed and followed me into my work studio

"Why do you always assume I want things? I mean every word I say to you"

I set my things down and shake my head "Anyways your good to pick up the bub?" I ask kicking off my heels and walking over to the latest piece I was working on "Of course, we have a full day planned" I smile over at him and nod.

I was very lucky to have him around, he was my biggest supporter and my biggest help when it came to Taerin. For whatever reason she listened to him more than she did me sometimes.

"Whatever you guys do just limit the sweets and BTS"

He stuffed his cheeks with the baked goods and rolled his eyes

"Whats your beef with them? You should be happy Rin looks up to them. They're good dudes"

I look back at my painting and sigh, I unfortunately knew they were good people. I was just afraid of them finding out the truth.

"Yeah yeah I know, I just want her to focus on more important things"

This causing him to laugh.

"She's five well almost six which by the way I really think you should take her to see bts. That little girl deserves it and if and when you do decide to buy those pricey tickets don't forget mine"

"Really Jae" I laugh and he shrugs "Like I said they're good dudes" I arch my brow making him blush a bit before he's scurrying out of the studio.


After staring at my work and getting no where I wondered out of the studio and decided to head to the museum that was housing my latest collection.

One of my favorite things to do was to lurk around and see what others would say about my work. It was always fascinating seeing their views on what I created. It also helped give me new perspectives and inspiration, which was exactly what I needed right now.

Drinking my coffee I walked around quietly and observed. I listened to the few 'I don't get its' as well as the 'I could of done that' which always made me laugh but then I was caught off guard when I seen two familiar figures posing with my pieces.

I walked closer but made sure to keep my distance, not wanting to interrupt or be seen to be honest. I smiled when their faces came into view, it was exactly who I had thought it was.

They both looked so good and happy, it made me smile. All I've ever wanted for those seven boys was happiness and success and thankfully they achieved it.

My heart ached wanting to run over and tell them how proud I was of them but I didn't. I just silently watched like a creeper and felt my insides turn warm.

They look so much bigger now and more handsome, I laugh a little at myself thinking back to the hairdos they used to have.

I looked up and froze.

Did I really laugh that loud?



A/n So....I couldn't help myself lol
I'm so in love with this story and I'm so proud of it I really really hope you guys enjoy it maybe give it a share or vote. It would mean the world 🥺💜

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