Chapter 4- Its Him

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Chapter 4

Two weeks later

Today was the day, I was still laying in bed looking at the ceiling making up shapes and patterns. I hadn't slept much last night, I was nervous for today even though I should be overjoyed. It was Taerin's sixth birthday today and unfortunately for me today was the day we would be facing her father.

Not like she or he would know but I was terrified of going. What if he seen us? Or what if staff recognizes me? It had been years sense I've seen or been around any of them...

I thought changing my name and look would be enough but apparently my whole make over wasn't as great as I thought sense Namjoon and Hoseok spotted me from a mile away.

I groan as I look over at the clock, my love would be awake any moment now.

I jump up and smile, she had no idea I had actually gotten the tickets. It cost me a job or two but it was worth it. I thought about just asking Hoseok or Namjoon but that seemed too risky for my liking.

Lucky for me I know people and had a few connections still.

Making my way across the hall I poke my head in my daughters room, I smile seeing she's still sound asleep. Surrounded by her bt21 plushies, you could barely make out her tiny figure.

I grab my phone and quickly take a picture before turning on her favorite song. I start to sing it as I make my way over to her, she groans a little and tries to hide under the mountain of stuffed animals.

"Oh come on my sweets, get up and dance with me"

Another tiny groan as she rubs her eyes.

"Fine be a lazy butt I guess I'll go see BTS by myself"

I sigh and turn to head out of the room. Before I can even finish turning a loud high pitched squeal echoed in my ears. "Ow" I say turning my head to see the tiny princess jumping up and down on her bed.

"Eomma! Your for really? Like no prank?"

Her face drops and her tiny hand hikes up on her hip as she pouts "If this is a prank it's not very funny Eomma"

I laugh and scoop her up into my arms. She may be six but sometimes she looked way younger she was very petite for her age. She Definitely got my height and not her fathers.

"Do you really think I'd do that to you?"

I say as I kiss her face up. Another loud squeal "keep that up and I won't be able to hear the boys singing tonight" she giggles and hugs my neck tight.

"I love you so much Eomma, your the bestest in the whole world"

I squeeze her back, nothing in this world can compare to how happy this little girl makes me. I would die for her in a heartbeat.

"I love you to bub, more than you'll ever know"

She wiggles in my arms as she starts to sing along to the song, I twirl around the room with her in my arms and sing along with her. Of course it's his song, his voice would be her favorite, her comfort. I can't even blame her though, once upon a time his voice was my comfort to.


After trucking all over the city in search for the most perfect outfit we were finally ready. One thing the kid didn't lack in was fashion, she oddly had a great eye for clothes. I smiled over at her as She sang along to her favorite bts songs and fixed her hair for the millionth time.

"So Rin are you going to show them your moves tonight? Cause you know uncle Jae is always ready to bust a move"

"Please don't embarrass me tonight uncle"

I laughed as Taerin covered her face and shook her head slightly. "By the way where are we sitting?" Jae asked as he stuck his tongue out at Taerin. "I don't know actually, here" I said handing him the tickets as I looked ahead.

My heart sped up as I seen the venue, thank god I hired a driver today I probably would of had a heart attack and crashed already.


I jumped at Jae's loud voice "How did you get these tickets?? Do you realize how close we are?"

What? No no no.

I specifically told them I needed far seats not close. Fuck. This was such a bad idea.

Taerin squealed again and clapped her hands "I'll get to see seokjinnie and Jungkookie oppa up close!"

I laughed but inside I was freaking out, maybe just maybe they weren't as close as he thinks.


Okay fuck they were close, like way too close for my comfort.

"Relax, look how happy the bub is."

I took a deep breath and looked around, the stadium was so packed. I smiled seeing all the fans sing along to the music videos they had playing, waving their army bombs. I looked down at Taerin doing the exact same thing, the sparkle in her eyes brighter than ever.


"Your right, I should just let her enjoy this"

Jae smiles and bumped me with his arm before looking down at Taerin who was standing between us. Jae smiled and then started to sing and dance with her.

It's going to be okay y/n, we are surrounded by so many fans right now I highly doubt anyone will notice us. I took another deep breath and tried to relax a little bit, but still my eyes kept scanning every part of the stadium.

I felt panicked. I couldn't help it I hadn't seen him in six years, sure I seen him all over but never in person.

Suddenly the lights went out and the screams pierced my ears. My heart started to pound as I reached down and grabbed for my baby girl.

I picked her up so she could see and held her closely to me as my anxiety started to take over. I took a deep breath and looked up at the stage, we were dead center and only five rows back. This was too too close.

"Here baby put on your mask"

"Eomma nooo please"

I sighed putting on mine quickly and then glancing around again.

My eyes stopping on Taerin, her big curious eyes lit up when the opening song started to play and the boys appeared in front of her. I couldn't help but smile as I watched her eyes glisten and her smile so wide she could barely sing along to the song. I had never seen my bub so excited.

"I love you"

I whispered against her cheek, she giggled and kissed my nose.

"Look Eomma it's them! It's really them!"

"I know baby" I chuckled glancing at the stage now, my breath instantly being taken from me when my eyes fell upon him.

Kim Taehyung.


A/N: Oh man holy Sh*t!

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