Chapter 31- You love him, right? 💦

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Chapter 31

"Quite a crowd outside"

Hoseok smiles and pulls me into the dorm, I kick off my heels and he smiles down at me. "You love him back right?" I laugh and hit his arm

"Forward much? Where are those two anyways?"

He smirks and drapes his arm over my shoulder as we walk more into the living room "Our princess is with Jungkookie and Jiminie, she wanted to play dress up" I raise my brow up at him and he laughs

"They look great I got videos, she was doing jiminie's make up when you knocked and Jungkook has glitter all over his hair he looks pretty"

"Please send those to me" I laugh, he nods as we come to a stop. "So you love him right?" I pinch his arm lightly as he whines "Will you stop that" I laugh feeling my cheeks burn. "Aigo" he smirks poking my cheeks "Stop it" I laugh hitting his hands away.

"Go talk to him he's in his room we'll keep Taerin busy"

He wiggles his brows making me blush more "Stop!" I laugh when he pushes me down the hall towards Taehyung's room.

The door is cracked open and a ball of fluff comes trotting towards me "Yah Tani" I hear Tae as I kneel down and pet the fluff ball. I hadn't met his puppy yet


I look up and smile, Taehyung licks his lips and leans against the wall "He's cute" I blush looking back towards the fluff ball that's jumping on my lap. I pick him up and get to my feet, Taehyung walks over to us and nuzzles his face into the puppy. Making sure to let his nose brush mine when he pulls away, I feel my whole body heat up at the small gesture and he takes notice.


"Come here" he whispers pulling on my sleeve so I'd follow him into the room. I set Tani down and slowly make my way into the room. I smile when I see Taerin's set up, she told me all about it the first night she slept here.

"It's not much but it will do for now, I told her I'd buy us a place soon. I've been looking"

"That's sweet of you" I smile as he pulls me down on the bed so I'd sit next to him. "Maybe" he breaths tucking a strand of my hair behind my ear, I look up at him through my lashes feeling my pulse pick up. "You can come to..." he leans in and brushes my lips softly. I slowly smile leaning in and pressing my lips against him.

All my worries quickly wash away as we melt into one another. His tongue traces my lower lip as I happily let him in. His hand hooks around my back as he pulls me closer, I feel so giddy that I can't help but smile into the kiss. He smiles to before his teeth bite at my lower lip and drag it out with him as he pulls away.

I blush as his hands now grip my thighs, Tani barks making us both jump.

"K I S S I N G"

We both look towards the door and see Taerin smirking and singing along with princess Jimin and Jungkook. Taehyung laughs his cheeks turning pink as I duck behind his back feeling mortified.

"I'm telling Seokjinnie!"

Taerin shouts before running off. "Aish close the door at least, what if we would of seen more!" Jimin teases before pulling the door shut. I can hear the two laughing down the hall as I hit Taehyung's back making him laugh more.

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