Chapter 17- Shes Perfect

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Chapter 17

Your POV

"Eomma I'm nervous"

I smile and kiss her cheeks "Don't be, you've met him before and had fun right?" She nods her head.

"Let me know how it goes and if you need anything just call I'll be here in a heartbeat"

Eonjin says before kneeling down to Taerin's height, I had her watch her while I met with Taehyung first.

"You'll be okay princess, but if not your Eomma will be right there with you or I can come back and beat his butt for you. I've done it before"

Taerin giggles and hugs her auntie quickly "Love you both" Eonjin says as she pulls away "Love you to" we both say causing Taerin to giggle, I smile and grip her hand.

"Ready bub?"

She nods and then we head back to the private room where Taehyung is waiting.

I myself feel nervous but I know the two will love each other and this was the right thing to do...


Taehyung's POV

I see the curtain pull back and in comes the little beauty from the art school. She shyly smiles and clings a little more towards y/n. My heart accelerates when I see her beautiful little face again, I couldn't believe she was mine. She was far more beautiful than I remembered and even the pictures didn't do her justice, she was perfect.

I get up not really sure if I should bow or pull her chair out, I do both making her giggle and I suddenly feel a little less nervous.

"Well if it isn't baby bear"

I say as she takes the seat I pulled out for her. I push it in and kneel down next to her.

"Your baby bear not me"

She smiles, I know we've met before but I feel like this is my first time really seeing her. She has one hidden dimple just like y/n, it's peeking out now as she smiles over at me. Her eyes are lighter than mine almost a hazel color just like y/n, those soft round cheeks are a mixture of both of us. She's perfect, absolutely perfect.

"I'm pretty sure you are baby bear, my baby bear"

I say feeling a sense of pride wash over me. This was my girl, my daughter and she was perfect so incredibly perfect.

"If you say so, do you still have my painting? Also what do I call you now Taehyungieee"

I laugh a little and take my seat, pulling it slightly closer to her. "Yes I still have your painting, I'm writing a song about it actually"

Her eyes light up and I feel my heart swell. No one has ever made my heart feel like this other than her mother...what was I going to do with two of them? 

"And you can call me whatever you want..."

I look up at y/n and she smiles. The tears being obvious in her eyes, I return the smile and she lets them fall, I feel my hand twitch to reach out but she turns away and wipes them herself.

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