Chapter 20- Sleepy Party

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Chapter 20

Taehyung's pov

Three weeks later

"Okay I'm going to go pick her up please have everything set up so it can actually be a surprise"

"Don't worry Taehyung-ah, we will have it all done" Jimin assures me, I nod and head out the door to go get my baby bear.

Today was going to be our first sleepover, to say I was nervous was an understatement. I was so nervous she wouldn't feel comfortable at the dorm with the guys or that she'd wake up and cry in the middle of the night for y/n and I won't know what to do or how to comfort her....god I was nervous.

I had spent any and every amount of free time with my girls, even if it was twenty minutes I would rush over just so I can see them both. It was hard on the days I didn't get to see them but y/n was kind enough to FaceTime so I can at least talk to Taerin before bed or before school

So this sleepover was important because if everything went well I'd be able to have more time with Taerin. So everything had to be perfect.



My smiles widened when I seen my baby bear appear in the doorway, y/n tucked away behind the door.

"You ready?"

I ask looking up at y/n, it had been like this sense that night. She kept her distance and barely spoke to me unless it had to do with Taerin, I wasn't sure if it was her way of letting us have our moment or if she just didn't want to talk to me.

Whatever it was it hurt knowing she could barely look me in the eyes.

"Yup! I just need to grab TaTa" Taerin said running towards her room, I took a step inside as y/n walked towards the kitchen.

"You sure this is okay?"

Y/n looks back at me, and I feel my heart flutter. She looked beautiful, even in her casual attire and no make up.

"Of course, why are you having doubts?"

I shook my head and headed towards her, my feet apparently had a mind of their own and needed to be closer to her.

I watched as she bit at her lower lip, it drove me crazy when she did that. "Nervous?" She asked, finally for what seemed like forever she looked up at me and held my gaze for more than a half a second.

"A little"

My voice came out low and almost in a moan? Making her brow raise. God I wanted her...I sigh and step back knowing she didn't want me. She takes a breath as well "Don't worry, she's your kid she loves her sleep" I laugh and lean back against the counter "Yeah I noticed"

"I'm ready"

Taerin said skipping over to us, y/n picked her up and kissed her whole face up making her giggle

"Eomma can you believe my first sleepy party is with BTS!"

We both laugh, Taerin had met the guys a few times now but she still tended to fangirl over them from time to time especially Jin. "Lucky you" y/n said hugging her tightly

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