Chapter 11- Eonjin

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Chapter 11

"Eomma do you know what I really really want for Christmas this year?"

I look down at her as she swings our hands. I laugh a little barely able to see her cute face because of her puffy coat and beanie. "What's that?"

"To see BTS again!"

I laugh and internally sigh "maybe if I wish real hard it will happen right Eomma?" I nod my head and she twirls, using my hand to keep steady.

"Y/n? Y/n-ah!"

My heart stops as I look up "Eomma who's that?" Taerin asks swinging out locked hands.

"I thought that was you"

I feel my pulse pick up and I instantly pick up Taerin and hold her close. This tended to be my go to lately whenever others were around my girl. I watch as Eonjin looks from me to Taerin, her eyes almost pop out when she sees her.

"Oh, um hello"

Eonjin says towards Taerin, Taerin smiles and mumbled a hi before hugging me more. "Is this your...daughter?" I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding when I meet Eonjin's eyes. I nod and she gives me a soft smile, I can see all the questions in her eyes and I feel like I'm about to be under attack.

"It's cold out, let me treat you girls to some hot chocolate yeah?"

Before I can decline Taerin shouts a yay and bounces in my arms. I open my mouth to object and eonjin's hand is already on my forearm


Her eyes are practically begging me to just let her do this. I feel obligated to give into her but I clutch my little girl tighter as she leads us away.


"She's beautiful y/n"

"Thank you" I breath looking over at Taerin, she was playing with some of the other kids in the cafe as we sat by a nearby table. She made friends wherever we went, always friendly.

"She's my brothers right?"

I suddenly feel all the air leave my body and tears start to form as my hands tremble against the mug I was holding.

Eonjin frowns and grabs my hands taking them from the mug "Shh it's okay" I nod and take in a deep breath as my tears fall. I quickly wipe them away pulling my hands from her.

"I'm so sorry" is all I can choke out as Eonjin silently stares at me. To my surprise she doesn't look mad she just looks sad and confused.

As I steady my breathing and calm down slightly I look back at Taerin and smile.

"I didn't want it to be like this Eonjin, but it had to. I had to protect him and I couldn't let him just throw everything away...not when he was so close"

I choke back a sob as I meet her eyes again. But she's not looking at me anymore, she's looking at my baby girl.

"She looks just like him, only she's more beautiful...she must get that from you though"

She says softly a small smile on her lips as her own tear starts sliding down her face. She quickly wipes it and sighs "You can't tell Eonjin, he...he can't know" I say just above a whisper.

She looks at me now with furrowed brows, I can tell she has a million things running through her head right now. I couldn't blame her though.

"Y/n...I just...I don't understand it Why?....Why didn't you at least tell us?...Who?...Who helped you during that time? You have no family..."

"Eomma, my tummy hurts"

I frown and set her on my lap, feeling her forehead "You don't feel good bub?" I ask I can feel Eonjin's eyes on us. Taerin nods and curls into my side "Okay baby lets get you home then"

I say putting her coat and hat back on. I glance over at Eonjin and see the slight panic in her face.

"Um" she says as I get to my feet, holding Taerin close. "Can I mean can we maybe meet up again?" She asks getting to her feet as well, I feel Taerin turn her head and look towards her.

"Thank you for the hot chocolate it's my favorite"

The smile on Eonjin's face makes me feel bad, I can see how happy just this little time has made her and I can't help but think about Taehyung.

I was so frightened of what he would do if he found out, but maybe he did deserve to know? I just didn't want to ruin things for him...he was doing so well right now. They were huge not only in Korea but all over now, it seemed like every one know who BTS was at this point and I didn't want to ruin that.

"You're welcome Taerin, it's's um my brothers favorite to"

I feel a tear wanting to escape my eye and Eonjin gives me a sympathetic yet pleading look.

"I have to get her home and give her maybe want to come? So we can talk?"

She nods quickly and grabs her things, not even trying to hold back her tears now as she heads for the door and holds it open for us. I give her a weak smile and head out, Eonjin so close her arm keeps touching me.

I couldn't help but feel terrified, I wasn't sure what I had just done but something in my felt like it needed to be done. It needed to all be let out, the truth had to be let out.

Taerin was getting older now, the questions about her daddy were less frequent these days but still I knew she wondered. Seeing all her friends with both there parents...I can always see the curiosity in her eyes as to where her father was and why he wasn't ever around us.

I sigh as I lead the way to our car, maybe this would be a good thing for all of us. But my fear was still clutching at my chest.  One thing was certain though...

I was going to protect my baby girl no matter what.


A/n *Gasp* what will
Happen next? Lol
Not going to lie
I'm going to double

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