Chapter 6- Sister in law?

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Chapter 6

It had been one month sense the concert, life seemed to be getting back to normal. Taerin hasn't taken Taehyung's hat off though, she wears it to school almost every day which required me to have to buy her new clothes to match it because god forbid she didn't have a stylish outfit on at school.

But it made her happy so I didn't complain much. She still talks about the show every day as well and relives her moment with Tae.

Each time she adds a little something extra that happened this time he apparently blew a kiss at her and told her she's the most beautifulest girl in the world.

I laughed I mean it wasn't too far off if he knew who she was I'm pretty sure he would tell her how beautiful she was every single day.

"Well the most beautifulest girl in the world, we are here. I'll pick you up today okay? Be a good girl and please don't boss your teacher around"

She rolled her eyes as she grabbed her backpack "I didn't boss her around I just didn't agree with what she was saying Eomma"

I sigh trying not to smile at her, she was just so cute though. "Well try to listen and agree to disagree if you don't see other's point of views." She nodded and then hopped out of the car, the drop off lady taking her hand and waving goodbye to me.

What on earth was I going to do with that girl?


As I finished up a lecture I was giving I couldn't help but catch someone standing or more like waiting by the exit. I suddenly felt nervous, dismissing the class I quickly gathered my things and headed to the other exit. Something was telling me that whoever was waiting around that door was waiting for me.

I successfully made my way out of the building and into the parking structure. I quickly hit unlock once my car came into view when I heard my name being called.

I stopped.

Because it wasn't a male was a woman. I turned slowly and my eyes widened when I seen Taehyung's sister running towards me.

"Eo-" before I could get her name out her arms were being wrapped around me tightly.

"I knew it was you"

Hesitantly I hugged her back and smiled, I hadn't seen her in just as long as Tae. She was younger than us both but she always clung to me, I didn't mind though I enjoyed her company.

"How are you? You look so good"

She beamed pulling away from me but still holding onto my hand. Still clingy like her brother.

I smile a little and look her over "Me? Look at you. Your so grown up now and so beautiful" she smiled.

"Why thank you, I thought you left and went back home after the break up. Did you stay this whole time?"

I nodded "No reason to go home, I just stayed and did my own thing" she nodded "Well shame on you for not at least keeping in touch with me, I felt just as heart broken when I found out you guys broke up. I yelled at my brother I'm sure he did something stupid" she laughed lightly and I gave her a weak smile.

"No he didn't do anything actually things just got...complicated. But anyways what are you doing here? Are you taking classes?"

I asked trying to quickly get away from the topic. "Yeah I'll be graduating this year actually, did you get married by the way? Why did you change your name?"

Aish this girl always had so many questions. Another thing I see hasn't changed much.

"No" I laughed "Definitely not married still very single, but yeah I changed my name a while back for...reasons"

I didn't really know what to say. I changed my name so you guys wouldn't contact me? So your bother wouldn't chase me and move on with his life? I couldn't say all that.

She smiled "No need to explain I get it, Taehyung is going to freak when he knows that I ran into you" I felt slightly panicked at the thought.

My second biggest fear was having his family hate me. Which I knew would happen if they ever found out about Taerin.

"Oh you don't have to tell him I doubt he remembers me anyways"

She snorts as she takes out her phone "That's hilarious y/n, he still randomly brings you up even Eomma talks about you. We all miss you like crazy you should come by for dinner or something"

My heart ached.

I would love that. Rinnie would love that.

But we couldn't.

"I couldn't impose like that anyways Eonjin it was so good seeing you but I actually have to go or I'm going to be late" she frowns.

"Okay but take a quick selca with me" before I could refuse she pulls me close and positions the camera. I sigh before quickly flashing a smile.

"So cute, I'll tag you what's your handle?" I laugh a little "Um I don't have social media actually" she looks at me like I'm crazy and shakes her head.

"You better make one, I'll just put me with my future sister in law"

I shake my head "You have not changed" I laugh.

"I think that's for the best no? Here at least give me your number so I can treat you sometime. As a payment for one putting up with my dumb brother and two for always spending your last on me when I would brat out about wanting snacks"

I laugh a little thinking back to those days "Fine but please do not give it out" I say as I put my number in her phone. She laughs.

"Aka don't give it to Taehyung, loud and clear sis. I'll let you go but expect a call from me soon!"

I nod as she pulls me into another hug, I smile in her embrace I missed her crazy self. She reminded me a lot of Taerin now that I think about it, both out spoken and know how to get their way. "See you around"


A/n: A filler chapter lol
Hopefully it was still okay

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