Chapter 15- The meeting

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Chapter 15

Your POV

I paced back and forth in my studio, we had agreed to meet here because of the privacy. "Just breath" I kept telling myself, I walked over to the floor length window and glanced around in hopes to catch him coming into the building so it would help give me more time to mentally prepare.

Not seeing him I walked over to the mirror again, I looked over myself and sighed. Maybe a dress was too formal? I ran my fingers through my hair again, tossing it every which way to see what looked best.

"Maybe I should of put more make up on? I look like shit"

I mumble suddenly feeling incredibly insecure. The last time we seen each other in person we were kids practically, sure I seen him at the show and I know how grown he is now but this was different...I'd be up close...

I'd get to see every flaw the man didn't have and smell his sweet scent...I wondered if he still had that scent...


Fuck fuck fuck fuck

"Just breath" I mumbled again walking over to the door, with one final breath I opened it and felt all the air leave my lungs and all the blood drain from my face.

There he was...the love of my life towering over me.

Dressed to the nine and wearing his most beautiful smile, his eyes sparkling as they pierced into mine.

"Hi" he breathed, it sounded like he was holding that breath in for a good hour. "Hi" I breathed back taking a few steps back and lowering my head. I couldn't look at him any longer...he was too...ugh.

How am I going to get through this? I wanted to pounce him and make love all day and night but I needed to focus, that is not why we are here and that is not going to happen.

"Um I brought coffee and those little cakes you used to like I don't know if you still do if not I can eat them or we can just throw them away it's no big deal-"

I gently touch his forearm and he stops talking let alone breathing. I give him a smile and pull away

"Breath Tae, and thank you"

Clearly I had to be the one to keep my shit together because he was spiraling just as bad as I was. Luckily for me as soon as I touched him I felt so relaxed and just...happy.

"Sorry" he sighed again, I smiled and shut the door behind him.

"So you drink coffee now? How grown up of you"

I can see the blush creeping on his cheeks as he tries to keep a straight face, I feel myself falling faster than I can breath. He makes me feel crazy in the most amazing way.

"Um I'm trying, I still prefer hot chocolate most days though"

I smile thinking of my girl...our girl. I take a deep breath as he extends the coffee to me, I take it letting my fingers linger over his longer than needed. I can see tiny goosebumps on his forearm as we touch and I can't help but to smile.

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