Chapter 26- Make a Choice

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Chapter 26

I wake up with a smile on my face, feeling so relaxed and comfortable.

"Mmm Morning"

I hear from behind me, my eyes fly open as I lay there for a moment. I feel a rush of tingles run through me at the deep low groggy voice caressing my ear.

I fell asleep!

Taehyung shifts and I have to choke back a moan when something hard brushes against my ass. He groans and I stiffen, his hand firm on my hip making me swallow hard. "Tae" I breath and he stiffens.

"Good Morning!!"

I jump up as Taehyung sits up and puts a pillow over his situation. Taerin giggles glancing between me and Taehyung.

"Morning bub, how long have you been up?"

I ask walking over to her and kissing the top of her head. "A while, I made us breakfast!"

Taehyung smiles at us his cheeks still pink with blush. "Oh yeah? Why don't we set the table so your Appa can go freshen up" I smirk over at him and his cheeks rise high as his smile widens, the blush very noticeable now.


"This is the best toast I've ever had baby bear"

Taerin's eyes light up at her Appa's approval. Her cooking was limited so our breakfast consisted of toast a chopped up banana that she cut herself and a bowl of cereal.

"Appa can you stay over again tonight? It's nice having you here"

We both look at each other and blush. Taehyung smirks slightly as I shake my head "We will see baby bear. I should check my phone I'm sure the guys are worried about me"

"It's okay I FaceTimed them this morning"

We both drop our spoons and stare at one another before looking over at our daughter. "How did you FaceTime them?" I ask, Taerin continues munching on her cereal before responding.

"Uncle Jimin was FaceTiming on Appa's phone so I picked up and told him Appa stayed the night then I showed him you guys cause he didn't believe that you and Eomma were sleeping on the couch together. He couldn't stop giggling after that he sounded cute" Taerin giggles as she thinks about Jimin while I spiral and feel mortified.

Taehyung just smirks, I hated that smug look on his face it only made him look sexier. I clench my thighs and look down at my cereal hearing him chuckle, making me shake my head.

How did things change so quickly? Not that I was complaining, I enjoyed the flirting, new looks and soft touches. As badly as I wanted to fight it, I couldn't. I still wanted him just as badly as I did back then, maybe even more now.

And seeing him be the Daddy I knew he would be with Taerin, only makes me fall more...


Taehyung's POV

"Yah look who decided to show up"

I look down trying to hide the smile I had on my face but my cheeks gave me away. I can feel the heat rising to my face as the guys tease me as I head into practice.

"Same clothes from yesterday? Did you at least shower" Yoongi-Hyung asks in his monotone voice, being the only one not riding my back.

"Yes" I mumble taking a seat next to him as a few of the boys gather around me. "Here I brought you a change of clothes I had a feeling you weren't coming back to the house before practice" Jimin smirks. I grab the clothes and mumble a thanks.

"So is my princess going to be a big sister now?"

Jin laughs riling the boys up I shake my head and cover my burning face "Hajima!" I shout making them fuss even more.

"Nothing happened, we just talked and then fell asleep" I sigh with a content smile "Must of been some sleep" Namjoon smirks "Look at our Taehyungie becoming a man" Hoseok shouts dancing around me before giving me a back hug.

"I knew you'd two end up together eventually, Hyung always would talk about Noona even more so now"

Jungkook adds. I shake my head and get up "We will see, we're just testing things out right now. It's up to me to not mess things up so...pray for me" they laugh as I make my way out of the practice room to go change.

As I finish up I run into our manager Sejin and PD-Nim, I bow as they greet me. "Taehyung-ah I was just about to come see you. How's Taerin?" I smile at the mention of my cub.

I had a meeting with the company a while back and told them everything. They gave me my time and privacy to sort things out but they wanted me to come to a decision soon about weather or not I go public about my girls.

I was honestly torn, I knew army would hate y/n for keeping Taerin from me for so long. But I also feared that they would hate me for being irresponsible. The company wanted it out in the open before anyone else could leak the information. But I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring my girls into this world, I also didn't get a chance to discuss this with y/n.

"Did you come to your decision yet? The more we drag this out the harder it's going to be. But of course I want what you think is best" I smile at the boss and sigh "Um no not yet...I'll talk to y/n tonight and get back to you okay?" They nod and continue on their way.

I've thought about this a lot but I just wasn't sure what would be the right thing...I didn't want to put either of my girls in danger and if I did go public I felt like that's what I would be doing.

It was a lose lose situation.



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