Chapter 12- Here we go again

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Chapter 12

"So she's the reason you broke up with my brother...right?"

I sighed, I had just finished giving Taerin her medicine and putting her to sleep. Eonjin had been sitting in the living room quietly watching us with that same curious expression.

I nodded as I sat down across from her, closer to the fire to get warm. "Yes" she nodded and sat back

"After I found out I was planning on telling him that next day but someone in the company found out as well and they pulled me aside to have the situation."

I looked down at my lap feeling small and vulnerable.

"They um...made sense, it was a prime time for not only him but all the boys. If they found out...his as well as the boys career would be over before it even began...and I couldn't do that to him or I broke up with Taehyung"

I felt a tear fall "I told him I found someone else...and that we needed to end things" I scoffed thinking back to the situation

"Truth is I never found anyone, I only had eyes for him unfortunately...even now"

I mumbled the last part but by the looks of Eonjin's smile she heard me.  I feel embarrassed so I look away, I didn't want her to get the wrong idea.

Sure I may still be in love with the guy but nothing would ever come of it. My only focus and priority was Taerin.

"So you broke up with him and just disappeared to have her..."

I nodded meeting her gaze.

"I can't believe you did all could have told us y/ could of at least told me, I would of found a way to help you, you didn't have to do it alone"

I feel my chest sting at her words, it was nice that she still cares and was being so understanding...but I didn't deserve that. She should be mad and hate me, everyone in that family should.

"Why aren't you...yelling at me? Or even being the slightest bit mad at me? I lied to all of you and I kept a huge part of him away from you all"

I sobbed. I didn't think I would be such an emotional mess but I couldn't help it. The fact that his sister now knew and the fact that she was being so kind and still considering me as part of her family made me emotional.

Eonjin quickly came to my side and gave me a hug, gently rubbing my back. "Shh it's okay" I gently cried into her shoulder, feeling weak for the first time in a long time. I never showed my weakness to anyone except maybe Jae.

"it's okay y/n, I don't really agree with what you did but I understand why you did love my brother more than anything...I know that...shh it's okay"

I calmed down after a few moments and looked at her "I'm so sorry..."

She smiled and wiped my tears "You have to tell him y/n...he deserves to know" I nodded knowing it was the truth but I wasnt ready for it.

I didn't want to face him...I couldn't face him...and to tell him that I've kept his child a secret for the past six years...he would hate me...I didn't want him to hate me... I loved him...

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