Chapter 29- I love you 💦

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Chapter 29

Without hesitation Taehyung smashes his lips against mine, as his hands moved and gripped my ass. I moaned into the kiss causing him to wither into me more. His tongue gently caressing mine as I slid my hands up his muscular chest and wrapped my arms around his neck.

There was nothing sweet about this kiss it was lust driven and needy. We had been playing this game for far too long and needed one another so badly.

Taehyung groaned into my mouth making me shutter against him. I was dripping, his large hands moved under my cheeks and hoisted me up with ease. "Bedroom" I practically moaned as I felt his hardened dick press into me.

I couldn't wait to have that inside me, I had imagined this moment a million times sense Taehyung came back into my life. Fuck I imagined it even before then but even those intense images couldn't ever compare to what I was feeling right now. My whole body felt like it was on fire and no matter how tangled our bodies were it just wasn't enough, I needed more of him.

Taehyung growled against my skin as he did his best to find my bedroom, his lips still attached to my skin. Gently sucking on my neck as his tongue slithered it's way even further.


I moaned as he stumbled and my back hit the wall. "Fuck" he cursed making me giggle "Shh we cant wake Taerin up" he smirked and pushed himself into me more making me whimper.

"Shh" he teased before walking down the hall past Taerin's room and into mine. I bit his neck making him drop his head back in pleasure, I gently sucked making sure not to leave a permanent mark. I knew I couldn't mark him the way I wanted least not where his fans can see.

He tossed me onto the bed before he turned to shut and lock the door. I smirked as he started to undress himself, his intense stare piercing into me as I slowly started to undress myself as well.

I couldn't take my eyes off his body, he was so broad. His shoulders wide with his toned chest, I bit back a smile when I seen that soft tummy I loved so much. My eyes glazed over when I seen his cock standing proudly, I swallowed back a groan as I seen the pre cum leaking off him.

Oh god, I wanted that monster inside me

He was so much bigger than I remembered but then again he was a man now. I met his gaze once more and unclasped my bra, feeling the blush rush to my cheeks when his eyes started to scan my exposed body.

"So beautiful"

Taehyung whispered as he made his way over to me. He grabbed my ankles and pulled me towards him trapping me in his dark gaze. I jumped when I felt his cool hands glide up my thighs and pull down my panties. I was now on full display for him, the hunger in his eyes made my body shiver.

"Come here"

I whispered pulling him towards me once again, I needed to taste those lips again. He happily leaned into me letting his tongue explore my mouth as his free hand parted my thighs. I gasped when he slid a finger down my slit, feeling overly sensitive already.

"Good to know I still have that effect on you"

He teased, I reached down and gripped his balls making him gasp and fall into me. "Same" I teased making him bite down on my shoulder.

I whimpered, he knew I loved his love bites. "I missed those beautiful sounds" Taehyung breathed slipping two fingers into me. I gasp and arch my body up into him, my hands cling to his biceps as he slowly drags his fingers in and out of me.

The slick sound echoing through the room. I clench myself around his fingers making him smirk against my skin

"You want more my love?"

My whole body tingles at the nickname I feel the knot in my stomach build that much more and then he adds a third finger curling them into me and making me lose my breath entirely as he hits my sweet spot. I dig my nails into him as he quickens his movements, his lips kissing and sucking every inch of my breasts as I close in on my first orgasm.

I feel Taehyung shutter as I whimper and moan softly pulling at his hair. "Babe I can't wait anymore" he husks pulling his fingers out, I instantly feel empty and that makes me whimper more. He licks his fingers as he watches me wither beneath him.

"Fuck, how do you taste so good"

He groans making me blush. Once he's satisfied he gets to his feet and pulls me towards him again. I pant feeling vulnerable under his gaze

"Turn over my love"

I feel myself quiver as I turn over and prop my ass up, a low growl escapes his lips making me whimper into the mattress. His hand comes down on my ass making a loud smack, I jolt forward and roll my hips. The sensation of having his hand son any part of my body was too much, I was so overly sensitive.

"God you're so sexy my love"

Another shutter runs through me as he grips my hips and finally lets his tip press against my clit. A desperate moan escapes my lips making him slap my ass again. I feel embarrassed that I could cum again just by his touch, I had never felt this way with anyone before.

Taehyung groans as he slips his way up and down my slit before he pops his head inside me. My whole body reacts as does his. We both let out low moans before he starts to thrust in and out of me at an agonizing pace. I grip at my comforter as Taehyung continues to tease me, slowly dragging his throbbing cock on and out of me. The desperate noises coming from my lips make his body twitch against me.


I breathlessly say, his cock twitches inside me once more before he starts to pick up his speed, both desperate for that release.

"Tae" I moan clenching myself around him, he pulls out making me cry out before turning me back over and thrusting inside me.

"I need to see you"

He pants hovering above me and pounding inside me once again. I claw at his back as he bites on my shoulder. "Fuck baby right there" I cry out biting on his shoulder.

He pounds into me harder making the bed creak "Tae...I'm gunna" I breath, he pulls his head from my neck and looks into my eyes as he thrusts even deeper making me and I lose it

"I love you"

He groans as he tosses his head back. I gasp spewing all over him as he shoots his full load inside me. Tiny goosebumps rise all over my body as he twitches inside me still thrusting lazily in and out of me.

I smile clenching myself around him again making his jolt forward and bury his face into my neck. He bites down making me arch into him. I kiss his shoulder before he pulls out and lays next to me.

We both lay there trying to catch our breath. I bite my lip as I look over at him, I smile when I see he's already looking at me.

"I meant it babe, I love you...I never stopped"


Aww shit they finally caved
And made love haha Ugh love
These two, hope you guys liked this
Little smut chapter lol

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