Chapter 19- My Girls

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Chapter 19

Taehyung's POV

We both look over and see y/n walking up to us with a tall muscular guy close behind.

"Uncle Jae!"

Taerin shouts running towards him and hugging him tightly as he picks her up and spins her. I feel incredibly jealous for whatever reason.

"Is that my Rin?" No. "Wow you got more beautiful over these past two weeks" duh she's my daughter. I stand up and smirk when I see I'm taller than him

"Uncle Jae this is my Appa, Taehyung"

Y/n seems surprised at the sudden name but smiles nonetheless "Hi nice to meet you I'm Jae, huge fan by the way" Taerin giggles as I take his hand and shake it. "Nice to meet you and thank you"

The two start to tease and tickle each other and I frown, I wanted that closeness, that bond with my baby bear. But I knew it would take time, I had six years to catch up on.

"So how did it go?"

Y/n asks just above a whisper as she looks up at me, again with those big beautiful hypnotizing eyes.

"Um good I think, she laughed at me most of the time but I think she had fun" she laughs lightly, I can't help but stare at her soft lips...

"I'm glad, she's a pretty free spirit, go with the flow kind of kid. Way to smart for her own good, she picks up on things I wish she wouldn't sometimes"

Without thinking I turn and grab her, pulling her into my chest and wrapping my arms around her tiny frame. I lean down slightly to bury my face into her hair, I inhale her scent and feel my skin rise. I missed that scent, I missed her so much.

"Thank you"

I whisper, I feel her body shake slightly so I hold her tighter, her arms slowly wrap around me and my pulse picks up. I find myself crying into her and I know she is doing the same, I hear Taerin say something but I couldn't make it out. I pull myself together and slowly pull away quickly wiping my eyes. Y/n does the same.

"So what's with all the Gucci bags?" Y/n says still keeping her gaze low "Appa took me shopping I got new clothes and a new hat wanna see" y/n finally looks up at me and shakes her head. "Don't be upset, they are all things she can use and wear"

Taerin bounces towards us once this Jae guy sets her down "Can we go home now? I wanna show Appa my room oh and he can read to me or even better sing to me" she bats her lashes as y/n picks her up.

"Bub I'm sure he's tired and has other plans-"

"No, no I have nothing. I would love to go home with you or I mean come to your house if that's okay with you"

" okay, you can come just excuse the mess we've been busy"


I was grateful that Jae guy didn't come with us. I wanted some more alone time with just my girls, no one else.

I ended up staying longer than I'm sure y/n had anticipated. I ordered dinner for us all cause I didn't want y/n to have to cook although I did miss her cooking.

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