Chapter 35- Let me Explain

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Chapter 35

We let Taerin open just one gift before we went to sleep, her mind was set on having all the boys with us on Christmas morning. Especially her Seokjinnie, she couldn't wait to give him her gift.

I laid awake most of the night going over everything thus far, if I wanted to even be with Taehyung. What my life would be like if I were his, I'd have to deal with stuff like this all the time I'm sure. A majority of the people around him didn't think I was good enough, so this would be an ongoing issue.

It's not that I didn't love Taehyung, I loved him more than myself. Hence why we are in our current situation, I put his happiness before anyone's, except Taerin's of course. He deserves to be happy and to be loved...maybe I couldn't be that person though.

That person to make him smile even in the worst of times, that person to make sure he feels loved in every aspect.

"Good morning"

The groggy deep voice makes my skin heat up immediately, I take a breath and turn my head to meet his gaze. "Morning" I whisper before looking at the sleeping beauty between us.

"I still can't believe you guys are here"

I smile and look up at him, god he looked good for just waking up. His messy hair, hooded eyes and exposed collarbone...focus.

"I didn't want you guys to be apart for another holiday. Plus seeing both your faces last night when you seen each other made everything worth it"

We both smile and stare at one another, I can feel the questions hanging in the air. Both our smiles fading "I got sent a video" I sigh shifting my gaze to the ceiling.

"You with some woman"

I hear him sigh and for some reason my heart breaks when he doesn't say anything. It's just silent.

I get up and go towards the bathroom to wash up and get ready for the day. He doesn't follow or even try to talk to me.

My heart breaks that much more


"Rinnie why aren't I your favorite? I'm handsome and way more fun then Jin Hyung"

Jimin asks as he sips his coffee. The boys had all joined us to open their gifts, to my surprise they actually bought Taerin a few things. Yoongi even got me something which was even more surprising.

Taehyung still didn't talk to me, he did his best to just avoid me all morning which hurt me even more. Maybe he was with that woman.

"Sorry Jiminie, But Seokjinnie is the most handsomest in the world duh"

I laugh as Jin cuddles into her and sticks his tongue out at Jimin. "Aish you brainwashed her" Jimin pouts making Taerin giggle more.

I smile as Yoongi plops down next to me on the loveseat I was sitting In. I meet his gaze and feel eyes on us from across the room.

"What's going on with you two?"

Yoongi mumbles just low enough for only me to hear, I sigh as he rests his head against my shoulder.

I look up and meet Taehyung's gaze, he quickly looks away and plays with Taerin. "Someone sent me a video of Tae and some woman backstage going into a room" he looks up at me and I give him a 'yeah I know' look.

"Taehyung wouldn't do that, he's too in love with you" Yoongi mumbles shifting in his seat.

I shrug "Maybe not, when I told him this morning he didn't say anything and he's been avoiding me ever sense" my voice breaks a little towards the end making Yoongi look at me.

I close my eyes and take a breath "I'm fine" he doesn't seem to believe me though, I can see it in his gaze. His hand squeezes my thigh as he gives me a weak smile. "He loves you trust me"


The day from that point on goes rather fast, we hang out with the boys and some close staff for a majority of the evening. Taerin seems to be more than happy to be the center of attention, everyone adores her and can't stop complementing me and Tae on how beautiful and well behaved she is.

After dinner everyone heads off to their rooms to pack, we get to go home tomorrow. I follow Taehyung as he carries our sleeping beauty back to our room.

I hate myself for thinking he's so incredibly sexy in this moment, I can see his back muscles rippling under the tight dress shirt he had on. His slacks hug his ass just perfectly, i was grateful that everyone decided to dress up for dinner. He glances back at me and I quickly shift my gaze to the wall. I hear a small chuckle before he stops in front of our room door.

"After you"

He mumbles holding the door open for me, it's the first words he's said to me all damn day. I quickly walk in and hear him behind me. The door shuts gently as Tani jumps up and down trying to get our attention. I scoop him up and give him love as Taehyung lays Taerin in bed.

"Here give him love"

I say holding Tani up towards Tae, he happily takes him as I get Taerin out of her fancy dress and shoes and slip on her princess night grown. Thank god this kid is a heavy sleeper.

"I can sleep in Yoongi's room if you'd be more comfortable"

The words leave my mouth before I think them through. I can feel his gaze burning into my back.

"Why would you do that y/n?"

"Well for starters you won't talk to me and it's getting uncomfortable, and he offered sense he can feel the tension"

He tsks and puts Yeontan down. "Of course he would offer" I sigh knowing where he is going with that. "I don't want to fight Tae, I'm tired and just want to forget all about the last 24hrs" I feel my eyes sting as I look up at him.

He sighs and takes a seat next to me, his arm wraps around me and pulls me into his chest. I try to pull away but he holds me tighter, I give in and curl into him feeling my eyes burn once more.

"I didn't do anything my love, I would never do anything to risk losing you again"

I'm not sure why but I break at his words, I let my tears fall and cling to him even more. He holds me tighter as well moving me on to his lap, I tuck myself into his neck and let my tears silently fall not wanting to wake Taerin.

"You have to trust me my love, I only have eyes for you."

He whispers into my hair and I clutch at him even more "Then what was that video about Tae? It was from the night we arrived. You showed up in the same clothes from the video"

I pull away and search his eyes, my face I'm sure is a mess but I need to know.

"Let me see and I'll explain everything"


Hope you all had a great

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