Chapter 9- Confession

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Chapter 9

"Eomma! Eomma!!"

Taerin comes running into the apartment with Jae in tact. They both have huge goofy grins on their face, she comes running into me and hugs my legs tightly "Well hello to you to, How was art class?" I ask scooping her up and kissing her cheeks.

"It was amazing! So so amazing Eomma! I met BTS!!"

I nearly choke on air as my eyes widen, she claps her hands and bounces in my arms.

"You what? What? Happened? How? "

I feel a sense of panic wash over me and clutch her even tighter as if someone was going to take her from me at any moment.

Maybe Jimin was playing dumb? Maybe he knew she was Taehyung's and he found out where she was? Oh god this can't be happening. What if he tries to take her from me?

"Babe you alright? You look like your having a panic attack"

Jae says trying to take Taerin from my arms but I hold her tighter looking at him with wide eyes "I'm fine" I breath but he still stays close and has a concerned look on his face.

"What? What and why were they at Taerin's school?"

"They were donating their time and money as well as some supplies Apparently. I'm so upset I didn't pick Taerin up earlier I literally just missed them as I drove in they were driving out" Jae sighs, I feel a little better once he's done speaking.

"Eomma! I really got to meet Seokjinnie! Like for real Eomma and he called me a princess! Did you hear me? A princess! I am Seokjinnie's princess"

She sighs happily and hugs my neck. I focus on my breathing and force a smile "Did you meet everyone Bub?"

I walk over to the couch and sit down with her still in my arms, my legs were starting to feel weak.

"No, just Seokjinnie and Taehyungieee" she sings and grins his name and my heart halts.

"I was outside and he came to see my arts. I was so scared he was going to take his hat back but he said I can still have it. Then I gave him my painting, eomma did you know that Taehyungie's Eomma and appa call him baby bear"

She giggles her eyes twinkling as she speaks about him. I can't help but get emotional feeling my tears brim my eyes.

"That's funny huh? Oh and he promised he won't sell my painting I signed it and everything! I told him it would be worth lots later but he promised"

She shrugs and settles into my lap, I hold her closely to my chest and bury my face into her feeling my tears wanting to fall. "Well I'm happy for you bub" I mumble into her hair, she holds me close and then jumps down from my lap.

"This was the best day ever!"

She shouts before disappearing into her room. Leaving me in tears and Jae silently judging me with a worried expression. I sigh and quickly wipe my eyes before getting up and heading back into the kitchen.

"Y/n what is going on? Every time Rin brings up or talks about those guys you get so weirded you like know them?"

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