Chapter 28- Then do it...

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Chapter 28

Taehyung's POV

I wasn't sure what had gotten into me but I loved these little games we were playing with one another but she had to know that I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer.

The lustful gazes she would give me and the nibbling at her lip drove me crazy. Not to mention that morning when she said my name so breathless as if I had been laying into her when really I was just holding her in place so she wouldn't make my dick any harder. But she did.

I smile as I head up to my girls apartment, replaying this afternoon in my head and feeling my pants tighten just slightly. Her lips were so close...I should of just went for it. Stupid Jae.

I smile when I hear giggles on the other side of the door, I knock and the door swings open. Taerin smiling up at me as y/n hugs her from behind. "Hi Appa! We made dinner" I smirk over at y/n and she rolls her eyes before letting go of Taerin.

"We're decorating the Christmas tree, what do you want for Christmas by the way? Do you think Seokjinnie will like it if I give him a picture of me? I feel that's a good gift"

I loved that she always rambled on about everything all at once. "I'm pretty sure he'll love that Baby Bear" she smiles and dances her way over to the Christmas tree.

I glance back at y/n in the kitchen, I can't help but stare at her ass. Her jeans hugging her hips nicely, she looks back at me and raises a brow. I wanted to go over there and bend her over that kitchen counter and have my way with her. But I did my best to keep calm I couldn't make any moves with our little girl present.

I lick me lips and chuckle before turning to Taerin who's putting stuff on the tree. "What do you want for Christmas baby bear?" I ask taking my camera out and snapping a few pictures of her. "I can't say it's a secret" she smiles, I laugh.

"What do you want?"

She asks as she climbs on my lap. I smile wrapping my arms around her and kissing her cheek "I can't's a secret" she laughs "Appa! You can't do that" I happily sigh and I rest my head on top of hers.

We both look at the Christmas tree, it's almost finished. It looked pretty good considering Taerin had the bulbs all in the same area, it was in front of the large window in the living room the snow falling outside in the background gave a great scenery.

"I have everything I want...well almost everything I want" I mumble looking back at y/n, she smiles before turning away. I can see the blush on her cheeks making me grin. "Me to, Well almost everything. Hey how is my song coming along?"

I laugh and start to sway "it's actually just about done, did you wanna hear a little bit of it?" She eagerly nods as I pull out my phone. Y/n sneaks her way into the room with us and sits in the furthest chair.

"Give me your honest opinion okay?"

I say looking down at my cub. Her eyes sparkle up at me as her little boxed smile appears on her face. I play the song and quickly kiss the tip of her nose before I start to sway again, holding her against my chest.

I sing along making Taerin smile wider and curl into me more. I can feel y/n's eyes on my back and I smile.

"Imagine your face say hello to me
Tell all the bad days they're nothing to me
With you...

Winter bear
Ooh ooh ooh
Sleep like a winter bear"

I smile as I look down at Taerin, her eyes are shut but she still wears the biggest smile on her face. Tiny little goosebumps are on her arms and I can't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

The song comes to an end and Taerin's eyes open meeting mine. "Again" she whispers, I laugh kissing her nose again "So you like it?"

"I love it! It's perfect" she beams grabbing for my phone again "You should post it Appa, Army will love it!"

"You think so?"

I ask as the song plays again "I know so, I'm Army Appa duh" I laugh before getting up and placing her on the couch "Hmm guess I'll have to post it soon then" she smiles and nods

"Come eat you two"

y/n smiles, I happily sigh again before picking up Taerin and carrying her to the kitchen. If this was my everyday I'd die a happy man.


Your POV

I could feel his eyes on me from the moment he stepped foot in my house. Even when him and Taerin finished up the tree after dinner he kept stealing glances at me.

It made me nervous.

But in the best way possible, I wasn't sure who that was in my studio earlier but I was anxious to see if he'd come back. Taehyung was never one to be dominant, at least not back then he was...careful well apparently not too careful. Hello Taerin.

I guess it wasn't so much careful as he was gentle, he always wanted to make sure I was okay and felt good. Which was great but...that whole dominate thing from earlier, yeah I can get into that.

"Thinking of me?"

I jumped when I felt a pair of hands grab my waist and spin me around. "Definitely not" I smirk placing my hands on his chest. God he really filled out didn't he, I could feel his chest muscles beneath my fingertips and I had the urge to rip his shirt off and mark him.

"You like to fight me don't you?"

He husks closing the gap between us and resting his forehead against mine once more. Our breaths mixing with one another as our noses brush once again. I smile "Your heart is beating so fast" I whisper, he blushes pulling on my hips so I'm now pressing against him.

"Do you know how badly I have to hold back every time I'm around you"

He breaths, I can feel how aroused he is and I have to choke back my moan. His body radiating heat as his hands move a little lower, hesitantly resting above my ass.

"Do you know how badly I wanna kiss you right now?"

I let out a soft whimper not being able to hold back anymore. The sexual tension between us was too strong, much too strong.

"Then do it"


Happy 100 days since
The release of Winter Bear
Taehyungie is so talented

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