Chapter 27- Bad Guy

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Chapter 27

Taehyung's POV

A few days later and I found myself standing in front of y/n's studio with a bouquet of yellow roses in hand. Yellow was her favorite color, she didn't have a favorite flower she just loved them all.

I couldn't afford flowers let alone a decent meal back when we were dating, but I remember the one time I did manage to bring her a single rose she had the biggest smile on her face and talked about it for days.

"Wow are those for me?"

I turned towards the voice and furrowed my brows "Don't worry I'm kidding I know they're for y/n...did you want me to take them in for you?"

It was Jae.

I wasn't sure what it was about this guy but he just got on my last nerve. Which was odd cause I get along with almost anyone but something about him...

"It's okay I needed to talk to her anyways" he nods and opens the door "Babe you have a visitor"

Babe? Who does he think he is. I swear he did stuff like this on purpose just to get under my skin.


I mutter walking in and heading straight for y/n. I lower the flowers and she smiles when our eyes lock, I feel that giddiness flow through me as butterflies swirl around my stomach.

"Wow" she chuckles as I put the box of roses on her desk, I smile at the blush on her cheeks as she bends forward and sniffs the roses.

"They're beautiful, what's the occasion?"

She asks raising a curious brow at me. I feel my own blush creeping up on me "Um...let's just say it's a make up for all the times I couldn't buy you flowers"

She shakes her head and shys away from me going back to what she was working on. I take off my coat and follow her

"You didn't have to but it's very much appreciated...I love them"

She says shooting me a smile over her shoulder. I inhale sharply feeling like I just got punched in the gut. Breath taking. She was breath taking.

"You're welcome"

I stop beside her and look at the canvas that took up half her studio wall, letting my mouth fall open as I take in the artwork. "It's not finished so be nice" she mumbled bumping my side, my body instantly reacting to her touch.

"It's not? It's beautiful...I can't wait to see the finished product" I mumble taking a step closer and admiring the different textiles she used.

"Thank what brings you by?"

I turn and step closer to her making her look up at me through her long lashes, a playful smile on her lips. "I needed to talk to you about something..."

"Uh oh" she sighs stepping back and walking towards her desk, she sits down and crosses her legs placing her hands on top of the desk as she sits up as straight as she can "Clearly this is a business and no fun type of conversation"

She still has that playful grin her her face making me chuckle "unfortunately so" I mumble walking over and sitting across from her.

"So what's up?"

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