Chapter 40- Future

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Chapter 40


I smile and instantly kneel down so Taerin can run into my arms, it had been way too long this time. I meant what I said about kidnapping them next time, it was just too painful to be away from my girls.

"I missed you"

Taerin mumbles, I pull back and frown seeing her watery eyes. "Aww baby bear don't cry I'm home now" I cling to her once more and kiss her cheeks "I just missed you, that was way longer than you said!"

I chuckle a bit as she pulls back, I missed her cute little scowl. "Actually it wasn't but I'm sure it just felt extra long" she pouts again as I wipe the tear that escaped her pretty eye. "I love you" I say kissing her tiny fingers, that smile comes to life on her face and my heart begins to swell.

"I love you to, now give me Eskimo kisses it's been forever!"

I chuckle before she grabs my face and attacks me with Eskimo kisses. I still couldn't believe she was real and that she was mine. I was the luckiest guy on the planet.

When she's satisfied she pulls back and my eyes instantly lock onto y/n, I get this fluttering feeling in my stomach as she smiles over at us. Was it going to be like this every time? I felt like I was falling in love all over again, every time we were together. It was ridiculous.

I get interrupted when tani starts to bark and jump at me. Taerin giggles lifting him up so he can lick my face up. "Aish" I laugh as I grab him from her and give him love.

"Tani was so so good and I walked him lots but I couldn't pick up his poop appa it was too gross"

I laugh at her disgusted face "Lucky me I got to pick up after him" y/n says making her way over to us. I set tani down and quickly get back to my feet so I can swoop my woman up, I needed to kiss those lips.

I quickly reach for her and hook my arm around her waist, she gasps a little as I pull her tightly against my chest. Her beautiful hypnotizing eyes flutter before she catches my gaze. I smirk down at her and see her blush "Hi" I whisper "Hi" she breaths.

I can hear Taerin giggling beside us and tani barking, y/n blushes more and tries to pull away. "Not so fast my love" tiny goosebumps form across her skin making me smirk again, I slowly lean down and let my lips caress hers. Taerin laughs and shouts 'Yuck!' Making the both of us smile into the kiss.

Y/n quickly pulls away and blushes more, god she was beautiful. I shoot her a wink before she pulls away completely.


Later that evening the rest of my members came over for dinner, the girls cooked while I taste tested. It was what I was good at, I tried to help Taerin with dessert but after I spilt half of it she shushed me out of the kitchen.

"Seokjinnie guess what?"

I look over at Taerin who insisted on sitting next to Seokjin Hyung and Yoongi Hyung, unfortunately for me Yoongi Hyung was becoming one of her favorite people. I'm not sure why my girls had a weak spot for him...then again he was kinda cute and fun to mess with.

"Hmm what is it princess?"

I roll my eyes when Taerin bats her lashes up at him, she was too much sometimes.

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