Chapter 39- Missing him

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Chapter 39


I smile down at my girl as we walk along the snow covered streets. It had been a couple weeks since the dinner with Taehyung's parents, Taehyung unfortunately had left us for tour. He begged us to go with but I had important meetings to attend and Taerin had school. We both missed him like crazy though I wasn't sure how we were going to make it the whole tour.

"What's up bub?"

"Are you happy?"

I laugh a little as I look down at her rosy cheeks "Of course I'm happy I have you by my side" I kneel down and kiss the tip of her nose as she smiles "Why do you ask that?" She shrugs and wraps her little arms around my neck, I smile and pick her up as we continue to walk along the streets.

"I'm happy so I want to make sure your happy...but I do miss's been so long since I've seen him, I miss his Eskimo kisses"

She sighs as she rests her head against my shoulder "I know bub but he will be back in a few more days then you can give him all the Eskimo kisses you want" she giggles a little as we head into the restaurant we were meeting Mrs Kim at.

"Do you think seokjinnie misses me to?"

I laugh, this little flirt was going to be the death of us. Especially with Jin around, she started blowing kisses lately at a few of the boys in her class not to mention she has been working on perfecting her wink like 'Seokjinnie oppa' "I'm sure he does bub" she smiles as she unzips her coat and looks around to find her grandma.

Mrs Kim stands and waves as Taerin takes off towards her with open arms. I smile as I follow and watch the two embrace one another, she had made an effort to meet up with us once or twice a week since the dinner.

"Hi Eomma"

I say as she pulls me in for a hug, I had been scolded twice already for not calling her Eomma so I wasn't going to make that mistake again. "How are my girls"

"Sad, we miss Appa"

I smile as we take our seats, Taerin sits next to her grandma and pouts. "Oh poor my baby, Appa will be home soon why don't we go shopping after?" I shake my head as I raise a brow at Taerin, she knew how to work everyone. She smiles back at me and bats those long lashes of hers

"Please Eomma, I promise to be so so good"

I laugh again as she and now Mrs Kim look at me "We can shop after just no going crazy" Taerin wiggles in her seat as she smiles up at Mrs Kim.


Lunch goes quickly considering we were all starved and had a feast, We barely spoke as we stuffed our faces.

"How have you been feeling my daughter? You still feel sick?"

I sigh as she glances at a few dresses with Taerin, I hadn't been feeling the best and I knew it was most likely from stress. My newest exhibition was coming rather fast and I didn't feel anywhere near ready for it. I blame Taehyung he was such a distraction sometimes...but in the best way possible.

"Yeah on and off but I'm sure Everything will be fine once I get everything done. There's just not enough hours in the day sometimes"

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