Chapter 33- You promised

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Chapter 33

Taehyung's POV

"I thought we had Christmas off?"

My heart sank as our manager explained that there were some scheduling issues and some things got mixed up.

What was I going to tell my girls? I promised Taerin that I'd be with her on Christmas not the day after...this was suppose to be our first holiday together.

"Sorry Taetae But I'm sure y/n will understand she knows how this whole thing goes" Jimin said patting my back. I frowned more "Yeah but Taerin doesn't...I promised"

I hear a few sighs and got a few pats on the back and shoulder. "She'll understand, she's Army remember" namjoon says trying his best to cheer me up. I nod trying to believe him but my heart still felt broken.

I knew my girls would understand and try to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal but it was a huge deal to me. I wanted to be with my little family on Christmas, I missed so many firsts with my baby bear and I wanted this to be special.

"Cheer up, we have a show to do we can discuss it after Okay?"

I nodded and take a deep breath, Namjoon was right this would have to wait. Army was waiting for us.


"Appa do you know how to bake?"

I smile as I plopped down on my bed, Taerin stayed up late tonight since we missed each other last night. "I do not, but I can try" she giggled and I swore my heart skipped a beat, I loved my little girls smile and laugh.

"Good cause Me and eomma always bake Christmas treats for Santa the night before, are you going to stay the night Appa? You can sleep in my bed I'll make room"

I felt my eyes burn from fresh tears, I sit up and wiped my eyes quickly before she can see.

"Baby Bear" my voice came out a little shaky catching y/n's attention. Taerin was sitting on her lap and I can see the concern in her eyes, she frowns reading my eyes.

"What's wrong Appa?"

I take a deep breath "Appa might not be able to make it to Christmas..." I felt my eyes sting again when I seen all the joy get sucked right out of both my girls faces. "But why? You promised me" Taerin pouts and I felt a sharp pain in my chest as I sniffed back some fresh tears.

"I know baby bear, I did promise and I meant to keep that promise but my schedule got mixed up and now I have to work" I looked up quickly and blinked so the tears that were brimming my eyes wouldn't fall.

When I looked back at my loves Taerin had her head down and her lip out. Y/n stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head "Hey it's okay, you'll still get to see your Appa and spend time with him. We'll still get to open presents and do all the fun stuff you love...just on another day. It's completely okay"

I did my best to hold back my tears as I listened to y/n's soothing voice. "It's not the same" Taerin mumbled, she then got up and stormed off. Breaking my heart more, y/n sighed and gave me a weak smile.

"Don't cry love, she'll get over it"

I nodded but couldn't fight my tears any longer letting them fall onto my shirt. "Taehyung" y/n said softly, I sniffed back a few more tears and wiped my eyes before looking back at her.

"It's okay really, the older she gets the more she'll understand." I sigh looking at her own saddened eyes "Please baby, don't cry...."

I gave her a weak smile, I loved when she gave into her feelings and would call me cute nicknames.

"I'm just upset, I wanted this to be our first holiday as a family. Like a real family. I missed so much already and it breaks my heart that I had to break a promise to our little girl..."

I frown even more when I catch y/n wiping her own tears quickly thinking I didn't see her but I did.

"I'm sorry"

She chokes out and I realize I just made her feel like shit all over again about our whole situation.

"No no babe, I didn't mean it like that.... I didn't mean to make you feel bad...I just...I'm just feeling guilty that I broke my promise to you guys....I really want to be with you guys on Christmas morning...I even dreamt about it"

She wipes her eyes "So did I" She half chuckles before resting her chin on her knees. "Well, we have other holidays my love, I better go check on the bub. Call when you have time okay?"

I nod "Tell her I love her and give her extra kisses. I'll do everything I can to get to you guys as fast as I can okay?" She smiles and nods "Okay, I love you" she practically whispers.

"I love you to"


Your POV

I lightly knock on the bedroom door before poking my head in. I feel devastated for Taerin, she had been so excited about us being all together for the first time. Little did I know Taehyung was feeling the same way.

It broke my heart seeing him be so torn up and crying. I had to do something, I couldn't ruin things again by keeping them apart for another holiday.

"Hey" I mumble seeing Taerin curled up on her bed, yeontan protectively laying up against her. I smile "How's our girl Tani?"  His tail wags but he stays put. Taerin pouts as I sit on the ground next to her bed. Her and Tani both look at me as I rest my head next to them. Yeontan licks my face a few times before licking Taerin's making her giggle softly.

"It's not fair Eomma, Appa promised" I smile and tuck her hair away from her face. "I know but he has to perform for army. That's his job, remember" she pouts more and then sighs "I know, I just wanted us all to be together"

"We still can if you're up for an adventure"

Her eyes light up at the word adventure, it gets her every time. "What do you mean?" She asks as she sits up "Appa seemed just as upset that he won't be with us right?" She nods her head and pets Tani.

"And all you guys want for Christmas is to just be together right?" She nods again side eyeing me "Well then let's go see your Appa, we don't have to have Christmas here we can bring Christmas to Appa right?"

I watch as a smile creeps up on her face and her eyes get that sparkle in them once again. Before I can say anything else she's throwing herself at me, wrapping her Little arms around my neck as Yeontan barks with excitement.

"You're the best Eomma" I laugh and squeeze her back "I try, now let's pack so we can go surprise Appa"


Aww lol

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