Chapter 25- Cuddle with me

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Chapter 25

Taehyung's POV

"She's out"

I smile, coming out of Taerin's room. Y/n smiles back at me as she finishes washing up some dishes. Taerin insisted I stay until bedtime and luckily y/n agreed. "You look exhausted" she chuckles, I rub the back of my neck and yawn "I am"

She turns off the water and drys her hands

"You look exhausted to"

She throws a dish towel at me and lets her mouth hang open for a moment before she lightly laughs "Gee thanks jerk" I smile grabbing the dish towel off the ground.

"I didn't mean it like that, you always look beautiful in my eyes y/n"

She blushes and looks away, I feel something ignite inside me. God she was so beautiful and so so sexy without even trying...Hoseok and Jimin were right I need to clear the air and just let her know the truth about my situation.

"So can"

She turns and smiles tilting her head just slightly as she crosses her arms. I do my best not to stare at her cleavage but wow was it hard. Literally.

She was in sweats that were way to big for her, a long sleeve black shirt with a plunging neckline and her hair up in a messy bun. She looked perfect in every way.

"I had a feeling you wanted to this a wine talk or ice cream talk?"

She smiles and I feel that giddiness inside me bubbling up. I can feel that coziness of this home coming back to life...I wanted this to be my life...with her and Taerin just the three of us. Maybe more if y/n was willing...I'm probably getting ahead of myself though.

"Probably wine but ice cream sounds great" she laughs and opens the freezer "I was thinking the same"

Once we get our frozen goods we settle into the living room. I light the fireplace for warmth as y/n curls up on the couch with a throw blanket.

"So this is about the whole date thing right?"

She asks as I plop down on the other end of the couch, ice cream in hand.

"Not really but we can come back to I wanted to tell you about that girl in the photos..."

She nods, I can see her face drop and all the life in her eyes fade, making my heart slowly break.

"Oh I see, I already told don't have to explain that part of your life to me. It's none of my business Tae"

"But I want to, I need to" I say looking her dead in the eyes. She nods once and then looks down at her ice cream, mixing it around not showing much interest in the frozen goods anymore.

"Those photos were taken about six maybe even eight months ago? I um was..,lonely you know as people get" fuck this wasn't how I wanted it to come out. "And so I uh started to talk to that girl, she was fun and nice at first. Seemed like we had a lot in common but I soon realized that she was anything but those things, she was actually crazy."

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