Chapter 18- Ice Cream

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Chapter 18

"He's my uncle!"

No he's not, I mentally say feeling myself wanting to pout. "Oh" is all I can get out, y/n shoots me a weak smile and looks between us

"He's my assistant, he's like family to us. I have to pick him up, I can come with us if you want or..."

I watch as y/n kneels down in front of Taerin

"How you feeling bub? You still nervous?"

I frown, she was nervous? But we had already met...y/n shoots me another look before looking back at our daughter.

"No I'm okay eomma, but can't we please just stay a little longer? Please"

I smile feeling warm inside knowing that she wants to spend more time with me.

"How do you feel about staying with Taehyung for an hour so I can run and get uncle Jae and then I'll meet up with you guys. I promise to be super fast, it's up to you"

I smile down at the two, it amazed me that y/n already trusted me enough to be alone with our daughter. Not that I've ever broken her trust before, but still the thought made me smile. I wanted her to trust me again to let me in and be there.

"I'm good, you can go Eomma."

Y/n laughs at her nonchalant response, I feel my heart race when Taerin grabs at my hand and smiles up at me. I try to contain my smile so I don't look too weird but I can't help it, I feel my eyes water as I squeeze her little hand a bit.

"You think you'll be okay?"

Y/n says stepping closer to me, her voice low and I feel myself twitch at her sudden closeness.

Those big beautiful eyes looking up at me, I suddenly forget how pissed off I am at her and just want to kiss her and thank her for bringing this amazing baby into my life...I had always imagined having a family with her but I didn't think it'd be like this...still I couldn't be more happy about my current situation.


I blush and step back a bit "Um yeah, we will be fine, take all the time you need and I'll call or text if we need anything" she smiles warmly at me and I again have the urge to reach for her, hold her in my arms...but I don't.

"Okay be good and no buying ridiculous things and only one ice cream"

y/n says towards both of if I didn't know how to control myself psh.

"Bye baby I love you"

"Bye I-"

I stop myself and blush realizing she was talking to Taerin, they both giggle making me bite on my lower lip and look away.

Get it together Taehyung. Taerin clings to y/n once more mumbling something I can't make out. Y/n smiles and kisses her cheek "Be good and call me if anything happens I mean anything a scratch if she falls anything and I'll be right there okay?"

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