Chapter 13-Call Him

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Chapter 13

A week had already passed sense I told Eonjin, she had visited every single day sense. It was nice having her around and watching Taerin getting to know her auntie, but it also was daunting.

Reminding me every day that I was going to have to nut up and contact Taehyung soon. Eonjin had left his number on our fridge that first night after she left.

"Taehyung will be back in a few days..."

I sigh as I lean against the door frame "Maybe you should shoot him a text...or call? Just a thought" I lean in and give her a quick hug "Very subtle"

She laughs as we both pull away "It's worth a shot, I have to work late tomorrow so I don't think I'll be able to visit. But I will be here the next day okay?" I laugh and nod "Okay, you can drop by whenever you want" she smiles

"Okay see you then, and please do tell me if I'm over staying my welcome here"

I shake my head "It's fine, it's nice having family around" I watch as her smile widens and she blinks away a few fresh tears "Okay before I become a complete mess again I'm going to go" she leans in and hugs me once more

"I'll see you later and call him"

I groan a little as she disappears down the hall. It was nice to have her back, even if she was pesty at times.


I finish locking up and poke my head into Taerin's room, I smile as I see her climbing into bed and tucking her plushies in next to her.

"Ready for a bedtime story?"

She nods and smiles "Yes Eomma" I smile and enter her room quickly making my way next to her, she snuggles into me as I stroke her hair.
"Bub" I hesitantly say, her big eyes look up at me.

"Do you ever wonder...about daddy?"

Her big curious eyes blink up at me a few times before she nervously bites on her lower lip "It's okay baby girl, it's okay if you've thought about him or have questions about him" she tilts her head to the side and thinks.

When she was younger she used to ask about her daddy quite a bit but when I kept giving her the same answer she stopped asking.

"Where is daddy? Why doesn't daddy ever see us?"

I smile and kiss the top of her head, I feel my tears brim my eyes. I feel guilt wash over me, knowing I caused pain on my little girl by keeping her away from her father.

"Would you want to see him?"

I ask doing my best to hold my tears but fail, she frowns and sits up wiping my eyes.

"What's wrong eomma?"

I force a smile and kiss her up "Nothing baby" being the smart girl she is I can tell she isn't convinced and hugs my neck

"I'm sorry Eomma, we don't need a daddy it's just me and you forever and ever"

I hold her tight and take a breath pulling myself together.

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