Chapter 36- Official

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Chapter 36

Taehyung's POV

A sense of panic washes over me as I watch the video. I can see why y/n was upset, it looked like we were about to go and hook up in another room. But truth was she was a close friend of ours who just so happen to design jewelry. I just so happen to be getting a custom piece for y/n...but I couldn't tell her that.

I agree that she was a bit handsy more so than needed to be but she's always been like that. Kind of like how Jimin is touchy and affectionate with anyone he comes in contact with, it's not like he does it on purpose it just happens.

I'm sure if she met y/n she would hold her close and even give her a kiss on the cheek, she's just that kind of person.

"Baby, you have nothing to worry about she's a family friend"

Y/n doesn't look at me she just nods, I sigh and tuck my finger under her chin. Lifting her face to look at me, her eyes a bit puffy and yet they still have that sparkle in them just like Taerin's.

"Baby, I'm telling you the truth. You can ask any of the guys, she designs most of our jewelry. I'm having her make a special piece that's why she came to see me"

Her eyes search mine, she seems doubtful but nods again. I sigh once more and rest my forehead against hers, taking in her sweet scent.

"I love you so much y/ have no idea" my voice comes out low and husky, I smile seeing the tiny goosebumps form on her neck.

I pull back slightly so I can look into those eyes once more, her eyes look glossy as they search mine.

"Should we be doing this?"

My heart sinks, I can see the tears fighting to fall onto her cheeks. I cup her face as she closes her eyes, the redness coming to her face again from trying to hold back her emotions.

"Yes, I'm not going to lose you again because of other people y/n. The only thing I want is you and our little girl, no one else matters. It's just me and you girls, no one else. Trust me"

A tear escapes her beautiful eyes as they flutter open, I frown wiping it away with my thumb. She looks at me again and then leans forward and presses her lips against mine. I don't hesitate, melting into her kiss as I pull her closer to me. I can feel her tears soaking both our cheeks as our lips work against each other.

She grips my back muscles as our tongues now explore one another's mouth. I moan softly feeling myself get lost into her, it's so easy to escape reality and just stay in blissful moments with her. I never want these moments to end, I love her so much and I can't even imagine being without her for another second.

She pulls back and rests her forehead against mine panting slightly, I smile and stroke up and down her sides making her squirm away from me. Our eyes lock again, her eyes and cheeks still damp from her tears. I smile and wipe them away.

"I love you Taehyung, more than. I'm willing to admit"

She blushes slightly making my whole body react in ways I can't explain. "I don't want to be with anybody else but you, unfortunately when we were too young to even really understand our feelings I gave you my heart" she blushes more looking down at the space between us. It takes her a few moments before she speaks again.

"I guess what I'm trying to say is, I want to be with officially"

I chuckle as I see her cheeks even rosier than before. She lightly pushes me back avoiding my gaze, I chuckle some more before grabbing her face and forcing her to meet my gaze.

She inhales sharply as I inch closer to her a teasing grin on my face. I love the way she reacts to my actions.

"I thought we already were, your mine baby and no body else's. Just like I'm yours and no body else's."

I watch as she bites her lower lip and gazes at my own lips. I smirk and grip her hip a little tighter "We can't" she whimpers making me furrow my brows in confusion as I slowly move her hips against mine. "Why not" I groan, she chuckles and lets out a breath letting her hips roll against me.


I stop and glance over at our sleeping beauty, mouth a gap as she clings to her Tata plush. Tani laying right above her head looking over at us making me groan again.

"Wanna take a shower?"

I smirk as she laughs lightly "Tae I-" I quickly get up taking her with me, she gasps and looks at me with hooded eyes

"We'll leave the door cracked just in case...but you'll have to be quiet my love"

I smirk as she blushes under my gaze, she knows I'm right. I always make her very vocal when we make love.

"I'll try..."

I chuckle as I open the bathroom door and set her on the bathroom counter so I can rip these unnecessary clothes off...


Hang tight loves
I'm doing a double update
On this one yay lol

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