The Fall

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**This book focuses on the topic of depression and suicide. It will also include things like bullying, self harm, etc. I will not include warnings because almost every chapter has one of those topics.

**Update: this book is currently under an editing process! Please read the note at the end of this chapter!

Marinette wondered down the long hallway with her backpack slung over one shoulder. Her best friend Alya walked close beside her as she ranted on about the Ladyblog.

It wasn't anything Marinette didn't know, as she was the one on the front cover. But of course, Alya didn't know that. In fact, no one did, not even her partner in crime. "She defeated him so smoothly! Look!" Alya shoved her phone in front of the blue haired girls face, causing her to squint her eyes at the brightness.

"Wow! She really is... cool." Marinette swallowed the lump that was forming in her throat, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible. "Mhm! I hope I can get her to be in an interview!" Marinette's mind wondered away as Alya kept talking.

And then, Marinette swore the room got hotter, and brighter. A familiar blonde haired boy turned the corner, just nearly missing the two girls. "Ah! Good morning, Marinette! Morning, Alya!" He threw his hand up as he passed them, rushing to the door where his friend, Nino had just entered.

"Hey! Earth to Marinette!" Marinette snapped out of the daydream she was in with a groan as Alya snapped her fingers. "Come on, girl! We're going to be late!"

They both hurried to their class and sat in their usual seats, taking out their notebooks and pens. "Morning you two!" Alya smirked as the two boys walked in, taking their seats in front of the girls. "Hey, babe!" The dark haired boy, Nino, smiled nearly too sweetly, making the brunette blush. Of course, they were dating.

Marinette couldn't understand how they made it seem so easy. She was too afraid to tell Adrien about her feelings. As the bell rang the last few students took their seats and began the assignment. "Mrs. Bustier! I need to use the restroom." A tall, dark haired girl made her way down the row of tables as the teacher nodded. "Just hurry back, Lila."

Lila smiled as she passed Marinette's table, laying a small piece of paper down as she went by. She gave Marinette a side smirk before walking out of the room.

Marinette unfolded the paper and instantly scrunched her nose up in confusion at the words that were written down. 'Meet me after class behind the school.'

What did Lila want with her? She knew that Lila didn't like her so she was hesitant about meeting her. But what if she wanted to change? Would it really hurt to meet her? The bell rang, snapping Marinette out of her thoughts as Mrs. Bustier yelled out the homework as everyone quickly left the classroom. "I'll see you later, Alya. I have to do something before I leave." She threw up her hand as Alya smiled at her. "Alright, girl! I'll see you later." Marinette made her way around the school building, seeing Lila leaned against the brick wall.

"Surprised you actually came. Where's your best friend? She decided to leave you?" Lila smirked as she pushed herself from the wall. "No, I told her I had things to do." Lila nodded as she approached the bluenette. "Look, you need to understand that when it comes to me, I always get my way. So back off." Marinette couldn't hold the laughter back which only made Lila even more mad.

Lila wasn't the type to be physical but in this case, she decided things would change. She threw a punch to the side of Marinette's rib cage, so hard that it knocked her backwards, making her fall to the ground. "You're nothing, Marinette. Stop living in this fantasy that every one will like you because I guarantee you, they don't. I will make sure of it."

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