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(Any writing that criticises or judges my writing is from present me, lmao hi❗)

I'm flaming myself in the comments RN of how crap this book is, entertain yourselves you whores <33

Hi! Just a heads-up before reading this book. Trigger warnings for:

-child abuse/physical abuse/ mental absue
-suicidal thoughts
-panic attacks are included
-sexual harassment and mentions of sexual subjects

Update from present me: This whole book sucks ass and is so cringe, literally kms🤨. I'm rewriting this whole mess and putting it in another book and unpublish this shit👊

- Mabels character is absolute shit, she's a very flawly written character, sorry Mabes :( Imma do her good in the rewrite

Note: This book wasn't meant to feitishize or romanticize any sensitive subjects however with how crappy it was written, it looks like it. So, I'm really sorry about that because most of the subjects are poorly treated.

Literally leave while you still have the chance, you're gonna die from cringe y'all 👊

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