º°♡ΙιττΙε dσΙΙγ♡°º

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3rd pov

Thoughts. Inner thoughts. That's the only thing he could've heard, everything was just..muffled. It was terrifying, yet so..comforting, it wasn't loud anymore. It was just himself and his thoughts. His
toxic, mesmerizing thoughts.

"What happened." He could hear Ruby's voice, oh how he missed it. It felt like he was home..he was with Ruby. He could tell her anything, right- no. He can't. Its not even a big deal. He was fine. He was perfectly fine, he was just simply following rules, there's nothing wrong with being obedient..after all, that's what he was made for.

"Dipper, tell me what happened! You're not being serious, are you?!" He could hear her pleads, she grabbed both his shoulders, shaking him as if it would fix him..but it just made him flinch and back away. What was he thinking? He didn't know. Maybe it'll get better.

"Mason. Manager wouldn't like the name Dipper..Ruby, I'll be heading upstairs to change my outfit. I'll be giving you a clothing, and I expect you to give it back to Bill Cipher, understood?" His gaze went into Ruby's facial expression, she looked..mortified. This wasn't the brunette she knew, how did she not see this. He was breaking so very slowly, to the point no one would be able to see it unless he finally snapped..and she was too late. His thoughts consumed him as his body was tired. Tired of everything. It was exhausted, starving, weak.

"I-I...oka-okay..Mas-Mason. Go get some rest..alright?" Her caring voice seemed to have made him tense..why was he acting like this? He knew it wasn't him, this wasn't him! Why was he like this?..he didn't have any answers. No one could answer him.

"..thank you, Ruby...and I'll keep that in mind. Bye bye.." His voice seemed to have made the female slightly calmer, it was as gentle as ever. It didn't sound so forced when he said those words..his childish lines anytime he said goodbye. He sounded so small and quiet, as if..if he would speak any louder than we would wake up everyone in the world. She smiled down at him, she knew that he wasn't in the best mental state, and she would be there for him. Just like how he was there for her. Ruby gave him a small peck on his forehead gently, causing the brunette to slightly tense, but melted in the affection. She was like the mother he always wanted.

'..she was always so nice..but you're not. Manager was right. You're just shutting her down, as if she was a toy. You're as toxic as your own mother. You need so many fixing. So many mistakes to be fixed. So many..so many punishments. Follow her rules. He a nice good boy. Be the son she wanted. Be the Mabel she wanted..and you'll finally be done. You won't be a use anymore after you've finished everything. You'll be free. You'll be free. You'll be free. You'll be free. You'll be free. You'll be free-' His thoughts were interrupted by his own voice.

"I'll be upstairs if you need me. I'll be leaving the piece of clothing outside of my bedroom door, don't forget to knock if you're about to enter." All he got was a nod as she continued whatever she was doing, but..he could feel her stare as he walked upstairs. His thoughts..they weren't surprisingly loud. They were just so quiet..too quiet. It's as if all his worries and thoughts just disappeared, all because we was being an obedient boy. Maybe he was doing the right thing. He shouldn't have ever doubted his manager.

He opened his bedroom door, closing it quietly as he entered. His brunette eyes averted around the room, it was lonely. Blank. Quiet. He just felt..scared? What was he suppose to be scared about? He didn't know. He just..didn't like this anymore. He didn't like the rules he had to obey, oh, but he had to listen. He had to. Otherwise he'll get punished. He can't get help. Can't even talk to anyone new anymore. Hell, who knows what sort of punishment Bill had. Maybe it was far worse than his managers, no..it wouldn't be..maybe it was just some shouting. He's fine. He'll get over this eventually.

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