Σ>―crυsh mγ hεαrτ sΙσωΙγ→♡

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       With each footsteps he took, he felt the fear lifting off of his chest. He felt every problem and guilt leaving his shoulders..he felt free.

       The brunette never had such a nice childhood when it came to a motherly figure, even though he argued with himself, he knew his mother was always messed up in the head. She was a women with problems in her life- he didn't blame her for not liking him. He didn't blame her for anything she did that could've harmed him in any way, he understood why his manager did these things. Sometimes he would believe her words, but there was now a small percentage that knew it was wrong. A small percentage that didn't want to be used. A percentage that wanted to grow, but of course, it lowered..and lowered.

       Dipper didn't have any opinions anymore, he didn't care what happened to him anymore, he didn't care what was happening in his life..

       And it scared him..

       so..so much..

       Pyronica didn't take the time to process the entire situation, she let it all happen, she didn't care if the others stared. She wanted- needed to comfort him. Just with a glance in Dippers eyes, she saw so many emotions. Fear, trauma, stress, confusion, desperation, tiredness...so much she couldn't even list out.

       No one knew what happened with Mason, only one that did was Ruby and anyone that lived in the household, but they were asleep somehow so no one ever got answers. They just had to work with what they got.

       Each had different intentions. Bill thought he was forced into doing this..he didn't understand his intentions. Pyronicas motherly instincts kicked in, so she obliged. Will was concerned over the boy, he wanted to help. Vincent..he was a different situation.

       Dipper could feel the way his legs trembled, he felt slightly exhausted by carrying himself. He felt weak, vulnerable, and just overwhelmed. He felt like he was under a sea of emotional waves, a place where he was stuck deep down. A place where all he saw was darkness and a small light from the outside. He felt like he was in the deepest place of the sea, a place in which his thoughts were scattered, broken, and overall messy. His body couldn't handle itself, he felt like he was just..floating. Floating in the deepness of a sea where he couldn't escape, a place where he knew he could breath in, but his air felt so limited.

       The thought of it just made his anxiety rise, his tears added up as he walked towards the figure that spoke. He yearned for the soft voice, he yearned for a motherly figure, he yearned for anyone..he needed someone, didn't know who, but he would take any chances so easily.

       There he stood. In front of the female that stared down at him as she stood high in her heels. A frown shown on her face that was filled with concern, but Dipper didn't know what to do. He just stared at her, he couldn't see anymore, everything felt so blurry, it was so loud, oh gosh he felt like he was about to die-

       A small sob escaped his mouth.

       If anyone heard it, it would've been the most painful cry they have ever heard.

       The brunette felt the tears falling, he felt his heart beating rapidly, he felt his surroundings..he felt it all, but he felt so lonely. He felt so terrified, he couldn't help, but let himself cry and cry..hes never cried so hard in his life.

       All those bottled up emotions, all the trauma he held inside him, all the intoxicating thoughts that consumed him..he couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle such pressure, he couldn't handle so many expectations, he couldn't handle so many lies- he couldn't handle himself anymore..

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