peck on the forehead♡

684 29 54

(A/N: 👴✌Sorry I died for a moment lol. P. S: This chapter gets a bit rushed in the end because I already want to fucking finish this book, slowly hating if, but my ass is not leaving it unfinished)

Tad sighed to himself, looking back on the screen. His eyes examining Dippers worry expression. A sad sight, really. But he didn't blame the boy, he must've already known what his answer would be towards his question.

He soon replied. "..she wasn't so specific. She only said that her family was the only reason she even worked in general."

Lies. He knew he was feeding the boy lies, but he couldn't bare having to tell the truth. Imagine a mother literally talking shit about their family and how sick she was of them.

Dipper could only nod, not really reacting since he couldn't even be surprised. Was he seriously expecting the guy to say his mom spoke about how much she loved them? was sad, how he still had hope for that woman. Yet she always seemed to never meet the expectations.

"I've never expected us to really meet.." Tad changed the subject, his usual calm smile staying put as he continued, "I'm still trying to get accustomed to the fact you're a Pines. No offense."

"None taken.." He mumbled as a reply, staring back at the floor as he blocked eye contact..up until he heard Tads next dialouge.

"It's odd, knowing Bill can actually favor someone.."

His eyes quickly averted back to the screen, eyes showing confusion as he question the man.


"Well, he seems to take a liking to you, Dipper-"

Tad was quickly interrupted by abrupt harsh coughing, as well as the noises of bushes being pushed and moved like there were wild animals in there.

With a flinch, both stopped speaking. The brunettes eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he turned around to check the backround noises, but to no avail.

He mumbled to himself, a forced chuckle escaping his throat. "That was..weird.."


"SHH! BILL YOU IDIOT! THEY COULD'VE SEEN US!" Will quickly whispered harshly, sending a glare towards his brother who seemed to be holding in his chocked coughs. Meanwhile Pyronica held in her laughs, a snicker being the only thing to escape her.

Face flushed harshly, the blonde avoided eye contact. An irritated facial expression laid as he spoke up. "Fuck. Off."

"Aww!" Pyronica soon broke in the conversation, "Is Bill blushing?~ How adorable! Ah, I am LIVING for this romance!"

He groaned out of annoyance before replying. "Shut up with that stupid shit, Pyronica..I was just..caught off guard."

Will rose an eyebrow, a playful smirk resting. "Sure you were, Bill. Sure you were."

The male soon sighed, the three looking back onto the scenery as they began listening to the conversation of the two.

There Dipper was, only looking back on the phone as Tad simply looked back.

"Anyways, " Tad forced a cough before having a calm smile on his face again, "my employee seems to favor you, Dipper. Feel proud of yourself, he would always complain to me about anyone who even breathed. Always spoke on how uninteresting or irritating they were to him..but you're a different subject."

The brunette could only find himself get slightly flustered by such words, looking surprised, he replied. " that so?"

"Though we haven't spoken much, I could just tell he could talk about you for hours. Hes worried about you, you know?"

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