🥀h o m e🥀

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(A/N:this is when Dipper leaves the radio station just saying so no one's confused :)) )

Dippers pov
       As I walked towards the car I could feel eyes on me..it was rather unpleasant, but I mean I should probably ignore it...I got..other things to deal with. I enter the car in silence and wait for Ruby to start the car. She looked spaced out for a second, but then returned back to reality and turned on the vehicle. We then drove from a bit...the silence was suffocating me. It was really unbearable...
       "Hey Ruby can you remind me of my schedule? I can't quite remember what I was supposed to do.." I then ask to silence the suffocation.
       "Oh! Yes Dipper, so right now it's about I would say 7:29, but when it'll be 9:20 you'll be having to sign a few contracts for the concert since Mabel is currently "busy", then at 8:40 you'll be having to practice your album while I'll be choosing your clothing and make-up, which I do have permission from your mother so no worries, later on at 9:52 you still have to write a new album or try to cover a song as in practice. After your done with that then you'll be starting your session of tutoring since you still need to practice on some vocal points and also taxes and other subjects, so basically a few hourse of school. Then you'll have to finish the few assignments we give you and you'll be having free time for a few hours, so in 2:26 pm we'll be having to start to clean the house and do chores while also having to sign more contracts for modeling and we also still have to talk to your uncle's about your stay at Gravity Falls-" I then interrupted her.
       "W-WAIT! WHAT?! I WASN'T TOLD THAT! Wh-what about you and Mabel and..mother. Will I just be..left alone?" I panicked since I mean I wasn't informed any of this!
       "OH DON'T W-worry Dipper. Sorry for my sudden shouting it's just I hate seeing you like this..but anyways no Dipper I'll be staying there with you. It's just your mother and sister will be going on vacation, but they still need you to be continuing your albums and contracts and modeling. I don't know if they'll be announcing that you'll be staying, but I sure hope not...they don't really like Mabel Mabel when she's rather disrespectful." She explains.
       "Oh...and um Ruby? Why did I hear that Mabel had an interview with that Pyronica 2 days ago? What exactly did she say?" I ask with the sudden memory of Pyronica's phone call.
       "Your mother didn't tell you?..well of course she wouldn't, but anyways yes that is true..and um I was on the other side of the room that time and what I heard was not satisfying..." She then continued, "When Pyronica asked Mabel about Bill, the famous model, she didn't respond well. She was disrespectful and rude and just screaming. It was horrible..I'm sorry I didn't tell you this earlier, but I didn't really know what they questioned you." She finished off with a big sigh of frustration. And my panic just got higher than ever.
       "Fuck...fuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCK! God d-damnit..Ruby they asked me what I THOUGHT OF BILL...I said I didn't know him..Mabel does..and with that sudden switch we can have a model already hating us and we don't want any enemies since we need to know others as an advantage. We need Mabel herself to get along with others..gosh I fucked up.. Pyronica already up on us.." I hide my face in my hands.
       "O-oh...but Dipper isn't that good? You can keep on hinting them so they can find out and-" She was interrupted by a chuckle that belonged to myself.
       "..oh fuck..Ruby I really wish I can, but..I CAN'T. Mother will be very disappointed and we can't have any marks on me..it'll get her in trouble and we can't let that happen. Everyone is getting suspicious and mom- MOTHERS getting more and more pissed...I can't do that to her..she deserves so much better...she's been through so much and I'm not helping-" my rant stopped when Ruby stopped the car harshly. She faced me and hugged me while gripping on me as if her life depended on it.
       "Dipper..you better fucking listen to me. YOU HAVE BEEN THROUGH SO MUCH. NOT HER. DO YOU HEAR ME?! YOUR MOTHER DOESN'T FUCKING DESERVE YOU IN HER LIFE. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE JACK SHIT. You are loved and you ARE worth everything. You ARE important...ok? You need to start eating..and sleeping..and living. Dipper you have stopped your childhood at such a young age..you started waking up early at the time a grown adult wakes up for work..that's not healthy. Thats not what you should even be doing..you should be talking to others...to go out and interact with no fear..to live freely. NOT LIVE LIKE EVERY MOVEMENT YOU'RE DOING IS BEING WATCHED AND FILMED...Dipper..I care about you. A lot..and I don't want part of MY family member getting hurt.. Dipper you're all I have. You're my family and I appreciate you SO much..why can't you love yourself?.." It was then just silence while I was being stiff.
       'Mother would be so disappointed in me...look what I've done. I'm such a horrible person...no wonder mother says she's trying to make me better. I should be thanking mother one day- no Dipper don't be thinking like that..you know what she's doing is horrible...I should at least talk to her about Mabel and her actions..I should at least...try.'
        "We should be getting h o m e. I need to discuss something with mother." I then kiss Ruby on the forehead so she can know I confirmed that I understand what she said. Though she's older than me she sometimes reminds me of a little sister..other days she reminds me of an older sister. It's complicated. Anyways Ruby starts the car again and there was another silent ride. Though the tension was comfortable I was panicking.
      'Gosh why does Mabel do this to me...people can't figure out anything about..the situation I'm in...but don't I need help? I know I need help...it's common sense. Obviously...but mother..I can't leave her- NO. Now's not the time to think about this Mason. Now's not the time..not now. Mother needs to talk to Mabel. When was the last time I tried to talk to her about this?...no.no.no.no.nonononononNONONONO! I'm not going to remember that memory ever again. Just convince mother, Dipper. Chin up. Straight posture. Straight face. Remember to be polite when talking to mother. Do all what mother says an you'll be fine...yeah.'
      After all that thinking we...arrived at mother's place. To everyone else this house..was..amazing. Beautiful. Large. Peaceful. It looked like that..on the outside. Ruby looks at me as she slowly stops the car in front of the gateway to mother's home. I simply avoid eye contact and continue looking out the window, staring at...a building. Mother's home. Mabel's home...is this even home? I wouldn't know. I take a deep breath and open the door as I slowly get out the keys to this building. Ruby follows me behind and waits patiently. I gulp down hard and start to turn the key slowly.
                       ..It opens..
×warning: Abuse, Mental abuse, ect. If you're sensitive to this I recommend to leave.×
3rd pov
       Dipper then walks towards the door as Ruby closes the gate and locks it again. The brunette then looks around his mother's front yard. Just grass, trees here and there, a long and big bush surrounding the entire area...as if it was a prison. It was really quite peaceful. Well it looked peaceful. With the sound of birds tweeting and the scent of pinetree's while seeing butterflies. Someone could easily fall asleep! Dipper just sighs and trembles a bit as he opens the door of this so called home.
       "Mother..I've arrived-" Just as Dipper was about to finish his sentence, he was slapped across the face as a welcoming.
       "My, my, my sweetie. What have we talked about...it's no longer mom, or, mother, ugh. That just sounds so disrespectful Mason. It's manager. Or mam. Please remember that sweetie...oh you know how much work I'm doing. It's stressing me out. And you're not helping." The mother says with venom as she rubs the cheek of Dipper Pines which he was slapped on. Dipper then looks to Ruby as a signal to go to his room. Ruby was about to deny when the mother sent a glare towards Ruby. That was her signal. She excuses herself quietly with guilt in her eyes. She leaves the room.
       "Now...you must've wanted to talk about something's since..well. You usually don't come up to me to just talk." The woman finishes off with a chuckle while backing up a bit. Dipper then fixes his posture and looks at his mother..well looking at her chin since he was rather terrified to look into her eyes. He clears his throat and speaks out.
       "Moth- I mean m-manager. I wanted you to actually talk to Mabel about the problem she has brought up. W-we were in an interview that Mable has already been in, and she hasn't informed me...and um..I just wanted you to at least ask for her to help a bit and give me a heads up since..I answered one of the questions wrong.." He summarizes while saying the last part quietly.
       "Oh?" The mother says rather loudly, causing Mason to back up and jolt. The mother continues, "My, my, my. Since when did Mabel do something wrong? And what do you mean by answering one of the questions wrong." The mother starts to get closer to Dipper as he backs away desperately. His back then hits the wall amd his mother isn't so far from him..he was horrified.
       "O-of course Mabel did n-NOTHING w-wrong! You see the interviewer asked me a s-specific question that they also a-asked Mabel. Mothe- MANAGER...I think they're coming onto us. I overheard the person talking over the phone and it seemed planned. It was quiet obvious... m-manager this shouldn't keep on happening! Everyone's finding out slowly! They're making theories and researches. They're slowly finding out Mabel Pines has a sibling. And I don't know how, but we need to fix this before-" Dipper was harshly interrupted by a humongous slap that cause him to hit the door and fall into the floor. Dipper quickly tried to get up, but was pushed down by his mother's foot. He winced in pain and was a trembling mess. Though there was no tears..no. That wasn't allowed.
       "What do we talk about Mason? No stuttering. No crying. No whimpering. No wincing. DIRECT EYE CONTACT. No backing away from your MANAGER," She continues while slowly putting more force onto Dipper arm with her foot..or her boots, " Oh Mason...I'm just helping you. Do you see how you are...so disrespectful. So hideous. So imperfect. So unprofessional...I'm fixing you Mason. Your body. Your personality. Your hobbies. The way you live. Oh it's just so sad to watch. Let me HELP MASON PINES. LET ME HELP YOU." She finishes off by taking her boot off of Dippers poor injured arm, that probably had bruises. She harshly grabbed him by his hair, forcing him to stand up. Mason was no longer trembling. He was just standing and looking at his mother with those dull eyes...the mother smiled in delight and creased Mason's cheek. Dipper was about to pull away, but immediately decided to not.
       "Now...Mason. Let's check your weight alright sweetheart. I want to see how much you improved!" The mother then drags Dipper to a room. Just a blank white simple room. There was no color. It was like a mental room where physco's enter. There was no decorating. Just a machine that measures weigh in the middle of the room and papers all over the walls that were all actually Dippers weight. It was all by order...
       The mother smiles and makes Dipper go onto the machine.
       "Oh..oh sweetie. You've made such progress..but...you're still too fat. I guess you'll still have to be on a diet..and I'm guessing you ate for breakfast that probably made you a fat ass..so..no breakfast. No dinner. Just lunch. And that needs to be a salad and 2 crackers. For 2 weeks. Do you understand Mason?" His mother finishes off with her harshly grabbing Dippers arm to get off the machine. He almost trips, but catches himself. He then nods slowly while looking at her mother in the eye. There was fear in Dippers eyes..but there were no actions to show. The mother chuckles and sent him off to his room which is where Ruby was waiting.
×end of scene×
Dippers pov
       'Look what you did...oh look what you did again Mason. Mother's right. You're so fat. You might as well die from all this weigh...imagine how worried Ruby will be...poor Ruby. She doesn't deserve this. Poor mother. Poor Mabel. They've been through so much. Mabel has to deal with me. Mother has to still deal with her husband leaving and she also has to deal with me..sure mother's husband left a long time ago..but it was my fault. Remember Mason..it's all your fault. Such a fucking burden.'
       I then stand in front of my door. I sigh and rub my arm while wincing from the contact since I did touch my bruised arm. I then enter the room quietly. Ruby immediately looks at me.
       "DIPPER! ARE YOU OK?! WHAT'D SHE DO TO YOU?!" She says with immediate worry as she comes up to me...that sentence broke me. Am I ok? I wouldn't know anymore. I then look up to her and starting to slowly sniffle. I then start crying and sobbing while holding onto Ruby as if my life depended on it.
         "I don't know anymore. I'm just so tired" I say as I break down slowly.

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