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       There they were. Standing at the edge of the roof from a high building, of course, the colorful lights in the unknown city blinded the person in question, but no complaints were said.

       Their legs swaying back and forth as there thoughts being completely silence..staring at nothing, but the sky filled with stars who hadn't died yet..they were like people on earth. Each one died in a simple minute, but the whole world wouldn't know, and they would be completely forgotten the next day..it was sad, but true. Maybe that's why they hadn't jumped off the building yet. Because of fear..and because someone was now tugging the end of their shirt.

       Flinching, they quickly turned around with wide eyes, making eyecontact with another who..was the exact same person as them. It was like staring at a mirror yet the reflection came to life..quickly, they scooted away from the person, tensing as they couldn't seem to break their stare.

       There was an obvious difference between the two..the duplicate had bruises scattered all over them, wearing just an oversized shirt that went down to their knees..and they were younger. They were the younger version of them..dry tears were marked on their cheeks as a scar from one of their arm bled, even the red handprint painted on cheek was glorified..but gosh- the expression they wore..it was so horrifying from how familiar and repetitive that expression was.

       "..wh-who are you?" The younger one spoke up, their voice sounding raspy and dry..the person knew why, they knew how familiar those damages were from back then. It was the first pain they've ever felt.

       "I'm you, I guess..why are you here? You're not meant to be where I am.." They replied, eyebrows furrowing along with a small frown, they didn't mean to sound rude, but they were quite confused.

       "I don't know..why can't I look like you?"

       Astonished, the older ones eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

       "I mean..why aren't you crying like I was? Why are you skinnier? Why don't you have bruises? Why aren't you hurt?..why can't I be pretty like you?"

       "..I'm not anything of what you said.."

       "But you are! You're better! Prettier! Skinnier! Why can't I be like that now?..she didn't say I was any of that.."

       They tensed hearing those words..they exactly knew what the other meant, but they didn't expect their younger self to give themselves a compliment. The younger version of themselves had different perspectives..different opinions on sorts of subjects, they were naive and young. Of course they were oblivious to what they said. Of course they thought that they would sooner or later gain confidence..of course they thought there was a different definition of beauty. Of course their self esteem was already dying slowly.

       Turning their head around, they faced the illuminated city, their face turning blank as they replied after silence.

       "..we both have different perspectives of what pretty is.."

       "..oh.." The other became silence, walking up to the older one as they then sat right next to them, their shorter legs slightly hung over the edge. They sniffled a bit, before looking up at the taller one..a frown laid on their face. Clear dissapointment and disgust shown.

       Nothing was said, the deafening silence overtook it. The sounds of cars strolling by and other conversations from below were muffled, a small ring was slolwy turning louder, but not till they noticed. The crickets were also heard, as the stars twinkled about them. A beautiful view being viewed by poeple that weren't labeled as beauty.

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