💫$Money is money$💫

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(this is the perspective of Bills group after they leave the house 😔)

3rd pov
       As bill and his group left the house you could hear Pyronica and Will rambling and writing so much shit that probably wasn't needed.
       "Look I get what I said and their answer was pretty suspicious, but damn you guys don't have to fucking drool over that information." Bill states as he rolls his eyes while putting his hands in his pockets.
       "Ok. Ok. Ok. What in the actual fuck is going on with you three, first I encountered some fucking savage owning a father, second I overheard that Pinky and blue boy have a theory or some shit, THIRD I suddenly know that the kid is Mable's assistant who I MYSELF did not know EXISTED?! And now THIS IS HAPPENING!? What in the actual fuck guys? Like man I thought this was suppose to be fucking normal.." Gideon questioned everything as he pushes back his hair.
       "Oh shut up Gideon...I mean speak for yourself, you literally kept on staring at the poor mask kid practically fucking him with your eyes without him even knowing!..anyways about me and Will's theory...well um-" Pyronica was then interrupted by a pissed Blondie.
       "Fucking Will and Pyronica think that something big is going on in the Pines family like they're being abducted or theres another person we don't fucking know about and all that shit. These retarded shits are making me want to eat a fucking burrito...and I hate burritos." You can then see Bills eyes twitch from anger.
       "YEAH! And its not stupid ok? It makes sense Bill my lord you just can't get it in that head of yours," Bill glares at his brother, but Will continued, "anyways don't you find this situation weird? We've never seen that kid ANYWHERE. Not even when Mabel needs an interview or signs papers...it's just weird cause I mean Mabel has practically one assistant that is personal, and with mask kid and his job that important? So...how come we barely found him out now? What's even more weird is Mabel NEVER mentioned him a second. It's just adding things up..." Will states as him starts to bite his nail due to his habit.
       "Well...I can kinda agree with you I guess? I mean I didn't even think Jack shit about the Pines..so it's just barely occuring. Anyways we should probably be headed towards the house..we're kinda close I suppose?" Gideon then walks forward in front of everyone.
       "Wow it's such an honor to follow a pig." Bill then walks ahead while rolling his eyes which followed a Gleeful glaring onto his soul.
       After a few minutes of walking and random conversations, they have finally arrived at the Gleefuls house.
       "Ah I can still smell shit from a pig- oh wait nevermind sorry Gideon I forgot you shitted in that house!" Bill then laughed to himself and gained pride while the others either groaned in defeat or rolled their eyes.
       "No wonder no one can fucking handle you Bill Cipher." Gideon then unlocks the door and steps in while Bill stayed silent for a moment, but then spoke up.
       "Oh shut up fat ass. As if you're any easier."
       As the group entered the room they noticed the living room already nearby, but also the familiar scent of dollars. The living room had the BIGGEST TV they didn't even think existed, it was just hanging on the fucking wall while there was a table and some fancy ass couches surround it...quite something. The entire house was white as hell, so they supposed maids and butlers worked here.
       "Y'all's bedrooms will be upstairs near me bedroom and they're separate so they'll be lined up I guess. Anyways just choose a fucking room I guess and unpack while I get July to make some lunch or some shit... JULY!" Gideon then yelled someone's name while the others climbed upstairs.

Will's pov👀
       As that Gleeful yelled, the rest of us just walked upstairs not even wanting to deal with him...cause who would.
       'Man I remember how that Gideon use to be...such a fucking brat..kinda the same, but not as creepy I suppose.'

Flashback 3rd pov
       The crew was rather young, but not too young to not understand business as they were already taught so they can understand later on. The 15 year olds were simply walking around the town of Gravity Falls discussing as they were going to be doing a photoshoot with a Gideon.
       "Boy I fucking remember Gideon and his career...I just hate him ok Will? I don't know he just seems really stupid and retarded." Bill states as he kicked a rock.
       "First of all Bill..language..second of all you can't just hate someone by looking at them. THATS pretty retarded." Will simply rolled his eyes at his brother.
       "Oh shut up Will you literally fucking cursed you dumbass! Anyways no it isn't, I just have a gut feeling. Don't you Pyronica?"
       "Well I don't know Bill..maybe Will's right? I mean I also just don't like how he looks, but c'mon I have an interview with him next week and I need to make a good impression so we don't get any bad reviews and all that shit." You could hear her high heels digging into the dirt as she walked.
       Bill simply groaned in defeat and the three continue walking with the other different crews following behind...and since they were new and not handed directions you could tell it was a difficult task to find the white haired child. They've asked many people, probably 3 since they just love to exaggerate, but anyways they finally arrived as they saw Gideon simply giving them a menacing smirk as the father of his just stood next to him.
       "AH- I see you've finally arrived Ciphers- oh hey Pyronica," he said while putting a bored tone when saying her name, " I hope your travel wasn't such a problem was it?" He then looks over at Bill who was glaring at him having rage in his golden eyes.
       "WHY YOU LITTLE SHIT-" he was then about to tackle him and beat his ass, but Will stopped him and having to hold onto him for dear life as he was trying to escape his grip, "YOU FUCKING KNEW DIDN'T YA?!"
       "Oh well I wouldn't know would I? I mean haha I'm just an innocent Gleeful ain't I?" He then smiles while his fat cheeks pop out. The three glared into his soul while the adults went off to settle their agreement.

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