🏵️•°Interview w/"Mabel"°•🏵️

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3rd pov
       As Pyronica shakes Dippers (or to Pyronica "Mabel") Ruby leaves and mouths to Dipper that she'll be waiting in the cars since she's already weirded out. Dipper nods his head slowly and brings his focus back to Pyronica who is staring at him...that's all she's doing. Dipper starts getting nervous and lets out a cough while avoiding eye contact.
       "OH! SHITSHITSHIT UH SORRY HAHAHAH *AGRESSIVE COUGHING* UM I'LL GET AN EXTRA CHAIR FOR YOU SO UH JUST WAIT IN THAT FOAM ROOM-" Pyronica says while running off to who knows where. Dipper just looks around for a minute and then enters the room "she" was told to go into. He's been waiting while fucking standing for some 7 minutes which was kind of worry some for the brunette.
       'How does it take a person 7 minutes to get a chair? I'm not complaining! It's just..odd. Did something happen? Holy shizzle what if she died! Frickkkk I should check up on her.' Dipper thought as a sweat dropped down his face. He then walks out and searches for the woman with pink hair...and he immediately found her around the corner of the room talking to someone on the phone while holding a chair. And he overheard the conversation.
A/N: I'm just putting the call here ok? I'm lazy don't bUlLy mE >:"(

Pyronica: Dude I have her right now I'm not kidding!

???: Seriously Pyronica?! But what if she gets pissed since I mean we did interview her 2 days ago!

Pyronica: Oh c'mon! This time it's with her only! And remember about the theory?! I can try to prove it more and find evidence. I literally noticed something with her hair!

???: Pyronica your sounding creepy..but fine. Do you want me to call the radio again and ask the same question?

Pyronica: Yup! Thanks Will! Anyways I should get going since it's been real ass long to just get a chair and I think she's getting suspicious.

Will: Yeah ok uh bye, gosh bills going to kill me and YOU for our theory..
*End of call*
       Pyronica hangs up while Dipper runs for his life back to that foam room while panicking.
       'Fuck Mabel had an interview with her?! God damnit why doesn't she tell me anything! Gosh gosh I gotta act like Mabel..no but..she's rude. FUCK HOW AM I GOING TO DO THIS AAAAAAA-' Dipper thinks as he internally screams. He then stands in the foam room acting like nothing happened and he wasn't just literally panicking a few seconds ago. Pyronica FINALLY arrives.
       "Oh! Ha sorry for the long wait hehe see I got lost..in the..chair room???" She says questioning her own answer..gosh she's horrible at covering things up. Dipper (or Mabel) just nods and sits down while waiting for Pyronica to get ready to record. She had the camera in front of them and was doing a live stream. She was finally ready and told Mabel to get prepared. He nods gently while showing a small smile. Pyronica starts recording and looks at the camera.
       "HEY BITCHESSSSS! How are y'all my loves! I hope you guys had your notifications on because we have THE MABEL with us! And now I see we're getting a lottttt of views! Oh and remember to call our radio to ask either of us a question! Pff aww y'all in the comments are too pure uwu and kinda wEird not gonna lie- but uh anyways say hi Mabel to our lovely viewers!!!" She says while doing jazz hands here an there.
(A/.N since going to get mixed up.
Mabel: Real Mabel
Mabel: Fake Mabel (Dipper) )
       "U-uhh..hello?" Mabel says as he waves a bit while looking at the floor.
       "AW CMON SHOW SOME MORE SPIRIT! You are sometimes really hyper that you can sometimes deafen my ears." Pyronica says while giggling.
       "..hahaha um yup I can sometimes be a chatter box, but ya know meeeeee...hah." Mabel says in the most akward tone ever.

Time skip after lots of questions and fanart cause my lazy ass and my tired eyes.
       "Honestly I think people should just respect others. Like who cares if they're bisexual or gay or straight. If you don't agree with them that's fine, but don't shove your opinion down their throats like a bitc-" Mabel was interrupted by the phone ringing which was signaling that someone was calling the radio for a question again. Pyronica just presses the button putting the speaker on.
       "AHH I see we got a newwwwww questionnnnnnnnnn *wink wink* uh anyways QUESTION RIGHT AWAY PERSONIDONTKNOW HAHAHAHA- *AGRESSIVE COUGHING*" Pyronica finishes horribly (this is honestly me anytime I talk with someone in secret).
      "Uh..yeah ok. Anyways.. so Mabel what do you think of Bill?" The person in the radio asks suspiciously. After that there was a moment of silence and it was suffocating.
      "...Who's that?" Mabel says while he tilts his head in confusion and trying to remember anything about a bill.
      "Bill..as in Bill cipher? The model? THE FAMOUS ONE???? Ring a bell?" The person asks as if Mabel was the most forgetful person they has ever met.
       "Um..no heh sorry I don't really know anyone by the name of Bill." Mabel finishes off with him rubbing his hands due to how nervous he is. Pyronica then blinks a couple times and just gets a picture out of nowhere. She then slides the picture to him showing that is was a picture of some..dude? He had blond hair that faded into black at the end. He had some tan skin and was kinda well built, he also had these unique golden eyes and was just wearing a suit as if he was about to have a photoshoot?
       "This is bill. Now when you see him what do you think is his personality?" Pyronica says with one eyebrow up.
       "..Why should I just jump to conclusions about who this person is by just the way they look?..I mean it seems rather rude..I'm not going to judge someone from how they look..rather I will be focused on their actions and how they make their first appearance near me..if they're jerks then well I'll walk away already, but I'm not just going to think someone is a jerk because they look like one..I don't know it just seems...horrible to do that. That just doesn't define me." Mabel says while playing with the end of his sweater with looking the other direction to avoid eye contact. Pyronica was actually going to talk, but then someone called. She pressed the button and waited for them to talk.
       "OMG!!! Uh hiiii um I'm a BIG fan and I just want to say that I love your music and your amazing looks and the way you say things really makes me think <3 anyways I heard that you were going to have a concert to sing a new cover!!! IS THAT ACTUALLY TRUE!? If so where will it be?!!!! And when?!" A girl that sounds close to Mabel's age says. Pyronica then looks up at Mabel surprised since she didn't know either. The comments were exploding wanting to know.
       "Oh! Hehe well..guess the beans spilled..uh anyways yes I'll be having a concert and cover one of the songs I've made! I've never actually released it so after the song there will be an album. Anyways it'll actually be in 2 days. You can simply buy the tickets online with the same link I put most of my tickets in. The location will be in Gravity Falls and uh I was actually about to announce this tommorow, but uh SUPRISE????" Mabel finishes off with a gentle smile that melted everyone's heart as the usual. After more conversations with the viewers Pyronica finally ended the stream and Mabel and her said their goodbyes. After Mabel left to get into the car with Ruby, Pyronica closed the door of the studio with one thought.
       'I gotta get those tickets! It seems that there's more to meets the eye..is that the phrase people say???'

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