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       That was the only thing that escaped his mouth, he felt stupid responding like that, but he wasn't prepared. Dipper wasn't so ready to meet the males eyes, but here he was, making eye contact with the blonde.

       Was Dipper finally conscious and aware?


       The brunette was still a bit..fuzzy after the affection he was shown by Vincent, who left. A part of him wanted to go back to the black haired male, to forget everyone else, to be able to feel comfort, but another part of him was desperately trying to be aware of the situation. His eyes were tiredly open, he was exhausted, but it was reasonable as he did literally have a meltdown a few minutes ago..he was conscious after that. Dipper was truly himself after that, he actually liked it. He wanted it. He dreaded for control over himself, but right when he heard Vincent..he suddenly changed? He hated it. Hated how touch starved he was, hated how easily he changed, hated how everything was so loud..yet so silent to the point it killed him.

       He felt the way his body trembled slightly, his legs couldn't carry himself, he knew that, but that didn't stop him from trying. The way his eyes were so close to closing, he felt like he was in a dream. A cloudy dream in which he would only feel the soft and gentle touches..Vincents touches. His gentle actions spoke louder than his own words, he could still feel the way the male showed him affection. As if it wouldn't leave his body, he liked that, he wanted more..he needed more. Maybe he could get more-

       Mason immidietly shook his head softly, as if it would shake away his thoughts. He saw his process overall, he could tell he was getting worse, he knew it. That logical side of him knew this wasn't healthy, Dipper knew this wasn't the way he should be acting about others, but he felt himself barely gaining conscious. He could barely feel apart of himself finally gaining control, but it slowly disappeared. He tried his best to grip onto conscious, Dipper wanted to be in control again, he wouldn't let his touch starve self harm him in such a way..

       He didn't want this.

       With that, he immidietly let his arms let go of him. He knew the way he hugged himself would only make him more touch starved, he knew anyones touch would make him go marbles..he wouldn't allow it. He just couldn't! He liked the way he softened, he loved how he felt anytime he was praised in the slightest, but..he was scared. Scared that anyone could just take control of him so easily. He was terrified..yet so, so desperate.

       "..Dipper? C'mon, let's get you inside. I'll get you a glass of water, okay?" Ruby suddenly spoke to him again. He stared at her movements, each inch she moved towards him, the way her face softened with each step she took. She looked as motherly as always, he knew he could trust her. He wanted to. She was really the only one that hadn't left him..she stuck by his side. No wonder he was so attached to her.

       The female slowly made her way to the brunette, her gaze never averted away. She didn't know what was entirely wrong with him, she never did, but she knew parts of it. She knew the way Dipper seemed to have argued with himself mentally, with his choices, with his actions, with his entire behavior. She wouldn't call it a mental problem, but she always saw how paranoid Mason was when it came to decisions. There was the part of him that was overly submissive, terrified, almost numb at this point, barely conscious of himself, and just overwhelmed. And then there was the other part of him..the Dipper she knew. The Dipper she grew up with. He wasn't such an extrovert, but he always knew how to make someone smile. Always curious over things that could've been overlooked at, always aware of any situation, a mind like no other. He was more logical, he knew what was wrong and right. He knew how to take care of himself..but..she didn't think Dipper was even aware of his surroundings as of now. Maybe he just needed some time, but..her gaze seemed to have softened even more, a face of sympathy (maybe even pity) formed.

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