💮=who are you?=💮

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Dippers pov
       Well me and Ruby were quite close so I just asked if I can already look around.
       "Oh! Uh yeah sure just don't get into trouble alright dippy- dawg?" She snickers.
      "Do not ever talk to me again." I jokingly say while rolling my eyes. She just laughs as I enter out of the vehicle. I then wave bye and she does the same then drives off to find somewhere to park. I just simply walk around to find something to find.
       'Wow. This place actually looks...nice..smells nice. I have a good feeling for this-' My attention immediately snapped towards the noise of a crying girl. I started walking towards it then I started running. The noise kept going farther, but I wasn't going to give up. Why was I doing this?...I don't know. I just remember...something.

Flash back 3rd pov
×tw: Mental abuse and physical abuse×

       Dipper was rather...scared, hurt. Petrified. Shaking. Trembling. Now you're probably confused by this sudden introduction, but let's say...Dipper and his Mother got into an "argument". But in actuality the mother was just pissed at the loss attention if her husband. Dipper was at the age of 12. Ruby went to get food for the family and some clothes for herself. How did any of this happen? Well..Dipper was just sitting on his small bed staring out of the small window. Staring at the sky. The grass. Anything. He really has nothing to do...he was lonely. He decided to go to the kitchen and get a snack since he was really fucking starving. He couldn't eat breakfast in the morning because "they ran out of breakfast''. At least that's what his mother told him. He walked slowly into the hallway on his way to the kitchen. All you could hear in the silent house was his small feet walking. He arrived in the kitchen and was about to get a granola bar..that was when his mother came in.
       "What are you doing Mason?" Her mother said in a rather sweet voice.
       "I-im just getting food mother." He responded as we put back the food and stood straight while avoiding eye contact. He was already scared.
       "..oh Mason dear. You poor baby..hehe when I was in highschool..people would call me beautiful. A starlight. I was the eye of that school. Oh how lovely it was...that was when I met your father. Oh how he changed everything..making me feel things I've never felt. Oh it felt so good! Hah I cause many sins Mason. But then I gave birth...oh how Mabel was lovely. She fixed the family...your father loved her. That was..when you arrived," she paused glaring at the shorter brunette beneath her,"Pff..that husband of mine stopped talking to me. Started telling me I was to demanding. Too... judgemental. But you don't think that now do you sweetie?" She says with a harsh smile.
       "Y-yes mother. I don't think that at all." He says with his eyes widened while staring at the floor...well why wouldn't he be doing that?
       "You know Mason...you really have gained weight. Maybe you should skip lunch..we don't want you dying now. Do we?" She questions with no emotion. Mason started to frown..cause well he was starving. His mother has been doing this lately and he hated it.
       "B-but m-mom I'm hungry and need food-" His sentence was interrupted by a scowl.
       "Oh Mason! You child...can't you see I'm fixing you? Why won't you listen to me?!" She then starts to tug her own hair. Wanting control. Needing control.
       "M-MOM PLEASE STOP!" Dipper cries out as he tries to reach out for his mother. The mother immediately pushes Dipper and gives him a death stare. Tears started forming and falling each second getting stronger and stronger on the brunettes eyes. The mother then pulls him by the hair harshly while grabbing his wrist hard.
       "W-WAIT MOM STOP IT HURTS!" Dipper begged and begged, but she didn't stop dragging him..he wasn't use to this type of feeling yet, but he didn't like it. The mother continues dragging him like a ragged doll. They then stop in front of his room. She throws him onto the floor causing him to scrape his arms and knees. She then shut the door and screamed.
       "DON'T GET OUT OF THAT ROOM DO YOU HEAR ME YOU UNGRATEFUL BRAT?!" She demanded. Hearing no response and got more pissed and entered the room..and well let's say that she hit him with the belt too much. Dipper was scared and traumatized..but he never spoke about that happening to anyone. Not even Ruby till this day. He didn't like talking about his first encounter with physical pain and abuse. It just made him wince remembering the pain...

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