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Dippers pov
       "Wait wha-" I suppose Bill was then interrupted by myself.
       "UM WELL- ANYways..I gotta go...b-bye!" I then run off to look for Ruby. I heard shouting from afar, but simply ignored it as I knew it was just that lil group. I then start to slow down my pace and got worried.
       "Oh my..where in the heck would Ruby be? Lord in such a new environment for both of us to be we're obviously going to get lost..am I lost? Wait, but is there any parking lots here? Oh shizzle look at what you got yourself into Mason..." I then pace around unknowingly. I immediately have an idea and stop on my tracks.
       "Ok..so Ruby was talking about a shack if I'm correct? So the shack wouldn't be too far from the town or the woods rather there would have to be a rather average distance between those both...and then if they're both uncle's and are the older siblings of manager..then they must be quite old..no offense to them. And they probably would either be lazy or retired..you never really know. And it seems like I can just find a shack..so maybe they make a profit of it since whatkindofpersonwouldwalkaroundalotmainlywhenyou'reold- GOD DARNIT MASON!..ok...I'll just go back into town and see if there's a shack nearby...Yeesh I make things too complicated." I then sigh in exhaustion and walk towards the town I literally ran away from.
       After a not so long walk I finally arrive to my old destination I was in before...and I still see that group of four arguing? Well rather Bill and Gideon..while the other two simply watched. And..well there was not any other choice since this place is quite empty so I guess this is a place for people to just walk or ignore. I gulp hardly and walk towards..Will I think? I start shaking while my hands get clammy. I take a deep breath and tap his shoulder. He immediately looks my way and his eyes somewhat widen is suprise. I then step back and quietly stutter.
       "I- um..I-I..s-sorry! I m-mean I was wondering if t-there was a s-shack somewhere ar-around he-here? It'sokifyoudon't!" I then mentally die. I noice his facial expression turn even more stunned...maybe because of my sudden change of character? Or something on my face? I hope not. He then just stares at me for a while, then I just get more nervous.
      'Yeesh...this feels like I'm being attacked. Gosh please just answer my question!'
       I guess he notices me dying so he then just has a sudden outburst.
       "OH! UH SORRY HAH! I got distracted!" He shouts which stopped the two arguing and all four of them now have eyes on me. I then back away a step and start to speak.
       "I- uh..y-yeah it's alright. C-can you j-just t-tell me if there's any sha-"
       "HEY YOU'RE THE KID THAT LITERALLY RAN OFF SOME FEW THIRTY MINUTES AGO! Well gee by golly who would've thought you would come back like this!" Bill interrupts me rudely while smirking. I then realized what he meant since I was suddenly a stuttering mess. I then blush harshly in embarrassment and look down at my shoes.
       "Shut up Bill you sound like an ass! Anyways sorry for my brother, but sorry I don't know much about this town, but I'm sure Gideon does! Hey Gideon is there by any chance a shack nearby this town?" He looks over him. Gideon then has his eyes on mine and I shudder. He smiles and speaks.
       "Hmmm...well lemme thinkkkkk..yup! There's a shack owned by a cheap steak and some old nerd! But why are you interested? One of them love to scam others. You better not become one of his victims." He says with an eye roll.
       "..oh..why am I not supprised? Um," I silently say to myself then continue my attention towards the four, "Anyways I'm just visiting them."
       I see Gideon look at me for a while as if expecting something else? I then fix my masks position as a distraction for myself.
       "Holy fuck Gideon would ya stop trying to get into the boys pants by staring and just fucking show him the direction to wherever the fuck a shack is?!" Bill interrupts the silence and slaps Gideons head. Gideon then flushes in red by embarrassment and anger.
       "WTF?! I WASN'T DOING THAT YOU IDIOT!" Gideon screams as he fixes his posture. Will simply rolls his eyes as Pyronica tries to stop the two from killing each other.
       "Gosh sorry for these dumbasses. They're usually like this..anyways why are you exactly visiting that shack? I mean from Gideons reaction it seems odd I suppose." Will states.
       "Oh um..well you could say we're somewhat related, but I didn't know about them until I was informed by mana- I-I mean my...m-moth- my parent" I corrected myself thinking I would be corrected. Will simply showed a confused face from my dialogue. He simply replies with a nod and then asks suddenly.
       "So what's with the mask and hat?" He simply has one eyebrow up while crossing his arms with a smile.
       "Oh!..um is it weird for people to do that? I thought some people did it and so um..." I then flush in embarrassment while playing with my sleeves.
       "Oh hey! It's alright heh ya know. I don't see you as a person that would follow some simple trend. You would have had other accessories. So what's the really reason?" Will chuckles.
       'Welp I'm in a pickle...ok so we got a group of four. Bill, the possibly the pissed and energetic guy. Gideon is the rich and somewhat observant yet oblivious one due to him not questioning as much so he won't be a problem...Will is going to be a big problem. He's the most observant one from the way we've been talking. I don't know much for Pyronica nor Bills knowledge and way of observing so I still need to lay low..gosh, but Will. What do I fricking say?..well it needs to be easily believable- wait I got an idea!'
       "W-well..the air can somewhat be polluted due to our way of living..and to stay low.." I say with my confidence and motivation rising.
       "And why stay low? There's not much reason for that?" He then smiles.
       "We-well...people will always be judgemental and be taking mental notes about you. Doesn't matter what you do. You can simply trip once and some would either ignore or judge you..sure people say that no one is judging you, but think about it! Someone can easily be thinking the type of person you are and think of the way you speak and your actions! They could either be correcting you in their mind or adoring you. Both of those sides are judging...and I prefer to simply not be noticed somewhat..but I guess I didn't help my case since look at where I am now." I then awkwardly chuckle while avoiding eye contact. Will then laughs..but I don't know why? I simply still look at the floor waiting for a response.
       "Gosh guys would you stop looking at the poor guy? Did you not just hear what he said?" Will says with a laugh. I then look up and can see the three looking at me in astonishment. I then see Pyronica run towards me..and as she tried to have some physical contact with me I dodged it by moving out of the way causing her to fall.
       "OH G-GOSH I-I APOLOGIZE VERY DEEPLY- I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE YOU F-FALL! I'M SO SORRY!" I quickly stutter while helping her up.
       "Hey hey hey! Calm down bukArooO- I'm fine! This usually happens so I'm used to it, but it wasn't your fault so no need to apologise! Anyways..." She then smiles widely, "YOU REMIND ME OF SOMEONE!"
       "O-oh? And who might that be?" I ask while sweating nervously.
       "YOU REMIND ME OF THE MAB-" Pyronica then received a slap on the head.
       "Gosh stop getting some poor guy to your crazy self! Anyways hey fucker! Ya gonna tell where the shack is or not?!" Bill yells at Gideon. Pyronica then elbows him in the gut while Bill curses under his breath.
       "Oh fuck you. Anyways yeah I'll show him, Yeesh. He can just walk with us and we'll show him. The shack is somewhat near my house so we can walk back quickly." Gideon says as he approached us. I simply nod slowly and we then walk off.

Time skip
       The walk was kinda quiet, but Will and Pyronica were very observant, staring at me from behind while Bill was next to me and Gideon was leading. I then look behind and see them immediately look away. I then look at the floor in pain and embarrassment.
       "Hey don't worry. Those dumbasses in the back just really are obsessed with someone to the point it kills me." He says with a groan.
       "Oh? And who might that be?" I say with curiosity.
       "Oh you know...that fucking Mabel Pines. The model. Gosh I just don't see why though? Like she's a fucking two-faced bitch. She talks shit about me and then suddenly acts like she doesn't know me...just fucking pisses me off." He then pinches the bridge of his nose letting out a sigh. I then..understand everything.
       'How did I not realize or even acknowledge I'm with models and their crew...I'm screwed..'
       I then realized what he said and simply sigh.
       "...Yeah Mabel can sometimes be like that...sure she can be rude, but I know there's a nice side of her...she was just spoiled too much...*sigh* you know...I don't hate Mabel, but I don't agree with her. She doesn't classify her actions and she always makes me- someone take responsibility for it and it hurts so much. I'm sick of her, but I can't hate her...and that's what I hate the most." I then hug myself while looking at the floor.
       "How can you not hate her. For fucks sake she's a brat! There can never ever be a nice side of her. She's  a whore that likes to say rumors and loves money and attention. Pyronica and Will say there's something happening with the Pines, but...I just can't see that. Like I can see why with the sudden weight loss and personality switch..but that just doesn't happen. They think someone kidnapped or is abducting the Pines family or that there's someone that none of us know about...but c'mon. Something big would have to honestly happen for me to believe any of that shit. I just hate her right now and I think I always will...that bitch thinks she can say that type of shit to me and suddenly act like nothing happened. She says she doesn't know mE- yeah doesn't know me my ass." He then glares at nothing. I simply gulp realizing it's kind of my fault that he hates Mabel even more more.
       "Oh...well don't worry. I just hope...things will change." I simply say which in return Bill gave me a confused face. I simply smile underneath my mask and walk ahead. I then reach Gideon.
       "So exactly what is the shack like?" I question for my curiosity to he fed.
      "..Well it's not really called a shack to everyone..rather the Mystery Shack. A place where the Pines family sells dumb shit and scam people in this town...yes they're the Pines as in also related to Mabel, but everyone is pretty chill with that in this town since this town is rather more excepting since this place is weird as fuck...but exactly how are you related to the Pines? There's only a few members and your not one of them..." He says as he glanced over me to see a reaction. I simply keep a poker face.
      "Yeah I could tell you're not use to anyone going to the Pines saying they're somewhat related. Keyword, somewhat. I was sent by the Pines since they'll be going somewhere and I'll be having to stay somewhere else while helping the Pines with a few things.." I say while looking at him making eye contact...and I mean I wasn't lying about why I'm here..and I'm not even seen as a Pines by my own family...well Mabel and Manager. I don't know about my Uncle's though.
       "W- uh..I didn't know they had an assistant?" He says with a puzzled yet worried face?

      "There's many things people don't know about the Pines." I reply.

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