🌻*First encounter*🌻

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Dippers pov
       We then start driving towards Gravity Falls...the place I'll be staying in for who knows how long...am I scared? Certainly. Should I clarify that? No absolutely never. That's simply not allowed..for some reason.
       'The human mind sure is..strict..so many rules you give yourself without consent, but.. acknowledging whats happening...wonder if it'll be loud...or quiet..peaceful. No hellhole. No crackheads. Just a town that I've never been in...when was the last time I stayed by myself somewhere else without my manager..did I even ever have time alone without pressure?..I don't remember anymore. But mother is doing this for your own good. She loves you. Adores you. She's just trying to fix you. Remember to stick to that diet. Don't fail and disappoint mother..you've done that for too long- wait Mason Pines. Wait a minute. You don't have anything to prove to mother..nothing. You have Ruby and you have family..that you never knew..you..had....I miss my sister...oh when she was such a delightful person. Cheerful personality. Such creativity. Then mother had to adore you so much and wanted to spoil you...then Father left. Managers Husband left. Moth- manager was too demanding. Always arguing over small things. Always ended up having manager slap her husband...me and father never hung out have we?....I'm tired.'
       "Dipper?" Ruby suddenly says, causing me to flinch and hit my head on the window I was laying against.
       "Ouch- um yeah Ruby?" I respond quietly while rubbing by head.
       "Oh I'm sorry fo making you hit your head, but anyways..you should probably start putting on a hat and mask and some new clothes." She says while smiling at my whining.
       "Oh! Oh shiz..I forgot heh. Well um where am I going to change?" I say nervously.
       "Pff well we're kinda in the middle of the road and no one's driving here so just change in the back of the car while I wait outside alright? Your mask and hat are in the trunk." She states out while slowly stoping the care and parking it.
       "O-oh..alright I g-guess?" I laugh anxiously since well I'm going somewhere without having to be Mabel? Like c'mon who else can relate?..wait can people actually relate to me? Yeah let's just say they can. Ruby then gets out of the care and waits near a tree looking at her phone.
       "Alright Dipper...new identity. New clothes. No wig. Just..dress how you normally dress when you're at home doing your schedule. Not that hard haha?" As I question my life decisions I chose out simple clothes. A red and orange stripped turtle neck tucked into some black mom jeans and some white sneakers...fAshiOn Am I riGhT??? I then strip.
       'WoaH- ok maybe saying I stripped doesn't sound child friendly...Yeesh it feels weird to take off my clothes in the back of a car. Sounds like I'm going to be kidnapped...Oh c'mon this is your own car- or well Ruby's car! There's nothing to be anxious about.'
       I then finished changing..finally..and start to get my mask and hat. I reach in the trunk from inside the car, but I couldn't..quite reach it. So instead of being a normal citizen and getting out of the car to get it..I just fell in the back of the trunk.
       "Ow...my back just hit a metal object really hard..huh who knew this would happen- aaaAAAAAAA-" I then start screeching bloody Mary. Ya know I would've thought Ruby would've heard, but well..she's the worst at hearing from afar..and instead of hearing a full on death scream..other people probably heard some muffled screeching, which would sound like a baby so haha amazing.
       "..friCk~ this sure is swell. Ugh. Ok where's that mask." I say while rubbing my back slowly and wincing. I then find it, but Ruby probably forgot the location of those items..cause they were in the back seats just sitting there. I then face palm myself too hard then intended.
       "How did I not even see that? And ow." I roll my eyes in annoyance, but as well in entertainment due to the show I just put on for myself. I then observe the cloth materials that lay on my palms. The hat was simply black and had a white pinetree in the center, (A/N:yes I changed the design don't bUlLy mE-) and the mask was also..black.
       'Yeesh what's with Ruby and the color black? I feel like she would want a color darker then black. Pff don't be silly Mason..unless-' My ridiculous thoughts were then interrupted by a knock on the window causing me to jolt up.
       " Hey Dipper..um are you ok in there?" Ruby asks concerned. I then open the door for her and simply smiling..cause...I'm finally being me. New identity. New clothes. New home. New name. New everything...I was finally going to be myself. Ruby then grins widely and pushes my hat down to cover my eyes. We then both start laughing and enter the car. We both just enjoy this comforting silence till we arrive at this new town I still have yet to discover.

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