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3rds pov
       The group was in rather astonishment by the sudden tone change in Will's sentence..yes it was a rather serious situation to Will, but to the others it just simply felt like a game...well to Gideon and Bill..the blue and pink people in the group knew something was happening that they should be fearing.
       "Look...when I was looking through the photos and discoveries of Mabel...it feels like I've seen her before...like in some photos where she has messy hair..her hairline from the front feels so familiar and so do her eyes...like I've seen them in front of my face, but it wasn't Mabel..I just can't figure out anymore cause I'm just forgetting about people I've barely met...well except for some, but damn it's so fucking confusing!" Will then hits his head on the table safely and rests it on it. There was silence that struck the room..till Bill caught everyone's attention with a rather loud defeated sigh.
       "Look..Will...and Pyronica. I'm only doing this cause I'm getting annoyed and cause you're my sibling, Will, ok?...I'll fucking help you with observing and that Mabel shit...but not because I like Mabel..cause I fucking hate her, but cause I'm getting tired of seeing you guys stressed and since I'm not as much of a retard as y'all...I'll fucking help with this stupid shit, but you better buy me some fucking Pringles alright?" He then glares at nothing and waits for a response.
       ' Why in the actual fuck am I doing this? Guilt? Tiredness? Loss of satisfaction of seeing these idiots being retards?...maybe all of them, but...I'm just getting a gut feeling I guess...something's going to happen and I don't know if I should be scared, but hey at least these brats won't annoy me anymore.' Bill thinks as he stares at the three looking at him in astonishment.
       "Re-really?!" Will stands up from his chair by suprise. Bill simply roles his eyes and Will immediately sits down from realization of his actions. He simply smiles and nods.
       "Hey since y'all already got a group why not I join?! I mean hey your guys group gotta be equal and I mean hey I do have an interest in Mabel-" Gideon was then cut off by a groan from the three.
       "Yeah we knew that Gideon...geez any time you see Mabel in a picture you're practically fucking her with your eyes like the same thing you did to mask kid...my lord how much people are you gonna fuck?" Pyronica says with a smirk as she sees Gideon getting pissed. 
       "I mean she ain't wrong cowboy! Poor mask kid...bet he already felt he was being fucking by your stare..no wonder he stopped you..you must've been a bad fucker pff bet I could fuck him better." Bill snorts out while Gideon simply wants to kill him.
       "Not gonna lie Bill, but that's pretty fucking gay." Pyronica says with a smile. Bill simply glares at her and scoffs.
       "Pff shut the fuck up pinkie! Sure he's kinda cute, but he's pretty fucking weird and I barely can see his face so I can't officially say he's cute. Also you're pretty fucking gay yourself Pyronica! Don't think I don't catch you staring at some random girls tits and face." Bill then smirks while Pyronica chokes on her wine.
       "Wh-what?! Shut your ass up you retard! As IF HAHAHAHAH- but it ain't my fault that they're pretty-" she mutters quietly, but not quietly enough for everybody to NOT hear. Will simply chuckles, Gideon is just there with a shocked Pikachu face, and Bill is simply rolling his eyes with a smile they all know and love.
       "Anyways we should probably be coming up with ways to sneak in a camera so we don't get caught- also how we're gonna sneak in so c'mon bitches let's go upstairs and use our brains for once." Bill then stands up with a smile and puts his dishes in the sink as everyone follows his actions.
       "Y'all's unhealthy ass can never beat me upstairs so fuck y'all's chicken nuggets!" Will screams out with a laugh as he runs away from the group. The rest then put on a challenge and got ready to beat each others asses..and let's just say many of them fell and screamed.

A/N:Back to Dippers pov or present so kinda like the nest day since you know he slept again.
Dippers pov (dream)
       'My stomach feels like it's turning so harshly....am I falling?'
       I can't see anything...just darkness consuming me. It was suffocating with the silence as I'm falling I suppose?
       I then land...on a liquid- wait no it's water? No specific scent, but somewhat a feeling...my eyes feel blind..I feel so blind.
       My eyes finally open and I see so much colors that can kill...just so many bright colors...too many flashing colors. Feels like stop motion from every movement I do...I look around and it's...nothing. Just water that isn't high enough, but can reach my knees...and I'm laying down for no specific reason. I'm just staring at the colors that can kill.
       "Why can't you listen to your mother Mason?" He heard a voice say...that he recognized as his manager.
       "Wh-wha- wait what?!" I gasp out and...I immediately regret that as now I'm coughing out some liquid that's just turning different colors...
       "I'M JUST HELPING!" She screams repeatedly...and it's drowning into my ears..its all I can hear.
       Tears strolled down my eyes as I can feel more and more liquid come out of my mouth...small tears turned into a river. The empty room of flashing lights continued to shrink as the water rises due to my tears and I still hear the same words...its torture.
       Im trying to escape...I'm just scared. I'm FUCKING TERRIFIED.
       I just

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