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--back to the Ciphers--

       "..sex offender..and how did you find out about..that Vincent guy." Bill glanced up at the two, finally making eye contact as he felt his mind shut off. It was in all shock for him, he never really thought the brunette would get in this type of trouble, but here they are.

       "Vincnet is someone that works as an actor that acts out sexual orientation when being filmed, so he's basically a porn star. Some cases of sexual assault are sometimes most likely to be in porn, but they usually don't get pressed charges as they technically can say they were filming and the victim knew what they were doing. Well that's what most like to say. Vincnet has had several reports on him by many actors that were being filmed in the process of the act, they were either treated badly, hurt in the process of filming, or was even forced to do things they didn't know they were going do to- Vincent is by far one of the most disgusting man I have ever seen. He sees these women or men as objects and leads them on, usually he attracts them and he sometimes doesn't do the act immidietly. He's been accused of forcing someome into sexual interactions by far more victims then I can count, and those rumors were proven to be true, but that bastard used the excuse of filming the thing. He knows what he's doing, and he sure as hell knows how to cover it up. The cops usually wouldn't believe in people that literally do porn, so the never get any victory. They were just forced to live with the memories.." Will glared at nothingness, just seeing the guys face made him want to already punch him. He's seen Vincent before- hell, they made eye contact once, but it was immidietly broken by him. He never liked him, never liked how Vincent stared at others as if they were prizes, as if they were fish in the sea he could've easily captured..but Vincent had a different gaze when staring at Dipper, a look of fascination and interest..it didn't look like he just wanted to use the brunette and already go. That would already be bad enough, but his look immidietly made him concerned for the brunette. He then continued as he walked towards the counter, leaning against it for support while he began to chew the inside of his cheek.

       "..I use to know this woman, she was a friend of mind back before we were well known. She was also an actor for porn, and me and her would sometimes call eachother, she just complained a lot about her work and yeah, but then she started talking about Vincent, she spoke about how creepy he was or how his intentions looked weird or overall terrifying..and she was right, I told her to not go near him, but her and Vincent had a film to do. The project itself was I think just some couple in a hotel just kissing, and then it would just go with the female giving the male a blowjob, and that did happen, but..well things didn't go as planned. She called me again, crying her eyes out. Yelling about how she didn't want it, about how it wasn't suppose to happen, about how no one backed her up. The director and camera people just let it happen, it was porn so they didn't care. They just scolded Vincent for changing the plot..thats it. He didn't get any jail time or even go to court, because no one cared.." He paused, recalling how shaky her voice was, the call honestly made himself shiver, he spoke again, his gaze never leaving his hands, "She wanted me to actually come to the filming area so if something were to happen, then I would jump in. And yeah, I did agree to come, the sexual stuff didn't bother me since I could barely care any less about that sort of stuff. Never was into it, but anyways, nothing actually happened..just the same filming and everything went as plan, and then they called it a day. She was too paranoid by the time, but I don't blame her, most companies don't respect women that are actors of porn. They get highly mistreated. Vincent didn't even notice me, we only made eye contact once, but that's it. We never shared any words. So after some few months or so, the friend I knew quit her job. She didn't need to explain herself, but we hadn't spoken as much anymore. And then I never looked so deep into this Vincent guy since I didn't think he would have a whole record of his actions, but I later on told the story to Pyronica and curiosity got the best of us. So we searched over Vincent and his backround..and boy was it horrible. We tried to gain evidence to at least try to open up a case, but no one listened to us at the time. Vincent still committed his actions, and no one could really even stop him..hes a retard and asshole, but he sure has the brains to cover up his actions."

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