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       The universe really did just hate Dipper, didn't it?

       The males heart was pounding in his chest, his breathing pratically paused as he felt his face heat up with sudden embarrassment, his dignity just leaving the door as always.

       "..hel-hello? Again?" He spoke up again, fixing his posture as he quickly cleared his throat. Leaning against the wall he was almost pinned against, he shoved his hands in his pockets out of nervousness. His fingers thumbled against eachother.

        "Hey?" Vincent chuckled, before continuing, "Didn't mean to scare you, but here we are! Anyways, hope I didn't interrupt anything-"

       "Well you technically did-"

       "Doesn't matter! Let's hang out, alright? I know a place that you'll like!"

       He blinked at the male in front of him, the guys obvious inconsideration was a bit irritating to him, but who was he to complain? It would be rude for him to say no, but..he still has to help Gruncle Stan, right? And anyways, how the hell could Vincent just talk to him so easily?! They almost KISSED two days ago! Vincent was so..strange, he couldn't understand the guy.

        He scooted back away from Vincent a bit more, as he noticed how the guy got a bit closer, his back just going deeper into the wall, if that was even possible. Hugging himself (or crossing his arms), he replied with a quiet voice, his tone sounding soft. "That would be nice, but I'm helping my Uncle with something, Vincent..he doesn't even know where I am right now, what if he's worried?"

        "If he was so worried, he would've noticed by now, right? C'mon, Dipper, it won't take long. And you look like you could use a break, it's hot as hell, and you're outside. We'll go somewhere with shade!" Vincent smiled, not even caring that the brunette now wore a pained expression..he must've hurt the guys feelings with the first thing he said.

       Now, Vincent already knew that someone would be suspicious sooner or later. He already predicted a while ago that the Ciphers would probably tell Dippers Uncle about him, since they cared SO much about the male, but they also had to consider his mental health. It was laughable to him, he had to be honest, the situation was easy to read.

       Dipper on the other hand..had a frown. In dissapointment. Maybe even betrayal? He couldn't believe the guy said that! He couldn't believe Vincent just told him that crap! How was he suppose to react?! Like the guy said nothing? He's..he's never been told something like that. It's been awhile of someone even has..but, Vincent wasn't exactly wrong per say. Stan would've noticed he's been dragged somewhere else, right? He was the guys nephew, so it would've been easy to notice his disappearence..right? Maybe Stan was just too busy for him, he wasn't complaining, but it did kind of hurt that no one even cared about his lack of appearance.

       Sighing to himself, he felt his face already being flushed by the heat as he gulped some saliva. Jeez, he needed some water..dehydration was hitting him hard. Usually he was use to it, but damn, he couldn't handle it with the heat! It felt like his throat was dry or empty, his only source of liquid would be his own source of saliva.

        Looking back at Vincent, he mentally was screaming to himself, but another part of him was actually agreeing with the guy..well why not? He didn't exactly have anyone missing him, and he could just leave a note if they even noticed his disappearence. And anyways, they were going to have some break later when Wendy came back, so he could just come during that hour..and Stan didn't really notice, so what was the harm in relaxing for once- well with Vincent was a whole other event, but he wouldn't need to overthink that now, would he?

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