🥀..for now..🥀

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3rd pov
Ruby nodded her head yet her eyes were worrisome. That's how she always was of Dipper. I mean you couldn't blame her, she's seen everything the boy had been through and she simply doesn't want it to happen again...how she's always wished for Mason to be happy, but...it just wasn't so easy. Sure Dipper was happy near Ruby, but he was just isolated. Judged. Hurt in any ways to make him "improve". And she wasn't allowed to intervene. That was her punishment for any mistakes she's done. You could simply smack Dipper on the head and she would take that as punishment as it killed her. She would tear up at any noises of Dipper falling or crying or even stuttering. She knew Dipper was terrified of his mother. Oh how she knew. She was quite surprised at how know one else has seen that. The brunette always stuttering, but having a sudden outburst if he slouches or even makes a single mistake in a sentence. How has no one noticed? That's what Ruby always questioned herself...but she just wanted Dipper to be happy. And it also seemed that Dipper wanted the exact thing. Ruby knew there was the actual Dipper in him. She just couldn't seem to see the actual Dipper often. The Dipper that would laugh and be sassy sometimes yet shy near others, the one that was full of curiosity and knowledge that he would want to tell people, the one that enjoyed writing and even baking, the one that enjoyed each and every part of nature and just wanted to take pictures of it, the one that always seemed to be the mature one in situations people couldn't comprehend...the one that had control of himself. Yet here was the Mason that his mother created. The one that was always quiet, the one who was always shaking under his household yet would immediately be petrified when his mother noticed, the one that would be so secretive, the one whose only job was to simply act as someone else, the one who always worn a serious face outside and never shown emotion near family yet would always have the plastered smile on his face near his audience, the one who was so insecure about his weight and looks, the one who was isolated, the one who simply...was like that perfect toy people wanted. Mason was created to be "perfect". He had the innocent face. He had the "perfect" body everyone adores, he had the intelligence, he had the smile, he even had the voice...that's all he was built for. And oh how much suffering he's had to go through just to be the person he is today. Someone that isn't even him. He wasn't Mason. Or Dipper. No. Dipper no longer existed to society's eyes except Ruby's...He was now Mabel. A name he was assigned. A role he had to build up to. A role where no one even knew who was apart of the cast. It was all a silly play to his mother's eyes. It was all about game and money and Mason understood, but he just couldn't seem to understand why his mother would put him through all this, but he just complied.
Ruby was as worried as ever as these were people she never even met and neither did Mason! How could she even trust these people?!
       "Do I know them?!" She questioned as her panic was riding.
       "Well...I think you do? I mean they're Bills crew members and himself, oh and also Gideon I suppose, so I'm pretty certain that you do know them if I'm correct...but don't worry Ruby I'll be good and take care of myself. Just go and take care of Mabel as she's being rather ignorant..." The brunette said as he whispered the last part.
       "Ok then...but at least let me walk with you towards them. I just want to see you get there safely alright?"
       "Alright... c'mon we better hurry before manager gets suspicious." Dipper and Ruby then walked away quietly while Ruby quickly took glances at a nervous Dipper. After some small walks and steps they finally found the group. They were just in front of the room they were in before and were either staring at their phones or talking to one and another. The crew looked at the two new people coming forward including Bill. Ruby looked at Dipper who gave a simple reassuring nod...which already seemed to calm Ruby down. She then smiled and made their foreheads touch. She then kissed his forehead as if he was a child and ruffled his hat to in which response Dipper giggled quietly. Ruby then looked at the crew and gave them a death glare...oh if stares could kill then they would be dead in an instant. Ruby..was sometimes protective of Dipper, but it quite frankly depended on the people Dippers with, but Bills crew and Gideon...were not a good combination in Ruby's eyes. She didn't trust them enough and their first impressions weren't so swell. The group simply gulped while Bill had only glared back. He wasn't a type of person to feel threatened. He always had to be the one threatening someone, but Ruby didn't give any sort of reaction to that so they both supposed that they were fine for awhile. The maid of "Mabel" then left with her footsteps getting quieter and quieter each second.
       "Time to go..." Dipper looked back at them with dead eyes. The crew was somewhat stunned as a minute ago he was just giggling. They then headed towards the entrance which is where they originally came from, but then Dipper stopped them.
       "Not there. We can't have manager seeing us as I would be in a rather troubling situation which would involve things I'd rather not go through." Dipper then headed back stage even further than before as the rest followed. They find him standing near a door that they didn't even know was there. Dipper opened the door for them and waited till each and everyone of them got out. As Bill passed he took a glance at Dipper and in return Dipper did the same causing them to have eye contact. The Blondie was almost stuck in Masons doe eyes that had million of stars in them. That was when Mason looked away quickly as Bill immediately walked out realizing he almost embarrassed himself.
       Everyone was now outside just walking through the forest. Bill was leading the way towards Gideons house, but Mason didn't really know where they were going. Dipper was in between Will and Gideon meanwhile Pyronica was in the back seeing the recordings she did during the concert and editing the audio on her phone so what Mabel said would be more clear.
       "So....what would your manager do if they caught you in action?" Will suddenly asked towards Dipper who jumped at the random voice. Mason then calmed down and looked at the floor while playing with his sleeves.
       "W-...well um...what ma-managers usually do."
       "Scream at you? Fire you? What's wrong with your manager screaming at you?" Will questioned Dipper who he himself looked supprised at Will's response.
       "...that's what they do?....manager lied...", Mason muttered to himself not acknowledging that Will heard him, the brunette then stopped playing with his sleeves and continued looking at the floor, " Well...she doesn't yell at me...but that's all I can quite frankly tell you...I don't really ever know what's punishment from that woman." Mason then realized what he said in his last sentence and immediately shut his mouth not allowing himself speak another word. Will was quite surprised by his words while Bill was hearing everything, but not wanting to interrupt so he said no comments. Gideon on the other hand didn't even listen to jack shit and was rather thinking about Ruby. No not in a sexual or romantic way, but he just despised her as she tried to threaten him with a glare. And it worked. He didn't like it, and he was actually surprised yet disgusted by the fact she kissed mask kid on the forehead as if she was a mother.
       "So...what's with your maid? She's pretty fucking weird if ya ask me like what kind of maid fucking glares at people she has to look up to and who does she even think she is to even kiss your forehead as if you guys knew each other. She's a fucking weirdo ya know...I'm kinda surprised that she wasn't fired yeT-" His rant was interrupted by the feeling of falling towards the ground...Dipper fucking kicked Gideons leg harshly causing him to fall on his back quickly.
       "OW- HEY WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK?!-" Gideons whining was stopped by Mason's glare. It basically killed his soul.
       "YOU do not EVER talk about Ruby like that AGAIN! Do you hear me?! I don't give a single shit if you're Gideon fucking Gleeful. You do not EVER talk about Ruby like that. She's not a fucking maid. She's family. She's like a sister and she has supported me throughout so if you're going to talk shit about her then you're going to have to look at me in the eyes and DARE yourself to say that....ya know Gideon. You honestly seemed like a good person for awhile, but now...you ruined your impression as a person so Gleeful....you can suck my ass."  That's when he left Will and Gideon and headed towards the front where Bill was. Everyone's jaw was open as they never really took the kid to curse that much and hurt someone such as Gideon. Sure Mason's first impression was rather intimidating, but they soon saw he was just a shy boy...but now...they didn't know what to think about him.
       "...where are we going?" Dipper asked Bill in a quieter voice. And well the Blondie was rather surprised and looked at the brunette who's face seemed to be flushed and blushing crazy..that's when Bill realized that the kid wasn't weird or bipolar. He just seemed to notice his actions quicker than usual and was embarrassed of what he said...well except the part where he basically told Gideon to fuck off.
       "Pff what's with the red face? There's nothing to be embarrassed about kid from what you said heh." Bill chuckled at his own comment as Dipper seemed to get redder.
       "...n-no it's not about everything I said...it's ju-just...I told him to suck my ass...." Dipper whispered the quiet part to the point Bill couldn't even hear him.
       "I'm sorry what did you say?" Bill laughed a little as Dipper was now like a tomato.
       "...I told him to suck my ass..."
       "Oh? I'm sorry what?" Bill at this point was teasing Dipper as the brunette seemed to get embarrassed and irritated each second.
       "I TOLD HIM TO SUCK MY ASS!" Dipper shouted loudly as the crew members looked at him in shock and with red faces as their dirty minds took them to another level. Pyronica was now laughing her ass, Will was trying to hold his laugh, but failed and laughed along with Pyronica, Gideon had his face turn red and look away in embarrassment as he just imagined what the kid with the mask said. And Bill was now snickering meanwhile Mason realized what he said. He now felt like he was going to blow up from embarrassment.
       "N-NOT LITERALLY THOUGH! I JUST WAS ALREADY RUDE ENOUGH AND WHEN I SAID THAT I SOUNDED LIKE A JERK!" Dipper immediately shouted while playing with his sleeves faster. The rest laughed while Mason was about to blow up and die.
       After they calmed down they continued walking a relaxing quiet walk. Dipper was still flustered, but not too much. They then arrived at Gleefuls house and Gideon then walked in front of them to unlock the door. Mason simply looked at it with a stunned expression from how white it was..yes his home was familiar, but it at least had some colors..some..basically the outside wasn't white as this, but the inside was as if it was a lab.
       Gideon held the door for everyone and took a glance at Dipper who was, again, playing with his sleeves and avoiding eye contact with anyone. Though Gideon was pissed at him he couldn't seem to get that one thought out of his mind when he saw Dipper like that.


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