♡kiss on the cheek♡

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3rd pov

       "So when did you enter the modeling industry?" Bill questioned the brunette as they were both laying on the floor staring at the ceiling, they found it quite comfortable there so they stayed put.

       "Well, I'm not a model, but I became an assistant at the age of..10? Yeah I volunteered to help at the age of 10. It was pretty difficult to learn all the smart stuff, I'll be honest, but here I am."

       "Wait..you're telling me that you helped Mabel ever since her career started? That shit is crazy..I started at like 14 or 15 I think, me and my crew met in highschool and we became a group. Now look at us..well look at the..bunch of retards."

       "Pff..that wasn't so nice of you to say. And yup..I saw her growth ever since she started..it was pretty boring and horrible at first, but I got the hang of it." The brunettes mind drifted of onto the subject about how he got use to the empty feeling he had in his stomach. Dipper sighed at the thought as he pushed it away.

       "Hey, I didn't know you can sing. How come you didn't mention it in your hobbies?" The blonde rose an eyebrow at Pinetree as he simply giggled quietly.

       "Well, even if singing is slightly my hobby, I don't like to talk about it with so many people..even if it's three people in the room, I'd rather not say so much."

       "Can you sing in front of one person?"

       "Yeah, I suppose I can-"

       "Sing for me. I'm only one person, so sing." Bill interrupted Dipper as the brunettes eyes immidietly widened.

       "U-uh..well..uh you see I-I..forgot my ukulele-"

       "You brought it with you during our walk here. It's literally downstairs." Dipper blinked in response to the blonde as his face seemed to redden. Before he could manage a word, they both got startled by a knock and the door opening, the person I'm question not even caring if they had permission to enter.

       "Where the hell is that brat and blonde shit?" A voice that was familiar to Gideon spoke, the male couldn't frankly see the two males as they were laying on the floor next to the bed, so they were out of site. Bill looked at Dipper and smirked, he held up a finger to his lips, signaling to keep quiet. The brunette rose an eyebrow out of pure confusion, but simply nodded.

       "HEY! DIPPER?! BITCHY BILL?! I KNOW YOU TWO ARE IN HERE!" Gideon shouted in rage as he got no response. Bills smirk widened as he was getting the reaction he wanted, he made eye contact with the brunette and pointed under bed. Dipper tilted his head slightly in confusion as Bill simply sighed, the blonde pushed Pinetree gently towards the bed. Dipper seemed to get the signal and went under the bed, Bill then followed. The two males were now listening to an annoyed cowboy who was repeatedly questioning where they were, Bill rolled his eyes at Gideon and Dipper had his innocent confused face.

       "This horny bastard seriously doesn't know when to give up does he?..hey, Pinetree.", Bill whispered quietly as he looked at the brunette who hummed, meaning he can continue, "I got a plan to piss the fuck out of Gideon, alright so..pig guy over here forgot to close the door as usual, when he isn't looking we quietly get out of the door and sit in the dining table since its like lunch hours or some shit. He'll come down and shit himself when he thinks he literally screamed at thin air in my room!"

       "Pff- wait. Isn't this harsh? I mean Gideon is just checking up on us, right?" Dippers gentle whisper made Bill look at Dipper even more and focus on his face facial features, he didn't know why, but the brunettes voice seemed to calm him down. The blonde looked at how his eyes had galaxies in them as the shimmer in them didn't seem to stop, his button nose and permanent flush on his face, the way his small lips were parted as the brunette waited for a reply- wait what was Bill thinking?! Looking at his lips- that's got to be a joke his mind put himself in. Bill looked away as he responded.

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