🌿open your eyes🌿

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3rd pov
After the group finally finished entering the room, Gideon shut the door causing Mason to tense up. He quite frankly wasn't use to being with someone this long. To be honest he was just use to waving or signing something or just people staring at him, he still wasn't use to people hugging him or questioning him. Always gave him anxiety as he never knew what would happen next, he was terrified as he could fail his manager with one simple mistake.
Eyes were on the brunette now who was clutching onto the end of his sleeve as tight as possible. Dipper felt highly uncomfortable and was shaking just a tiny bit, but enough for Bill to notice. Now Bill couldn't blame the guy for being anxious as they don't even know each other as much, but he did know that assistances shouldn't even be nervous near models or people with similar jobs as his, he pushed the questions away and just thought of the brunette as a paranoid person.
"Well welcome to my house I suppose! Now where the fuck will we be questioning him in?" Gideon broke the silence with his question in which response the brunettes shoulders seemed to tense even more. The crew took notice and decided to be more gentle.
"Well we should do it in my room as it has almost all the information we've gathered in there." Will answered with a quieter tone. The group simply nodded and walked up stairs, there were now walking in the same order, but flipped. Bill and Mason were in the back meanwhile Will was leading and the rest were in between. The three in the front were chattering meanwhile the brunette and Blondie were walking in silence. Bill glanced over at the brunette who was shaking harshly as if we was about to freeze to death. He was trembling from fear and clutched onto his sleeves harder as his knuckles whitened, avoiding eye contact with anyone except the floor. Bill was rather..surprised. He knew the boy would be nervous, but this was over board nervous as if he was panicking about simple questions. He couldn't seem to understand what the boy was frightened about..sure Will's room wasn't far away, but his dumb crew walked slow as fuck if he didn't take lead. So he had time to at least strive up a conversation.
"Why are you so shaken up?" Bill questioned as he now faced his head towards the brunette. Dipper still kept his eyes facing the ground as his legs started to shake harshly each second. He responded with a shaky quiet tone.
"..I-I....we-well it shouldn't be something you sh-should question ab-about..."
"Kid I think I have every right to question you. I mean we are planning to question you some thousands of questions probably so why can't you answer mine? What, do ya think your mama will get pissed?" Bill smirked at the last comment, but immediately dropped his expression when he noticed the boys balance almost fall at the mention of his mother.
'What kind of reaction was that towards the simple word "mother"? This kid..is fucking odd, but with that small act at such a word..the fuck did his mother do to him to cause this?' Bills thoughts wanted answers, but..he dropped the question when Dipper simply nodded and got a bit further away from him. The five finally arrived at the room after some seconds of silence. Will looked back at the group and opened the door for him. Each entered as Bill was the last to get in, Will took interest in Mason. No not in a romantic way in such, but he was curious. Curious why he was hidden for so long and even who he was. The kid with the mask had answers they wanted.
"Alright then mask kid. You might as well give us your name so it could be easier to question you." Will smiled at Mason who immediately shook his head no. The blue haired boy raised an eyebrow towards the group wanting some help.
"Alright since you fuckers can't seem to help at anything I'll just start. I'll call you Pinetree! Now since you guys suck ass at nicknames just pick a nickname similar to the one I chose." Bill looked at the group as they started brainstorming.
"Sapling!" Pyronica spoke up as she smiled. The group agreed and simply decided that Bill could call him Pinetree while the rest can call him sapling.
"Alright then sapling lets start- sapling?" Will caught Mason's attention since he was distracted by the information laid out on the desk.
"aH- ye-yeah ok let's start..." The brunette muttered as the rest stared at him. They were all in a rather comfortable area, but to Dipper he felt trapped. As if he was in a cage who was about to be tested...as if he was locked in the same room where his mother locked him in as a kid. He was petrified. Paranoid. Wanting to escape out of this living hell, but as an instinct..he stayed. He stayed for the questioning and acted obedient as if they were his manager. His mother has done too much to him to the point he didn't even have survival instincts anymore in different sorts of situations..there were times where he acted like a lab subject who simply didn't react to any tests. As a toy who could break down at any second. He was just a mess inside his own mind where no one can find him.
"Alright then...well let's start off with some easy questions about you! Then we can move on over to the subject of Mabel slowly alright?", Will made eye contact with Dipper who immediately broke it as he looked at his lap just clutching onto the end of his shirt. The brunette nodded slowly, "alright then. Well um...who are you exactly?" The question made Dipper snap out of his paranoid trance and immediately think about his answers that wouldn't piss off his boss.
"I...Im someone...thats all I can tell you." The questions between Dipper and Will continued
"And how come that's all you can inform us about?"
"That I cannot tell either as I have promised my parental figures to not let out any private information."
"How come we've never seen you anywhere near Mabel?"
"I'm not her personal assistant as that's Ruby's position. I simply help with any financial issues or anything that could involve Mabel's career to fall. I just help with her appearance and first impressions so I technically wouldn't need to be near her in public as there's no need for that."
"Well what if Mabel made a mistake on stage? Would you be out there with her to fix it? And how come you were there backstage?"
"...I...Mabel already knows to not make mistakes during a live as she practices till the concert. I was simply backstage to give Ruby some company also if there's anyone that is wanting any money back then that's when I come in." All of these answers were coming out of the brunettes head. He wasn't ready to answer, but he knew that it would raise suspicion if he paused...and that's what he did. He still kept his calm face on, but was still clutching onto his shirt harshly.
"What's with all this nervousness? I somewhat can relate to you position in the crew, but in a rather carefree way as I'm actually known. No offense though, but how come you're nervous near someone you should consider as peers? Quite confusing to be honest as most of us assistances know to not make a bad impression near another company of some sort hm?" Will raised an eyebrow as he smiles quietly. He felt rather smug about the fact he might've cornered the brunette..but..instead the boy looked up and made eye contact in a long time with Will. The blue haired boy almost jumped at his actions, but kept eye contact.
"Well this is honestly a normal reaction when some strangers drag you into their home for some questions. Sounds suspicious doesn't it? And I was taught differently as I have been taught to not trust such people like you. They can stab your back any second and if you show such a kind personality then you'll seem weaker which could make your opponent think they can take advantage of you and manipulate you to the point you yourself will question whether you're weak or not. Though we all want to be friends we all know that we're enemies.." The brunette then crossed his legs so now he didn't have his legs hanging on the edge of the chair. He then broke the eye contact and muttered an apology...the rest were quite surprised and shocked at his sudden mood switch and how he immediately apologized. Ya know the rest accepted it, but Bill was getting sick of his crap. He couldn't seem to understand what was going on through Pinetree's mind so he immediately questioned him something he should've thought before asking.
"Pinetree stop this bullshit and same for you Will. I'm not going to fucking wait for some answers that don't even matter," Bill then walked towards Mason and stood infront of him, Dipper was now looking up in fear and sat in a straight position..it was odd to Bill, but he continued, " What the fuck is happening with the Pines family pinetree? Hm? Why the fuck are they hiding you as if you're some fucking disease towards society?....hows your relationship with your mother and manager?" Bill started to then glare at the boy beneath him who was now a shaking mess. Mason's shoulders were, again, tensed as he then made eye contact with Bill and had his usual straight position. Bill could see the fear in his eyes...those eyes told stories he couldn't express himself. Bills face softened a bit as he saw the brunettes lips quiver as if he was about to cry. Bill was about to apologise until Dipper interrupted him.
"I...I-I," right when he stuttered his eyes widened and he immediately trembled even more, but continued "What's happening between the Pines is none of your guys businesses whether you like it or not. They arent hiding me and quite frankly my existence shouldn't matter to any of you..and lastly...my relationship with those two shall not be spoken ever. Now tell me where the restroom is..it isn't a question it's a command." The brunette then let out a shaky breath as he looked at Gideon. The white haired boy flinched when he made eye contact with them, but then opened the door, they then left to go find the restroom.

Dippers pov
After that... conversation. Gideon finally led me to the restroom and I then told him he could leave..he didn't.
"Do you need any-anything?" I asked him as he was just leaning on the wall staring at me...quite odd to be honest.
"No..no it's nothing I'm just thinking. Well I'll see you soon sapling. Don't take too long otherwise we'll have to break down the door." He chuckled at his own joke as I simply nodded. He then left and I then closed the door.
The bathroom was clear white as heck, you could even see your own reflection with these clean tiles, but that didn't really matter to me right now in the moment...what happened back there could've fucked me up in so many ways than one.
"Fuck." I whispered to myself as I then looked at the mirror. I saw myself...the real me. It was so odd. No wig. No make up of some sort. No tear strains. Nothing. It was..me?...I don't know anymore. I've lived as Mabel for so long..who was I?
'Who..am I? Manager always called me Mabel...or Mason?..Mason..sounds like a child that's a mistake. A child in which the parents didn't want. A burden. A weakling. A waste of time....no..calm down Mason- Mason?..Mason..odd name really...calm down..Dipper. Mother...manager..Mabel..they don't really care for you do they? Was always a lie I told myself to feel better...sad really..mother's going to be so disappointed..look at what you did?! I fucked up big time...I stuttered. I was shaking too much..I could see why manager would teach you these things..what if she finds out..what if she finds out? WHAT IF SHE FINDS OUT?!...SHIT! No! That's not happening. She isn't going to find anything out just...just be quiet as she says..Mabel..Mabel? No..Dipper.. Dipper...ew...just someone. I'm someone...who?'
I then jumped as I felt tears rolling down my face.
"Ah...haha...sh-shit" I then put my back against the wall and slid down slowly. I looked up at the lighting as more tears seemed to flow up. My breathing felt so small. I felt so small. This room felt like it was filled with water. It felt so suffocating. It was so quiet...yet so loud. I couldn't seem to take in my surroundings..I was terrifed at this point. I was somewhat pulling my hair just wanting to know I'm alive..I'm someone? No I'm not. Am I? I'll never know. Ya know it felt kind of calm...as if my breath was being taken away slowly. Though I say it's calming...I know I hate it.
I'm now in the corner of the restroom shaking way too much. I'm hugging myself so tightly around my stomach. I was staring at the ground as I quietly sobbed...it was so pathetic. Here I am. Panicking in someone's restroom...im just so tired. My eyes want to rest. I want to rest. I don't want to open my eyes. I wouldn't bother anyone would I? No..I don't think so...I'm tired..after what felt like hours my breathing then hitched when I heard someone knocking the door...it reminded me so much of..manager. When I was locked in my room again. Ruby having to sit outside and wait. Me hiding in the corner as she looked for me...she never found me that day, but what if she did?..I could've been punished so much that day. I made myself breakfast for once..I was starving that day. I was only a little kid, yet..she did this.
My instincts kicked in and I went to hide. There was no place to even hide in a restroom...so I climbed onto the bath tub and closed the shower curtains as I then slid over to the corner of the tub. As far away from anyone as possible...I then put both of my hands over my mouth so they couldn't hear me...kind of like when I was little. My knees were laying on my chest as my back hit the wall. I then waited and waited till they left. The knocks got louder and louder..I heard people shouting. I don't know what's happening. I'm just being as quiet as possible...just like when I was little...


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