🌱*small talk*🌱

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Dippers pov
       "How much have you found out?" I stare at them seeing their confusion so I just sigh.
       "How far have you looked into Mabel's situation?" I plain out say in a rather harsher tone than I intended. Was I sorry? Maybe, but c'mon I'm scared as heck right now so I have to obviously put up my act. They then all started to answer and it's just really hard to comprehend...well I'm in a pickle right now so dang. I then sighed and just walked over to Will and kneeled down in front of him..now they were silent. Will just looked at me in shock by my sudden change in positions, but I then spoke.
       "It's hard to understand you all at once so I'll be more specific in whom I'm asking...Will..how much have you guys found out?" I then look up at him and wait for his response in which he started now.
       "Well...we know about you. And Bill over there heard someone singing in the forest who REALLY actually sounded like Mable, but when he went to see who it was they ran off so we're suspicious of them also...and...we think that Mabel isn't the one singing her songs." He finishes off with a sweat drop and I...I'm panicking mentally.
       'Well frick....great job Mason. Bill heard you. They basically found almost everything out and I barely even know them, but what do I expect HONESTLY?....why now? Why not later when manager left? The universe really isn't on my side now-'
       "Ya know Mask Kid!..you seem to be hiding something from us! And well....I know you're hiding something from us...so?! Why ain't cha telling us pal...is it really that big of a deal?" Bill interrupted my thoughts and I barely actually realized he walked infront of me when I stood. Was I scared? Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. Did I show it? Maybe. I wouldn't know. All I know is that I'm petrified and here I am staring at a guys chest as I didn't even change my position.
       "Look. I don't even know how you guys got these certain theories or guesses, but I do really suggest to stay out of this situation...th-there isn't anything to even be suspicious about so please...just go..you'll be able to see Mabel in a bit, but she didn't bother to remember about the tickets you purchased. If you would like a refund then please do tell me or Ruby as we would love to refund you if needed or wanted in any way. I've had enough information from you guys as that's all I needed to know. Have a good day." I then look up at Bill and noticed him have just...a blank face? He was staring me down...dankers this sure is threatening, but...manager would be disappointed in me if I did this. Mabel wouldn't approve of this. Gosh...I then stared back at the group and noticed them just staring at Bill...I then noticed Pyronica...she was recording this?...oh...good? Well there isn't any point in stopping her.
      "Oh? Pff masky ya see...I'm not going anywhere without getting any information that we want. We want answers masky so I kindly ask of you to answer us! Haha unless...you have a problem with that?" He continued to stare at me while I'm simply staring back with no whatsoever emotions surrounding my face.
       'Shit...threats at its finest. Tables have turned. He's taller, but I did basically push him onto the floor...but he didn't suspect that. He has his guard up. Looks rather tense as if already ready for positions. What to do what to do....gosh..two can play it that game Bill Cipher...I'm n h ot d e is l ap p pointing m m y mo e ther.'
       "My, my, my. I wouldn't have any trouble with that at all, but you see I am quite a busy person who also has other things planned for myself so I sadly can't. Also. Even if I'm forced to answer questions...what's there to question? Bill...you're crew and yourself are quite charming, but...you're alarmed. You're instincts of survival are kicking in over such a person like me? Though you want answers there's not much to quite frankly ask. So I now must kindly ask you to leave and never talk about this situation to anyone and keep it amongst yourself unless you'd want me to find out something...then go ahead." I then smile at them and walk towards the door and open it for them...they aren't moving? They're just staring at Bill. He's still staring at me which is... uncomfortable, but he then smirks...I'm screwed.
       "Well damn masky! Hah! You think you can fool me?! I can leave, but...I can also question your manager about you! So choose masky! Either come with use for questioning or we question your manager! What's the choice?" He then smiled and chuckled while my eyes widened in fear and terror. I immediately responded with no hesitation.
       "I'll come with you." I probably said it too quickly as Bill looked almost surprised at this, but he then nodded and walked towards me.
       "Let's get going shall we?" He then puts his arm out like a gesture and...I wasn't playing his bullshit so I just walked pass him and went to find Ruby, before telling them of course.
       "Ruby!" I screamed out her name in a loud whisper as she was fixing her hair?
       "Oh! Dipper there you are! Hey do you know where Mabel is cause we still have people waiting outside and-" I then interrupted her.
       "She forgot about it, I'll get her later, but listen Ruby. I'm going somewhere with some people and..well yeah that's it, but I need you to get Mabel so she can go have actual communication with her fans that bought the tickets and I need you to stay by her side just in case anything happens. And...another thing."
       "What? And Dipper who are you going with?!" She then has a suddenly worried face...but she shouldn't even be apart of my problems. She already has to deal with Mabel...damnit.
       "..I don't know them so well, but....do not tell manager about any of this. Ok?"

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