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       A silence was followed.

       Dipper could only stare in shock and surprise, his eyes widened as Vincent had a blank face on, the two processing the situation.

       "Oh, sorry my hand must've slipped!~" A voice spoke up, the sarcasm being strong..the brunette quickly looked behind him. He actually didn't even notice the people that sat on the table behind them. His face still flushed over Vincents comment, but his eyes could only widen even more as he took in the persons appearance.

       "..Bi-Bill?" He muttered out loud, causing the blondes attention to go towards him. He was literally sat behind Masons chair- how in the hell did the male not notice him? Maybe he was too focused on the black haired male.

       Bill rested his arms on the top of the chair, his chin resting on his palms after he put the glass he held down. A wide, smug smile planted on his face. "Nice seeing ya here, Pinetree! Didn't notice!"

       The two males already felt the glare behind them, Vincent wasn't even saying a word. He just..glared, a cold stare as he felt the liquid run down his head, staining his shirt and making him feel a bit sticky.

       ..Vincent knew it was intentional. Obviously it was intentional, he saw the way the blonde stood up from his seat behind them, the way he put his glass up, the way the pink haired woman immidietly stood and made it look like she was trying to reach for the drink..the way they tried to make it look like am accident.

       "Oh, you sly bitch-" His voice was interrupted by the brunette who quickly stood, stammering as we got out of his seat.

       "Ah!- UM, I'll go ge-get some napk-napkins!" With that, he left. Leaving the group alone in utter chaos, well- a bit. The aura was threatening near them, almost like a near death experience. Bill just smiled down at the male who looked more pissed, meanwhile the crew didn't say a word..it felt like a stand off. Who would shoot first.

       "Much apologies for disturbing your lovely conversation with Dipper, but let me tell ya something, pal!" Will was about to stop the blonde, but with no avail, the guy got off of his seat. Immidietly sitting on the table in which they sat, as he sat next to Vincent, he slung an arm over the guys shoulder, a glare forming, but his generous smile stayed.

       A cheery sigh escaped his mouth, before he let out a dark chuckle. Looking straight at the males eyes, his stare turning colder. "I know who you are and what you've done. Lay another hand on Dipper, and I won't hesitate to cut off your hands and ball out your eyes. I know many people that could just expose you in a blink, you mess with the guy, then you might as well prepare your funeral." Afterwards a childish laugh came out of him as he roughly pat the guys shoulder, causing Vincent to wince slightly.

       "Being known well in an industry sure helps, ya know! Ive met many lawyers, each a professional and could already help me bail out of jail if I've ever put my..frustration into something else. It hadn't happened, but I love using my advantages!"

       He then stood again, his smile never leaving as he moved his seating. Now sitting on the opposite end in which Dipper sat in before, he then spoke again, not letting Vincent say a word.

       "Will! Pyronica! Why don't you two come over here? I'm sure we can add more onto this fascinating meet up, am I correct?" The two just sighed, both having different tones in it. Will sounded done with it, already tired, menawhile Pyronica was estatic, pratically celebrating about the scene.

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