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3rd pov
      As Dipper (or Mabel) went to the car, Pyronica was staring out the window waiting for them to leave. Not in a rather rude manner, but for some privacy and so they wouldn't over hear anything or be suspicious. Though she can be an idiot at some times, she does know what she's doing. Sometimes. Anyways she finally saw them leave and immediately went to phone Will.
P:Will are you there?!

W: Yeesh Pyronica! Yeah I'm fucking alive. Anyways whatcha want?


W: Wh- oh shiiittttttt...

P: Theres something suspicious..and we need to find out more.

W: Well I mean I don't really know. Like I know where your going at, but I mean c'mon. Bill would be pissed at us. Like he's always been pissed at us about our whole idea of Mabel.

P:..*sigh* yeah I know...whiCHHHHH IS WHY WE'LL BRING HIM WITH US. Maybe he just feels left out?

W: C'mon Pyronica...he's hated Mabel ever since she said shit about him.

P: But that was like I don't know..2 years ago?? He should get over it.

W: Yeah, but last time we interviewed Mabel she was way too judgemental...but I mean if we show the recent clip of our live stream that shows Mabel's response to my question then maybe he'll also be suspicious and then we'll be able to go to that concert and buy some tickets so we can take a closer look.

P: NOW YOU'RE THINKING! C'mon let's go over to your house so we can tell Bil about everything.

W:..fine. Gosh Bill will be so pissessed..

P: Aw it'll be finnnneeee. Anyways baiii love YOUUU no hetero! K baiiii-

End of call
       Pyronica then put on a hurt dramatic face.
       "HE FUCKING HANGED UP ON ME! OH HOW DARE THAT LIL SHIT?!" She screams. She then enters out of the building\studio to walk to Wills place. Though she could've rode there, she wanted to walk and it's not like it was so far. It was quite close. Just a few houses and stores down and Bam she's there!
        'Why do you act so differently Mabel? That's the biggest thing I question. Just from what I heard you say about Bill...it's so confusing. Last time we talked you sounded like you knew him and was an asshole..and you suddenly don't know him? I understand that maybe you were acting..but no one can act THAT good..' She thought while walking. She then remembers the last time she spoke to Mabel (real Mabel).
Flash back 3rd pov
       Pyronica and Mabel were in the studio. Though Mabel thought they were live streaming they actually weren't. Pyronica saw something different about the appearance of Mabel. Her hair wasn't as poofy, she had that selfish grin, her hair was more round then messed up. She knew she was with the bratty version and she didn't want to ruin her reputation. Though she didn't actually know what was happening in Mabel's families life..she knew that there were different people somehow. She couldn't point her finger on what was happening, but she had the gut feeling to mute the live stream so no one could hear them.
    As Pyronica picked up the phone she looked at Mabel who was checking out her nails like a bitch. She also glanced at the live stream to check if it was mute. She answered it knowing Will was there...including Bill who would overhear the conversation with them.
       "Yes? AH WELL HELLO PERSON I TOTALLLLYYYYY DO NOT KNOW. HOW DO YOU DO STRANGER???..is he in the room with you?" She said while whispering the last part so the guest in the room wouldn't hear.
        "..Oh my Lord, Pyronica, you're such a dumbass..but yeah he's here. Anyways I'm not on speaker now, am I?" He says while rubbing the bridge of his nose due to frustration.
       "Um...YEAH YOU'RE ON SPEAKER NOW SIR! HAHA WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO QUESTION MABEL PINES?!" She says while putting on a smile and ignoring the comment boost of people asking why it was mute.
       "..fuck my ears..anyways uh Mabel? What do you think of Bill-" Will was interrupted by a scoff.
       "Bill?..As in Bill Cipher? I don't take a liking towards the poser, he's an arrogant bastard who doesn't know when to shut up. Though I can see why with the amount of rude comments he can never seem to keep to himself~ I see him as a rival. An immature asshole of a rival. I'm not here to start anything, but I'm pretty sure he always has something to say! Isn't that right, Billly boy?~ Always having something to say just for clout. But I can see why he may not like my music- hell, I don't like it myself. Never took interest in it..mainly on what I have to wear during those performances I play in. Disgusting, horrendous clothing just because I have to. It's what happens when you get slut shamed for no reason by the Ciphers! I really, really despise each thing I'm forced to wear! That brat- I mean I really love humiliating myself from time to time~..Why do you think I change out of it after I finished?!" Mabel then starts to burst out in laughter at her own comments, while a confused Pyronica is staring at her..I mean, who wouldn't? She just insulted herself which is strange since right now shes usually known for her self confidence..and well she did almost say brat, but quickly corrected herself..so who was she thinking about before she interrupted herself? After she finished laughing, Pyronica tries to speak, but them Will immediately hangs up in a hurry while you can hear a furious bill screaming and cursing at Mabel, which you could barely hear due to Mabel's obnoxious laughter, but it soon died down to the point the female was just calling down her breathing. A smug smile laid on her face..There was then an akward silence and Mabel just got up and said her goodbyes while heading out the door.
       "W-wait! Shouldn't you uh answer more questions?" Pyronica question, desperately trying to have Mabel stay.
       "I have more important things to attend to, as of now, you're wasting my time. I'm no fool, lady. I plan on seeing you after a few days if you really are desperate! Bye-bye!" She says gleefully while slamming the door shut. Pyronica then un-mutes the stream and just awkwardly laughs while saying bye and then turns out the stream leaving fans confused. Though people didn't think anything of it, Pyronica was full on making mental notes on what just happened while panicking thinking if what Bill was going to say towards Mabel if they ever met.
End of flash back
       It just seemed rather odd to Pyronica. Others can say she was on her period, but there's always these sudden changes in her personality and actions. It's...strange. No one can just have periods repeatedly..unless it was actually a disease or some shit like that..but that has never really happened so she can't say anything about that.
       After a few minutes she realized she was in front of Bills Ciphers house which had guards in front of the gate that surrounded the big ass house.  Due to the amount of times the guards have seen her they just let her in with no questions asked. Pyronica lets out a sigh and then walks towards the door to the house. She gulps in fear and then slowly knocks.
       The door opened revealing a rather worried Will that was a sweaty mess.
       "Lord what happened to you!?" Pyronica question as I mean it's not so normal to look like that in a place that you live in.
       "B-bill..he's kinda pissed since ya know he also heard Mabel's response again so I tried calming him down..haha...and um now he's kinda stomping around the house and I was afraid of what he'll do if he see's you here..so I kinda ran while tripping a few times." He says while panting. Pyronica just lets out and "oh" and then quietly enters the house. They both slowly make their way to the living room where it seems to be where a pissed Bill is.
       As they enter they see a pissed as hell Bill stomping around the fancy couch while cursing "Mabel" under his breath. Saying things such as "That lil fucking bitch" or "I swear to demons I'm gonna explode" or "That bitch thinks she can just get away with this?". Pyronica and Will look at each other nervously then just look at Bill waiting for his tantrum to stop.
        "What?" Bill says in a deep harsh tone.
       "L-look..uh Bill. I get you're pissed and all, but..." Pyronica then looks at anywhere else, but bill, "IwasthinkingifwecanactuallygotoMabelsconcertsowecanjustseeyaknowthingsthatalsolooksuspiciousandwealsowantedtobringyouwithusesoyoudontgetleftoutalsoyou'reabetterobserverthanussohahahah...." Pyronica finished off with a big sigh as she was exhausted of saying so much.
       "No." Bill says plainly somehow looking even more pissed than he was before.
       "C'mon Bill! Theres so much to see about her performance! We've never been there, but we've heard others saying that shes wayyyyy more different when singing and as well as other times!! She also always finishes off with a message that gets everyone so confused! We gotta see! There's something happening!" Will argues.
       "...Will. I fucking hate Mabel with ALL my soul. I am NOT going to pay for the tickets OR even go to that fucking concert..over my dead fucking body! And there is nothing to be suspicious about that brat! Y'all are just fucking weirdos!" Bill finishes off with a glare of hatred.
       "I get that you hate her..but there is something happening! How do you not notice?! EVERYONE is so suspicious of her. Like have you noticed that for some reason in some photoshoots that she has a flat chest and then somehow later on when we see her she has an actual chest?! That makes no SENSE! Also she sometimes looks thicker than usual meanwhile sometimes she looks skinnier. That isn't how the body works?! A BODY JUST CAN'T EASILY BE MORE SKINNY IN A DAY! Everyone is saying how she's "bi-polar", but something is far from that..I can sense it. I just can. With different hair styles and different bodies and different personalities. There's something happening and WE'RE going to the bottom of this. What if the entire Pines family is actually secretly being abducted and being forced to do these things?! What if there's someone threatening them? What if-" Pyronica's monologue then gets interrupted by Bill.
       "LOOK. You sound like a fucking weirdo. Like seriously the chest?! The fucking hairstyle?! Her body?! ARE YOU SERIOUS?! C'mon guys. It could just be lighting and maybe she's bi-polar. I don't know..but I am not EVER going to even be apart of this." Bill says in a pissed tone.
       "..c'mon Bill. What if something is happening? And if nothing's happening..then can we at least go and hear her music? Just because you hate her doesn't mean we shouldn't like her." Will says while crossing his arms.
       "Ughhhhh...fine. God damnit Will. But just this once ok?" Bill replies as he pushes back his hair. Pyronica and Will then cheer and start screaming in delight.
       "Can we also have backstage tickets?!" They both say in sync.

          'This sure is going to be hell' Was bills final thoughts as he has to deal with his crazy friends.

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