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       There they stood. Both the brunette and the blonde, awkwardly standing as they stared at the person who answered the door.

       Dipper went to recalling what happened right after their laughter died down, a small smile forming up on his face, feeling himself wanting to cheer.


       The two stared at eachother, Dipper having a gentle smile that spreaded across his face, meanwhile Bill was still chuckling to himself..

       They didn't even know what they were laughing about, they just found themselves all giggly after the events, but they were glad that it was to make the situation a bit more positive.

       "We should probably get going.." The brunette spoke up, a few couple of giggles escaping him as he wiped his tears with his palm, looking up at the blonde who only nodded with a smile.

       Dipper sighed to himself, walking ahead as the blonde began to catch up, but before he did, the brunette spoke up, looking back at him with a sweet, soft smile. "You know, you're an asshole, but..at least you can recognize that."

       "Ouch, my feelings have been stabbed~" Bill responded back, walking along side Dipper as they continued their path. The two speaking normally as if nothing happened, but..they did think it was important to speak about..everything.

       "..there's something Ruby would tell me. Any time someone would apologize to me or her, she would always tell me the same things," The male began, his gaze now at the ground as he took note of how both walked in sync, he continued, "but I didn't question it. Usually, but..I did agree with it. I remember her exact words even as of now. That "an apology isn't a statement from the person in question, it should be a promise they'll say to make it up to them. If not, drop them.". And usually, I kinda thought that was a bit harsh of her, but..I could kinda see why now."

       "She's pretty cold to be honest, but I don't blame her, I suppose..but she isn't lying when she says that."

       "Guess not. I remember when Mabel would apologize to me after she may have accidentally hurt me in a way..she apologized a lot in our childhood. But she kinda apologized as if it fixed everything, and I did see it as a bit childish of her when I was younger, but..well she was a child and so was I. We just had..different mindsets?"

       Bill slightly winced at the mention of the female brunette, but he didn't say much. "Will also did the same, but he was a crybaby anytime he said sorry. Always began to cry after I said I didn't forgive him. I was a HUGE asshole as a kid, I always made him cry whether intentional or not, but we somehow always made up. My parents honestly fucking despised whenever we argued, but they lived through it!" He smiled after hearing Dipper let out a giggle.

       "..I never asked, but..where are your parents?"

       "Well first off, they're not dead!" Bill chuckled out, seeing a relief expression show up on the brunette before continuing, "They moved to another state when they had enough money to get some new ass house, I had to help them with the pay obviously, but ya know, they're kinda on a forever vacation after taking care of me and Will. And I respect them for that, but I haven't called them in awhile..I was a bit busy."

       "Mm. When was the last time you visited them?"

       "Six months ago, from what I can remember. I stayed there for a week or so, but I had to leave because of some other meetings and photoshoots..I was a bit upset with that, but ya know, I couldn't do much!"

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