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3rd pov

       How in the ever loving lord did he forgot about his mask? Out of all the things he could've forgotten, he could've forgotten his ukulele or underwear, but no..he had to forget the stuff that hid his identity.

       "Hey? Are you..alive? Pinetree?" Bills voice rang through the brunettes ears as he simply shoved his face deeper into Bills chest in shame and embarrassment. He felt stupid that he even forgot about something so important. Wills voice then spoke from behind the brunette.

       "Hey, sapling! There's nothing to be embarrassed about! Its just your face, right?" Dipper simply responded with muffled words that were too hard to comprehend as the group asked him to repeat. The embarrassed boy slowly took his face off of Bills shirt, only really letting Bill to see part of his face. Dipper had small tears in his eyes due to how stupid and ashamed he felt, his cheeks and the tip of his nose were flushed as his hair was slightly messy from his nap. His eyes were glossy due to the tears slightly blinding him, his lips were slightly apart as he was about to speak.

       "You guys weren't suppose to see my actual face..." His small shy voice was slightly heard in the silent room, only for the group to finally realize about his mask. In all honesty, the crew was so worried that they didn't even notice his face. Heck, they couldn't even remember it! It seemed blurry for some reason, but Bill..he just barely saw his true face. And, oh boy was he gushing over it. Pyronica awed at the brunettes tone as Will blinked in curiosity and surprise.

       "Well what's so wrong about your face? It's not hideous, its pretty cute.." Bill interrupted the silence with his compliment as the brunettes face seemed to flush more as he dug his face deeper into the blondies chest.

       "Mmm, but I'm not allowed to show my face..and I barely know you guys so this isn't helping.." Dipper felt embarrassed and so retarded, he didn't want to look at anyone, he then continued his attention towards Bill, "..and you weren't suppose to see any part of my face.." Dipper flushed even harder as he remembered Bills compliment. Gosh his face felt hot and he thought he probably looked like a tomato. Will took note about how the brunettes ears would as well flush when embarrassed or nervous, it somehow happened frequently when he was near the crew. Will sighed and had an idea.

       "Well if you don't want to show your face, then that's fine I suppose, but I get that this is wrong timing and it's alright if you want to decline, but..do you think it'll be alright if we continue our questioning with you? You can cover your face with a pillow if you'd like!" Masons eyes widened as he now realized..his mother- manager wasn't here anymore. It hurt to see her leave, but maybe..just maybe..someone could help him. Oh, but what would his manager think about this? He was trying to make her proud..and he's already failing. He should just stop and continue making his mother smile. Maybe..she'll go back to normal- Oh, what was the brunette thinking. Of course his mother wouldn't change, it's been years and years and it only became worse..he knows he needs help. He knows what his mother is doing isn't right. And he's not backing down from his plan..there were two sides of the boy. One, wanted to continue helping his mother and make her smile and be proud, it didn't matter if he was a toy...but another wanted to be free. The other knew this wasn't right, the other one knew he wanted to be free..the other one knew he had to escape. It was a war between the two decisions and it always ended up in them combining together.

       "Okay...lets continue the questioning..I'm alright with it. Give me a pillow...please." Dipper started to become more shy without even knowing, this..it was the real Dipper. The Dipper that was shy near new people and nervous anytime he felt the cold aura, but..he was also brave. Brave to even speak. Bill awed at the shy boy he was holding, he wasn't quite use to the less threatening boy who didn't hit anyone. He wasn't the pinetree that was terrified of everyone..it felt odd, but it felt so right. The blondie handed over the brunette his pillow that Dipper was hugging before they interrupted his nap. The brunette immidietly hugged it and covered his face with it, he was still embarrassed and felt even more embarrassed that it was Bills pillow. He could smell the coffee and honey scent, it calmed him down slightly, but not fully. Dipper scooted off of Bill and moved to his side while leaning against the wall, his knees were up to his chest as the pillow was between them, he hugged the soft fabric as he nodded as a gesture to continue. Pyronica was gushing and was practically capturing this scene with her eyes, Will smiled as he realized that the boy was slightly opening up, Bill just blushed as the brunette hugged his own pillow,  he noticed the brunettes embarrasment and chuckled thinking it was adorable.

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