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(small tw for suicidal thoughts, it's not described so much, but still,,)

       In a matter of seconds, Dipper scooted away from the male on top of him. Sitting back up as he spoke at a fast pace, his whisper being harsh.

       "What the hell, Vincent?! You can't just break in someone's home!"

       The male in front of him chuckled, sitting up as his smug face was already making the brunette a bit more annoyed. "Didn't think you would have such an attitude, but okay. And what happened to you? Your face is all covered up in bandages- not a bad look, but still.."

       "..dont wanna talk about it..and you literally climbed through my window, with no permission whatsoever. How am I suppose to react?- Nevermind..what are you doing here? I don't think Ruby would like to walk in some random person in my room.."

       The brunette began to shift uncomfortably as he sat. Was he prepared to even speak to a human being as of now? No. He actually wasn't, he wasn't even in the mood..his memories and mood just made him a bit frustrated and it didn't help that Vincent thought it would be a good idea to visit him..it was honestly a surprise to him that he was even acting like this. A bit off for him to even try to argue back or speak up, but he didn't complain..he liked it. It felt like he was himself again. Kind of.

       "Can a man not visit someone they love?~"

       "Wh-..alri-alright? Um.." He looked away, avoiding eye contact as he stood up, before continuing, "I'm-..I'm going to go change clothes? Um..you-..do whatever you want? Okay..alright, bye?"

        With that, he walked over to his drawers, quickly grabbing some pair of joggers. He was really only going to put on pants, but he did also need to fix himself up a bit..like wash his face. Well anything to make him feel less awkward..

       Walking towards the bathroom, he shut the door, sighing to himself before putting on the joggers. It was sadly quick to put on, but..he could still procrastinate, right? He didn't know why, but..he was more wary about Vincent. Something didn't feel right. Maybe it was because that creature thing literally bit the living shit of his hip, in which VINCENTS scent was laid on. And it didn't help that during that morning, the guy was way too touchy for his liking..and to add even more, he wasn't helping his touch starved self at all and was just forcing him to be more desperate. Did he enjoy his touch? He hated to admit it, but yes. Absolutely..did he enjoy the males praise? Yes. Sadly he did. Did he enjoy the way he acted? No..he hated that.

       "..can't even take a break from anything, can I?" Muttering to himself, he went over to the sink. Splashing his face with water before drying it with a towel, afterwards he just stared at himself. What else was he to do? How was he going to deal with the guy that barged into his room? He didn't know. All he could do was have a crisis..

       Sometimes, he wondered what happened to him. What caused all this? Why couldn't he see what others did?..Why couldn't he seem to be himself completely?

       His mother.

      His stupid mother.

       He didn't like feeling this, but god fuck, was he pissed at her..he was already pissed enough, but lords, she added way more rage onto him.

       That woman.

       That manipulative shit-..but she wasn't the only one to blame.

       His father? He was also pissed at that guy!

       He left them! He knew it was for the great or good, but he left him AND Mabel with their mother!..

       The guy knew what the woman could do. And what did he do? He left them. Didn't even try to win custody over them when they divorced.

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